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Team 7A. DRUID HILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL. SUPPLY LIST FOR 2014-2015. Agenda Planner - $5.00 2 composition notebooks.
Agenda Planner - $5.00 2 composition notebooks
3 packs notebook paper Pocket dictionary/thesaurus
2 - 2” three-ring binders 1 Poster Board
1 – 1” binder highlighters Ink pens- blue /black
Glue stick 4x6 index card pack
1 poster board Graph paper (8" 1/2" X11") standard size
Colored pencils Dry erase markers (black)
3 packs notebook dividers 3 packs #2 pencils and/or mechanical pencils
Construction paper (standard size & 11"X14") Colored paper (rainbow packs)
12" ruler Compass
Protractor Scissors
Items listed below will be collected by the homeroom teacher and housed in the classroom.
1 box of tissue 1 roll of paper towels 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 package of Expo dry erase markers or Vis-à-vis markers 1 ream of copy paper
1 ream of colored copy paper 1 container of Clorox wipes
Students will also need scrapbooks by October 1, 2014 for Social Studies. Please feel free to donate extra student supplies! We 7A teachers will make certain they are given to students who need them.
Mrs. Worlds – Language Arts, Mrs. Middour – Science, Ms. Jackson – Social Studies, Mr. Bullock – Math, Mr. Jackson and Ms. Swanston - Inclusion