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GROUP 7A. What are the general functions of a leader? Briefly describe each function; discuss what is wrong it a firm that ceteris paribus has i. ten vice presidents, all at the same level ii. Does not criticize its employees. What are the general functions of a leader?.
GROUP 7A • What are the general functions of a leader? Briefly describe each function; discuss what is wrong it a firm that ceteris paribus has • i. ten vice presidents, all at the same level • ii. Does not criticize its employees
What are the general functions of a leader? Briefly describe each function.
WHO IS A LEADER? • A leader is someone who guides and inspires others towards the achievement of organizational goals. • Remember, the difference between a boss and a leader... A boss says "Go" A leader says "Let's go“ • A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see. – Leroy Eimes
FUNCTIONS OF A LEADER • A Leader Represents The Group In The Outside World It is not possible for all members to directly deal with other groups. The leader assumes the role of representative of the group in its external relations. All communications are channeled through the leader.
A Leader As An Executive The leader has a very important function of coordinating the activities of the group. So a leader in his executive capacity does not carry out work but assigns it to the employees, as well as sees the proper execution of the policies. A leader may also decide to be personally involved in the firm’s operations as he deems fit.
The Leader As A Planner The leader functions in the capacity of the planner too. He decides what ways and means are to be adopted to achieve the objective of the firm. He plans the activities of the firm in such a manner that the goal of the firm may be achieved through proper steps being undertaken at the present and also in the future.
THE LEADER AS AN EXPERT Leaders are the sources of readily available information and expertise. The leader must therefore, be quite a capable individual. The leader’s acumen on the firm and its operations must be high. Normally, the leader is the one that has and demonstrates the greatest technical knowledge.
The Leader As A Controller Of Internal Relations The leader has to function as the controller of internal, interpersonal relations, among the members of the group. He raises the moral standard of his employees and wishes that there will be an establishment of good relations among the members of the firm.
The Leader As An Arbitrator And Mediator If there are certain conflicts and discussions in the firm, the leader acts an arbitrator and mediator. He gives his judgement regarding the ways in which the conflict can be resolved. His task is not merely that of a judge but an advisor to the employees also.
WHAT HAPPENS TO A FIRM THAT HAS TEN VICE-PRESIDENTS? • Because of the myriad of vice-presidents, decisions regarding medium term and long term plans take a long time to be reached. The divergence of views among them causes the delay. The arrival at a conclusion is therefore delayed. • The principle of unity of command states that each subordinate should report to one and only one superior. In this case, where there are 10 superiors, it would be very difficult to know whom to report to hence creating a breakdown in activities.
Normally, vice-presidents, being part of top management enjoy high remuneration. Thus, paying 10 vice-presidents would result in a huge drain in the financial resources of the firm which could have been channeled into other profitable ventures or projects. • Also in a situation like this, there will certainly be more active members among the vice-presidents. The workload may be shifted to these active members leaving the rest idle. • A conflict may arise in the completion of a task delegated to a particular VP. This would occur when another VP performs the duty of a person the task was originally assigned to. There would also no particular person to fill-in in the absence of the president. The problem may be solved if the president handpicks a particular VP to fill-in. this may be viewed as favoritism.
WHAT HAPPENS TO A FIRM THAT DOESN’T CRITICIZE ITS EMPLOYEES? • The absence of criticism in a firm will breed an environment with no order. Employees will enjoy too much freedom to do whatever they deem fit and this may not be in the best interest of the organization. If there’s no control in the quota contribution of the employees then the main objectives of business establishment may not be achieved. • Where the employee makes a mistake, the absence of criticism will cause the employee to repeat the mistakes. The employee’s sense of right and wrong in the business is lost.
THE END • Most times, criticisms subliminally tells the employee what is expected of them now and in the future. The true potential of the employees is then harnessed. The absence of criticism, hence, doesn’t maximize the employees true potential. • If anyone is allowed to do whatever he/she wants the superior’s power is undermined since the superior has no way to control the subordinates.