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Tactical Media. Erik Kluitenberg. Tactical Media. Politiek in de nieuwe media landschap. ‘ take the square’ vs. Electronic isolation . Yes-Man discussie: Rol amateurs , Affective labour . No definition , no strateg and lack of permanence . Tactical vs. Strategic . Archive.
Tactical Media Erik Kluitenberg
Tactical Media. • Politiek in de nieuwe media landschap. • ‘take the square’ vs. Electronic isolation. • Yes-Man • discussie: • Rol amateurs , Affectivelabour. • No definition, nostrateg and lack of permanence. • Tactical vs. Strategic.
Archive • ‘Tactical Media has alwaysexisted in anuncomfortablespacebetween a fluidity of practicethatby nature resistedoroutrightrefused to benamed, and the recogintionthatit is constantlysaddledwithdesignationsbythosewho are uncomfortablewithunnamedconcepts’ (24). • ‘The archive and itsconstruction, at their core, monumentaliseobjects and events, and naturalise the mythologisation of actionsthat are purpose and interest driven’. (25)
Culture Jamming. • ‘What has happened is the greatest work of art there has ever been’ (Stockhausen). • Sublime. • ‘Stockhausen’s remarks seemed to reflect the fact that he found himself, as an artist, powerless to respond to the breakdown of the symbolic order, hence his acknowledgement of the superior power of this event’ (27). • Activismevoor en na 9/11.
Culture Jamming. • Naomi Klein • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0TQR1kVs0k • Substance vs. Symbols. • Klein: ‘Maybe the image wars are coming to a close’ (28). • ‘Culture jammerscouldcynicallybedescribed as anouter-edge and whollyunpaid research and developnentdepartmentfor the global marketing industry’ (30).
Culture Jamming. • Symbolen zijn de enige weg voor media activisten. • ‘Breaking out of the consumermindscapetakes a fundamental shift of perspective, anepiphany, afterwhicheverything is seenwithneweyes’. (31) • Andere kunstprojecten: • Chance 2000
The spectre of affectivelabour ‘In short, we candistinguishthree types of immateriallaborthat drive the service sector at the top of the informationaleconomy. • The first is involved in anindustrialproductionthat has been informationalized and has incorporatedcommunicationtechnologies in a waythattransforms the industrialproductionprocessitself. Manufacturing is regarded as a service and the materiallabor of the production of durablegoodsmixeswith and tendstowardimmateriallabor. • Second is the immateriallabor of analytical and symbolictasks, whichitself breaks down intocreative and intelligent manipulationonone hand and routine symbolictaskson the other. • Finally, a third type of immateriallaborinvolves the production and manipulation of affects and requires (virtualoractual) human contact and proximity. These are the three types of laborthat drive the postmodernizationorinformationalization of the globaleconomy’. (Michael Hardt) http://makeworlds.org/node/60
Affectivelabour • ‘Bybiopower I understand the potential of affectivelabor. Biopower is the power of the creation of life; it is the production of collectivesubjectivities, sociality, and society itself. The focus onaffects and the networks of the production of affectsreveals these processes of socialconstitution. What is created in the networks of affectivelabor is a form-of-life.’ (Hardt).
Media Squares • ‘The overlaying of physical public spacewithnovel kinds of technicalprotocols and theirwirelessnetworkcapacitiesengenders the intensifiedhybridisation of embodiedsocialspaces.’ 43 • ‘Thisspace of opportunitybecame evident in the excessivemediation of het ‘movements of the squares: …’
Media Squares • Twitterrevolution? • ‘Itseemsthenthatthere was a dialectic of events online and beyond the screen thatulitmatelyproducedthisremarkable protest.’ (44) • ‘And Tahrir protesters wereconstantlyaware of the potential and the danger of beingseenorremaininghidden. At nightpanickedvoicesdescribedwhattheyfearedotherscouldn’torwouldn’tsee. (45)
Media Squares • Maar ook transgressie. • ‘There is an air of intense excitementthatpervades the photographs and video’s of the revolution, a seeminglytransgressive type of ecstasy’ (45). • ‘The moment of reconnection to what is most sacred is embodiedon the streets and squares and is simultaneouslyusharedwith a network of billions. Thisecstaticexperience is truly a jouissance.’ (46).
Alain Badiou • Gebeurtenis – moment waarop de normale ordening van de wereld ophoudt te bestaan, en waarop de waarheid geopenbaard wordt. • Gebeurtenis Spartacus. • ‘Wij zijn allen slaven’. • Marx – ‘Proletariers aller landen, verenigt U’. • Emancipatie staat centraal voor Badiou. • ‘whenit comes to liberty, equality and emanicipation, we oweeverything to popularriots’.
Badiou over Egypte • ‘The event is the abrupt creationnot of a newreality, but of a myriad of newpossibilities. None of them is the repetition of what is alreadyknown’. • Iemand verbrandt zich in Tunesie en zet hele proces op gang. • Maxime: ‘We, the sons of workers and peasants, are stronger than the criminals’. • Mensenwordeneeneenheid. • ‘In the wake of an event, the people comprises those who know how to resolve the problems posed by the event’. • Mensen nemen het recht in handen, verenigen zich en maken stap na stap een nieuw wereld mogelijk.
Badiou • Democratie is niet het doel, maar de revolutionairebeweging.’ • ‘Communism’ means here: the creation in common of the collective destiny.’ • ‘The Tunisian and the Egyptian people are telling us: raise up, construct the public site of movement communism, and defend it by all possible means while inventing the successive steps of our action - such is the reality of the popular politics of emancipation.’
Deleuze/Guattari/Massumi • Rol affecten. • Narcisme (Egypte/alterglobalisme) of geloof in de leidende figuur (Iran) kan nooit voldoende zijn.
Badiou’s lezing van Arabische revolutie. • http://kasamaproject.org/2011/03/01/alan-badiou-during-arab-revolts-the-universal-reach-of-popular-uprisings/ • The Rebirth of History: Times of Riots and Uprisings • https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1348015358597.pdf