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Pan London LLN Collaboration (Health Sector): Employer Engagement Digby Ingle 3 rd December 2008

Pan London LLN Collaboration (Health Sector): Employer Engagement Digby Ingle 3 rd December 2008. The Collaboration. Four Lifelong Learning Networks: Linking London LLN, South East London LLN, West London LLN, South London LLN Collectively works with over 30 HEIs and 40 FECs

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Pan London LLN Collaboration (Health Sector): Employer Engagement Digby Ingle 3 rd December 2008

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  1. Pan London LLN Collaboration (Health Sector): Employer EngagementDigby Ingle3rd December 2008

  2. The Collaboration • Four Lifelong Learning Networks: Linking London LLN, South East London LLN, West London LLN, South London LLN • Collectively works with over 30 HEIs and 40 FECs • Close working with Sector Skills Councils

  3. Lifelong Learning Networks • 3 yr HEFCE funded project • 30 LLNs in England • HE/FE, employers and other stakeholders • Increase progression into and through HE for vocational learners – via LLN funded projects • Legacy: progression agreements, curriculum innovation (levels 4-8), FE/HE collaborative partnerships, employer engagement

  4. Consultation with Stakeholders

  5. Pan London Demonstration Site • Skills for Health initiative, additional resources from NHS London, LLNs and employers • Initiative to demonstrate the use of Skills for Health competences • Pilot innovative modules/ units of learning • Spread and dissemination of pilots

  6. Design of learning that: • Targets clinical & care pathways articulated by Darzi’s Healthcare for London. A Framework for Action (July 2007) & NHS Next Stage Review • Incorporates National Occupational Standards and competences • Enables progression • Develops learning that has credit bearing, ‘APELability’, act as a CPD ‘attractor’, WBL elements • Acts as a catalyst for local workforce development and service improvement (rapid prototyping)

  7. Pan London LLN: Skills for Health Demonstration Site • 7 projects being managed across London: £170k funding + approx £300k matched funding over two year period • Multiphasic & complex project ‘case load’ • Multifaceted Project Facilitator role: ‘field worker’ supporting operational workforce priorities but also faced with need to increase stakeholders’ strategic capability • Brokerage role • Project and financial management • Managing complex partnerships (including ‘marriage guidance’ work)

  8. Seven Projects

  9. Offender Health Stakeholder Wheel

  10. Challenges • Project implementation & evaluation • Knowledge and practice transfer • Mainstreaming innovation • Cross-pollinating other workforce development initiatives • Influencing commissioning process to embed the 7 projects • Searching for synergies

  11. Contact • Sarah Adibi, South London LLN s.adibi@kingston.ac.uk • Stefano Casalotti, Linking London LLN s.casalotti@linkinglondon.ac.uk • Digby Ingle, West London LLN digby.ingle@westlondonlln.org • Joelle Maulguet, SE London LLN joelle.maulguet@kcl.ac.uk

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