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Respiratory System

Respiratory System. Anatomy. The respiratory system starts from the nose, mouth, larynx, trachea, and the two lungs. Within the lungs, the bronchi transport air with oxygen to the alveoli on inspiration and carry waste gases (e.g. carbon dioxide) away on expiration.

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Respiratory System

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  1. Respiratory System

  2. Anatomy • The respiratory system starts from the nose, mouth, larynx, trachea, and the two lungs.

  3. Within the lungs, the bronchi transport air with oxygen to the alveoli on inspiration and carry waste gases (e.g. carbon dioxide) away on expiration. • The acinus is the gas exchange unit of the lung and consists of branching respiratory bronchioles leading to clusters of alveoli. • Alveoli are tiny air sacs lined by flattened epithelial cells and covered in capillaries where gas exchanges occur

  4. The alveoli and capillaries have extremely thin walls and come into very close contact (the alveolar capillary membrane) so gases can rapidly diffuse between them. There are approximately 300 million alveoli in each lung for gas exchange with a total surface area of 40-80 meter square.

  5. The lungs has two blood supplies: 1) the bronchial arteries which arise from the aorta and supply oxygenated blood to the bronchial walls. 2) The pulmonary arteries which deliver deoxygenated blood to the capillaries surrounding the alveoli

  6. Symptoms 1) Cough 2) Sputum production 3) Hemoptysis 4) Chest pain 5) Breathlessness

  7. Symptoms 1 )Cough: Is a forced expulsive maneuver against an initially closed glottis. Causing characteristic sound. Can be acute (less than 3 weeks) or chronic (more then 8 weeks) The most common cause is acute viral infections of the upper airway system

  8. Cough (features) Prolonged wheezy coughing: asthma, COPD. Feeble non-explosive (bovine): lung cancer (paralysis of vocal cords), neuromsucular disease causing respiratory muscle weakness Moist cough: secretions from infection, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis. Noctunral cough: asthma

  9. Cough (causes) Chronic Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Asthma Post bronchial hyper-activity Rhinitis/sinusitis Cigarette smoking Drugs, ACE inhibitors Irritant dusts/fumes Lung tumors TB, Interstitial lung disease Bronchiectasis Acute: Viral respiratory tract infection Bronchitis Inhaled foreign body Inhalation of irritant dusts or fumes Pneumonia Acute extrinsic allergic alveolitis

  10. Symptoms 2) sputum production • Amount • Colour • Taste or smell Examples: • COPD and chronic bronchitis: clear mucoid sputum if there is no infection • Lower respiratory tract infection: yellowish sputum (presence of live neutrophils) • Ashtma: yellowish sputum (eosinophils) • Bronchiectasis: large volumes of purulent sputum varying with posture • Pulmonary edema: watery sputum with a pink tinge

  11. Symptoms 3) Hemoptysis Amount and appearance Duraion and frequency intermittent with recurrent infections over years: bronchiectasis Daily for a short periods (weeks) lung cancer, TB, abscess Single episodes with chest pain: pulmonary infarction.

  12. Hemoptysis (causes) Infection: Bronchiectais, Tuberculosis, lung abscess, cystic fibrosis Tumours: Lung cancer, endobronchial metastasis, bronchial carcninoid. Vascular: Pulmonary infarction, arteriovenous malformation Vasculitis. Trauma Foreign body, iatrogenic

  13. Hemoptysis (causes) Cardiac: Mitral Valve disease, acute left ventricular failure Hematological: Bleeding tendencies, anticoagulation

  14. Symptoms 4) Chest pain: • Pleural chest pain • Chest wall pain • Mediastinal chest pain

  15. Pleural chest pain • Is a sharp, stabbing pain and is intendified by inspiration or coughing caused by irritation of the parietal pleura. • Causes: Infection: pneumonia, bronchiectasis Pneumothorax Pulmonary infarction Connective tissue disease

  16. Chest wall pain Causes: Chornic cough/breathlessness Muscular pain Rib fractures Bony metastasis Thoracis shingles (herpes zoster)

  17. Mediastinal chest pain • Mediastinal chest pain is central, retrosternal and unrelated to respiration or cough. • Causes: Massive pulmonary embolism Acute myocardial infarction Aortic dissection Infection, irritant dusts Eshophagitis Mediastinitis Lymphadenopathy

  18. Symptoms 5) Breathlessness • Shortness of breath, difficulty getting enough air. • Mode of onset • Minutes: pulmonary thromboembolism, pneumothorax, asthma, inhaled forein body • Hours to days: pneumonia, asthma. • Weeks to months: Anemia, Pleural effuion, neruomuscular disease. • Months to years: COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, TB, Heart failure.

  19. Breathlessness Causes: Non cardio-respiratory: Anemia, Obesity, Psychogenic, Metabolic acidosis. Cardiac: Heart failure, mitral valve disease, pericarditis, pericaridal effusion Respiratory: Foreign body, Ashtma, COPD, Bronchiectasis, Lung cancer, pulomnary fibrosis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary hypertension, pneumothorax, kyphoscholiosis. Neumuscular disease.

  20. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern Inspection Accessory muscles Stridor Palpation Hoarseness Cyanosis Blood pressure Skin Appearances Percussion Hands Neck Ascultation Shape of chest

  21. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate

  22. Respiratory rate Average: 14 breath per minute Normal 12-20 breth per minute Tachypnea: Increased ventilatory drive: Fever Acute asthma, COPD exacerbation Reduced ventilatory capacity: Pneumonia, Pulmonary edema, interstitial lung disease. Decreased respiratory rate

  23. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern

  24. Breathing Patterns Periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes respiration) Hyperventilation Anxiety/emotional stress Metabolic acidosis (Kussmaul respiration)

  25. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern Accessory muscles Stridor

  26. Stridor A harsh, rasping or croaking inspiratory noise resulting from turbulent airflow in the upper airway, aggravated by coughing. Should always be investigated, can be an emergency Causes foreign body or tumour partially occluding larynx, trachea or main bronchus epiglottitis Air way edema

  27. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern Accessory muscles Stridor Hoarseness Cyanosis

  28. Cyanosis Is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes Can be Central of Peripheral

  29. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern Accessory muscles Stridor Hoarseness Cyanosis Blood pressure Skin Appearances Hands

  30. Hands • Clubbing (mild , moderate , gross ) Causes Familial Thoracic Non-Thoracic

  31. Thoracic Lung cancer Mesothelioma Pleural fibroma Esophageal cancer Thymoma Atrial myxoma IPF Bronchiectasis, lung abscess Empyema CF Bacterial Endocarditis Cyanotic congenital heart disease Lung AV malformation Non Thoracic Liver cirrhosis Celiac disease Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease

  32. Hands • Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy (combination of clubbing and thickening of periosteum (connective tissue lining of the bones) and synovium) • Discoloration of the finger and nails • Tremor Fine tremor Coarse flapping tremor (asterixis)

  33. Causes of flapping tremor Drugs barbiturates alcohol sodium valproate phenytoin carbamazaepine metoclopramide gabapentin ceftazidime opioids Respiratory failure/ CO2 retention Liver failure Renal failure Electrolyte disturbance Hypoglycemia Hypokalemia Hypomagensemia Wilson’s disease CNS Intracerebral hemorrhage subdural hematoma subarachnoid hemorrhage cerebral ischemia cerebral lymphoma

  34. Physical Examination of the respiratory system General Examination Examination of the thorax Respiratory rate Breathing pattern Accessory muscles Stridor Hoarseness Cyanosis Blood pressure Skin Appearances Hands Neck

  35. Neck JVP Neck Nodes

  36. will see you soon next year Thank you

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