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SESAR position on ATM Communication Technologies and future trends. Kors VAN DEN BOOGAARD, SESAR CIT Hanspeter KULHEN, SESAR Task 2.5 R - EADS Astrium Cedric D`SILVA, SESAR Task 2.5.2 O - Thales Avionics. Background. T oday’s ATM system is built on technology
SESAR position on ATM Communication Technologies and future trends Kors VAN DEN BOOGAARD, SESAR CIT Hanspeter KULHEN, SESAR Task 2.5 R - EADS Astrium Cedric D`SILVA, SESAR Task 2.5.2 O - Thales Avionics
Background • Today’s ATM system is built on technology • sometimes there are overlapping capabilities, and unnecessary fragmentation • It relies on highly skilled human-centered control to achieve safe separation. • Technological advancesin conjuntion with a futre ATM concept are needed to support air transport growth • Technology will support a future CNS-ATM infrastructure - the Enablers of future of ATM services need to be considered • Choices must be coordinated and rationalised • Transition steps to be recognised ; period during which coexistence of new and legacy componentsmay not yet giving full potential benefits.
NAV : materialise an maintain position from point-A to point-B B B A A C - N - S technologies in the ATM context : their purpose • SUR : control/verify that a/c is where it should be • COMM : corrective action, tactical • (also strategic & updated flight information)
future plans on-going trends current situation 2010 2005 2015 2020 2025 SESAR task 2.5.2 approach • SESAR TASK 2.5 establishes its material in two steps • Initially, for D1, identify the current technological status, including the ongoing and future trends • During D3, participate in the definition and selection process of the future “2020“ CNS-ATM system, where concept (2.2) and system architecture (2.4) needs will be analysed against technological capabilities for the future (2.5).
Summary regarding the CURRENT SITUATION • Gnd-Gnd (fixed comm.) • Intra-ANSP links (local choice ; low or no international standardisation) • Cross-Border links : ICAO standards (AFTN, CIDIN) • COTS productscompatible with service providers/operators market technologies (i.e. IP over cable or Fibre, VSAT also for remote fixed voice and data communication). • Air-Gnd (mobile comm.) • Voice : VHF 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz • Data comm. : VDL2/ATN initial data communication standard • Oceanic / remote : HF is the authorised aviation link ; SATCOM used for voice and data. • Radio spectrum is scarce resource • efficiently coordination and management needed today • Coordinate planning to prepare future • To support limited growth, short-lived gap-filler solutions exist today, BUT THE NEXT GENERATION ATM MUST BE PREPARED NOW
On-going TRENDS, as established at D1 • Migration from analogue to digital (mobile and fixed communication) • Ground fixed comm. : IP and VOIP • Mobile comm : • Continental ATC data ( e.g. L2000+) • Oceanic/Remote (SATdata, HFDL) • SatCom voice for primary use is also under study in oceanic and remote areas. / HF voice remains as backup • Different Communications needs • performance is dependant on application type • ATC, ATC, and APC are not seeking the same performance areas
Longer-term FUTURE TRENDS, as established at D1 • Communication : • is a key part of a robust C-N-S / ATM system : comm. reactivity (performance of the control loop, resilience to failure) is an essential partof a future ATM system, in a modernised concept where higher capacity is sought. • it is also needed for ATM co-operative concepts and for Information management. • Today: intrinsic "work or fail" nature of all technologies lead to constraining procedural reversions • Degraded and failure modes in the future should not extensively lower the ATM system capability • Future systems must be robust • Long-term : • Data becomes the primary means of communicationand supports automation • Information integration from all actors within the ATM network. • Voice services are mainly retained for backup • Security becomes highly relevant for voice and data communications.