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Budget Study Session FY 2011-12. Community Services and Parks Department - General Fund April 27, 2011. Department Overview. Mission Statement
Budget Study SessionFY 2011-12 Community Services and Parks Department - General Fund April 27, 2011
Department Overview Mission Statement To enhance the quality of life by providing safe, and well-maintained parks and public spaces; preserving open space and historic resources; providing services that address the physical, recreational, social, and economic needs of the community; and creating opportunities for renewal, growth and enrichment.
Department Overview • Core Services Administrationis responsible for fiscal and personnel management, research and analysis, clerical support services, staff support to the Community Services and Parks, Arts & Culture Commission, Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee, and grant administration.
Department OverviewCore Services Cont. Park Planning & Development is responsible for the renovation of existing facilities, the preservation of historical sites, the planning, design and development of new parks and recreation facilities, land acquisition for the development of new and expanded parks and recreation facilities, and the preservation of open space.
Department OverviewCore Services Cont. Park Services is responsible for landscape maintenance and light and heavy facility maintenance of all of the developed parks, ball fields, historic buildings and recreation facilities throughout the City, including managing a landscape maintenance contract for non-department facilities, such as Fire Stations, GWP pump houses, Libraries, and City medians.
Department OverviewCore Services Cont. Recreation and Community Services is responsible for development, management and operation of sports and recreation programs and facilities, including parks, ball fields, community centers, historic buildings, an aquatics program, an art studio, a skate park, an auditorium, a sports complex, picnic area reservations, facility rentals and special events planning and implementation. In addition, this section operates life long learning programs, youth and teen programs, senior programs, and programs for persons with special needs.
Department OverviewCore Services Cont. Community Development Block Grant/Homeless is responsible for planning management and oversight of the federal grant programs including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency shelter Grant (ESG) and Supportive Housing Program (SHP) homeless programs targeted to address the needs of low-income families, including seniors, at-risk youth, and the homeless. In collaboration with community agencies, these funds help to provide social services, improve community centers, and revitalize neighborhoods.
Department OverviewCore Services Cont. Workforce Development performs grant administration, program development, competitive grant fund development and operation of employment and training programs and business services, including the Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA), operation of the Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) and staff to the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB).
Department Overview • FUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS – General Fund Park Services - General park maintenance and improvements • Turf maintenance • General building repairs-all facilities • Tree and plant maintenance • Restroom and janitorial maintenance • Graffiti and vandalism • Sports field maintenance • Contracts and contract administration
Department OverviewFUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS Cont. Park Services Cont… - Support to CIP projects - Pest control - Pond maintenance - Glendale Beautiful support/Arbor day - Holiday lights and decorations - City wide event clean-up - Steam cleaning
Department OverviewFUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS Cont. Recreation and Community Services - City wide sports operations - ARC facility operations - ARC programs - Pacific facility operations - Pacific Pool - Pacific drop in gym - Youth park and play - Maple facility operations - Sparr facility operations - Brand facility operations
Department OverviewFUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS Cont. Recreation and Community Services Cont… - Skate park - Leisure Guide - Open space and trails - City wide special events - Aquatics High Schools/wading pools - Adult sports - Youth and family services - Club Maple therapeutic recreation program - Day Laborer Center
Department OverviewFUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS Cont. Recreation and Community Services Cont… - Day Camps - Contract classes - Facility rentals - Youth/teen Programs - Concerts & Movies in the Parks program - Community center special programs
Department OverviewFUNCTIONS/PROGRAMS Cont. Administration - GYA administration - Grant development and management - Support to CIP - Support to CDBG - Support to Workforce Development - Arts and Culture Commission support
Reductions Since FY 2007-08 • 11.5 positions were eliminated • 8 CIP positions were moved from General Fund to CIP Fund • Hourly wage budget was reduced in • 5 Community Centers • GYA Program • City Wide Sports • Two Recreation Programs (LINKS and CIT) were eliminated Continued…
Reductions Since FY 2007-08 Cont. • 40% of a Gardener position was moved to Enterprise Fund • Cruise Night budget supported by General Fund was moved to Redevelopment Agency • Travel budget was eliminated • Total Budget reductions from 2007-08 through 2010-11 was over $1,660,000
Service Level Impacts • Open Space and Trails: Education, awareness, outreach, hiking and trail maintenance program will be eliminated and to maintain a semblance of program there will be a greater reliance on volunteers and grant development. Public will continue to have full access to trails. • Aquatics: Families that use this summer only program, at Glendale and Crescenta Valley High schools will have to use either Hoover High School, or Pacific Pool.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Special Events (Winter Wonderland, Holiday Tree Lighting, Easter Eggstravaganza, Swing Nights): Loss of City tradition and opportunity for community participation, community engagement, social interaction and physical activity. • Rose Float: Loss of community tradition, unless another funding source is identified and secured.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Day Laborer Program: The center will close and approximately 50 men and women that use the center, of which 50% obtain employment, will have to resort to another means of finding work. It’s questionable how this impacts the City’s solicitation ordinance. • Leisure Guide: Eliminating print copies will impact 17,000subscribers annually and will diminish awareness of programs offered by CSP, which will decrease enrollment, participation, revenues and promotion of the City.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Day Camps: General fund cost transferred to the enterprise fund. The fees would have to be increased impacting low income families. • Facility Rentals: No impact; general fund cost transferred to the enterprise fund. • Contract Classes: No impact; general fund cost transferred to the enterprise fund.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Youth and Family non-profit capacity building: Non-profit organizations will have to find another source to obtain capacity building technical assistance. • Teen programs: Loss of three Teen Equinox events with an average attendance of 300 per event.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Youth/Teen Workshops: Approximately 10 life skills training workshops affecting approximately 180 at-risk youth will be eliminated and will have to be picked up by non-profit organizations for youth to be served. • Steam cleaning/pressure washing: Parking lots, walk-ways and picnic areas will not be as clean as they are and may become less desirable to the public.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Concerts & Movies in the Park: Loss of free entertainment, social interaction and physical exercise for families during the summer (500-600 average attendance). • Adult Sports: General fund cost transferred to the enterprise fund. The fees would have to be increased.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Therapeutic Recreation Program Field Trips: Loss of extra curricular programming for 30 clients enrolled in the Club Maple program. • Tournaments: Loss of youth programming at Maple and Pacific community centers affecting approximately 200 youth.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Preparation & Cleanup of City Wide Events: Parks Services staff will not provide logistics and clean-up support for city wide special events. Event planner would be responsible for the service. • Maple, Pacific, extracurricular programming, i.e. Halloween, Santa, penny carnivals, family nights, etc.: Loss of free family events for low-income families. Penny carnivals held three times per year with 300 participants at each event, Halloween and Santa serve 100-300 annually and family nights held each month and serve 15-20 families each month.
Service Level Impacts Cont. • Senior and Therapeutic (Club Maple) Field Trips: Loss of program that serves 125-150 seniors and 30 developmentally disabled with eight-twelve field trips per year, including social interaction, mental stimulation and physical activity. • Montrose Christmas Parade Support: Will have to scale down event or find another source of funding. • Aquatic contract classes: No impact; general fund cost transferred to the enterprise fund.
Staffing & M&O Reductions • Staff Reductions • Total FTE reductions 9.56 • Total Full-Time reductions 4.81 • Filled vs. Vacant 4.81 vs. 0 • Total Hourly FTE Reductions 4.75 • M&O Reductions • Total of $401,000, including $204,000 in Contractual Services.
Conclusion Questions and Comments