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High Energy Neutrino Astronomy

High Energy Neutrino Astronomy. Gisela Anton LAUNCH 09 Heidelberg, November 10 th , 2009. Content. Introduction to high energy neutrino astronomy Neutrino-Telescopes: IceCube and ANTARES Selected results Future perspectives of IceCube und KM3NeT.

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High Energy Neutrino Astronomy

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  1. High Energy Neutrino Astronomy Gisela Anton LAUNCH 09 Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  2. Content • Introduction to high energy neutrino astronomy • Neutrino-Telescopes: IceCube and ANTARES • Selected results • Future perspectives of IceCube und KM3NeT Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  3. Messengers of the high energy universe Cosmic ray spectrum g e p g n g p n Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  4. The high energy universe Supernova Remnant (SN1006, optiical, radio, X-ray) Microquasar (artists view) Gamma-ray Burst(GRB 080319B, X-Ray, SWIFT) Active Galactic Nuclei (artists view) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  5. p + p(γ) → π± + X μ + νμ e + νμ + νe p + p(γ) → π0 + X γ + γ (TeV) Production mechanisms Acceleration of particles • Shock front (Fermi-acceleration) • Objects with strong magnetic fields (pulsars, magnetars) Beam dump (secondary particles) • Interaction of high energy particles with photons or matter • Protons: pion production and decay • Electrons: inverse Compton-Scattering of Photonse + γ(low energy) → e + γ (TeV) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  6. p + p → π± + X μ + νμ e + νμ + νe p + p → π0 + X γ + γ Estimated neutrino fluxes (SNR) • Photon ↔ neutrino connection: • Observed from RX J1713.7–3946: • γ-rays up to several 10 TeV→ particle acceleration up to 100 TeV and above • Calculated neutrino fluxes: RX J1713.7–3946 For strong sources: 10-12–10-11 TeV-1 cm-2 s-1 @ 1 TeV AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006)Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008)Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006). . . AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  7. Neutrinos as cosmic messengers • Neutrinos point back to sources • Neutrinos travel cosmological distances • Neutrinos escape dense sources • Neutrinos are related to hadron acceleration • Neutrinos complement high energy proton and gamma observation Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  8. Detection of Neutrinos muon cascade νμ nuclearreaction Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  9. cosmic rays p μ background νμ cosmic atmosphere νμ μ νμ Background: atmospheric muonsand neutrinos • Flux from above dominated by atmospheric muons • Neutrino telescopes mainly sensitive to neutrinos from below p Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  10. Sky visibility in neutrinos above Horizon below Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  11. Neutrino Telescopes:Baikal, IceCube and ANTARES Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  12. Single storey Baikal NT200+ • NT200 • 8 strings (192 optical modules) • Instrumented volume 1×10-4 km3 • Running since 1998 • NT200+ • NT200 + 3 outer strings(36 optical modules) • Instrumented volume 0.004 km3 • Running since 2005 Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  13. Visibility ANTARES (Mediterranean Sea) > 75% 2 25% – 75% < 25% TeV γ-Sources galactic extragalactic Visibility IceCube (Southpole) 100% 0% Sky coverage Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  14. IceCube at the Southpole Southpole IceCube Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  15. I Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  16. Shore station Main cable (45km) ANTARES in the Mediterranean Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  17. ANTARES • 12 Lines (885 PMTs) • Completion May 2008 • Instrumented volume: ~0.01 km3 2100 m 2475 m Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  18. -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0.5 ns Time measured – calculated (ns) Position determination for PMTs • Lines moving in the sea current • Acoutic positioning system + tiltmeter and compasses: Dx < 10 cm • Monitoring of the positioning with laser pulses  Precision ~0.5 ns = 10 cm Laser Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  19. Median rate (kHz) Mar.’06 Sept.’06 Mar.’07 Sep.’07 Mar.’08 Optical Background Optical background due to 40K-decay and bioluminescense • Typical rate per PMT 60-100 kHz • Additional short bursts and periods with higher rates Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  20. Selected Results Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  21. ANTARES: Atmospheric Myons & Neutrinos ANTARES (173 days) up going: ν-induced myons down going: atm. myons Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  22. IceCube: the shadow of the moon • Need of calibration source for proof of detector pointing capability and resolution • Nature offers deficit of muons from direction of the Moon • Diameter of the Moon 0.5° Angular resolution • IceCube 80-String < 1° • ANTARES < 0.5° • First observation of the Moon shadow with IceCube 40-String data Dec rel. moon RA relative to moon position A. Karle @ ICRC 2009 Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  23. Search for point sources – IceCube 40 strings (6 months) Background: atm. neutrinos (6796 events) Preliminary Significance (10981 events) Background: atm. muons Most-significant spot:all-sky background probability: 61% Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  24. MACRO (6 years) Super-K. (4.5 years) AMANDA (3.8 years) ANTARES: 12 lines 1 year (pred. sensitivity) IceCube: IceCube 40 Strings 330 days (sensitivity) IceCube 80 Strings 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) Point source sensitivities 90% CL sensitivity for E-2 spectra (preliminary) Flux predictions Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008) AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006) Costantini & Vissani, App (2005) . . . Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  25. Fireball model EeV neutrinos PeV neutrinos TeV neutrinos Precursor Prompt ~-100 s T0 ~100 s > 1000 s Gamma-Ray Bursts triggered Search • Sensitivity gain due to time and direction of burst measured by satellites • Low number of events per GRB expected➞ “Burst-Stacking” Un-triggered Search • Possible large population of “choked“ GRBs; unvisible in γ-rays • Search for excess of events in time and direction Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  26. Limits on neutrino fluxes from GRBs • Perspectives: • 200 – 300 GRBs per year (Fermi, SWIFT) • IceCube will be able to detect predicted fluxes within next years • Baikal NT200+ (155 GRBs)(Avrorin et al., arXiv:0910.4327) • IceCube 22-Strings (41 GRBs)(Abbasi et al, arXiv:0907.2227) • AMANDA (417 GRBs)(Achterberg et al. (2008) ApJ 674, 357) Baikal IceCube IceCube Amanda precursor predictions prompt precursor: Meszaros & Waxman, PRL (2001) prompt: IceCube, AK et al., ICRC2009 Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  27. SN/GRB send alert neutrino telescope robotic optical telescopes Optical Follow-Up • First proposed by M. Kowalski (Kowalski and Mohr (2007), App 27, 533) • IceCube: cooperation with ROTSE (4 telescopes) • Antares: cooperation with TAROT (2 telescopes) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  28. - χ ν ν Dark Matter Searches (WIMPs) • Neutralino (χ) good WIMP candidate • Gravitational capture in the Sun + self annihilation • Neutrino rate only depends on scattering cross section(equilibrium between capture and annihilation) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  29. AMANDA 7 years soft hard IceCube 22-strings limits (PRL 102, 201302 (2009)) soft hard WIMP searches } MSSM models Direct detection experiments (CDMS, COUPP, KIMS) ` Super-Kamiokande (2004) IceCube 86 with Deep Core Sensitivity 1 yr (prel., hard) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  30. Expected Neutrino Events from Dark Matter Annihilation in ANTARES Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  31. Further Physics Point Sources: • Variable Sources • Extragalactic n-source candidates are non persistent • Time search window given for instance by γ-ray signals  reduction of background • Target of opportunity: 2 neutrinos within Dt from same direction  send alert to optical telescope for follow up Other Topics: • Supernovae (MeV neutrinos) • Neutrino oszillation (atmospheric neutrinos 10 - 100 GeV) • Exotic physics (Lorentz symmetry violation, monopoles, . . .) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  32. Perspectives withIceCube und KM3NeT Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  33. Spiering, HGF review, 2009 Future of Neutrino-Astronomy • IceCube: compared to AMANDA (7 years)factor 25 increased sensitivity • larger detector + data quality • accumulated data • improved analysis methods • IceCube is in the region of realistic discovery potential, but- flux estimates indicate that IceCube is at the edge of the interesting region - IceCube covers only have of the sky Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  34. Artists view KM3NeT • km3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean( and infrastructure for marine and Earth science) • Common effort of ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR pilot projects + Institutes from marine science and oceanographic technologies • On the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) • EU financed Design Study (2006-2009) • EU financed Preparatory Phase (2008-2012) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  35. Flexible tower with horizontal bars • Semi-rigid system of horizontal elements (storeys): • 20 storeys • Each storey supports 6 OMs in groups of 2 • Storeys interlinked by tensioning ropes, subsequent storeys orthogonal to each other • Power and data cables separated from ropes 6 m 40 m Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  36. A B C C D PMT OM with many small PMTs • 31 3-inch PMTs in 17-inch glass sphere (cathode area ~3x10” PMTs) • 19 in lower, 12 in upper hemisphere • Suspended by compressible foam core • 31 PMT bases (D) (total ~140 mW) • Front-end electronics (B,C) • Al cooling shield and stem (A) • Single penetrator • 2mm optical gel (ANTARES-type) Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  37. KM3NeT Point Source Sensitivity (3 years) Aharens et al. Astr. Phys. (2004) – binned method KM3NeT(binned/unb.) IceCube R. Abbasi et al. Astro-ph (2009) scaled – unbinned method Average value of sensitivity from R. Abbasi et al. Astro-ph (2009) Typical fluxes Observed Galactic TeV-γ sources (SNR, unidentified, microquasars) Aharonian et al. Rep. Prog. Phys. (2008), Abdo et al., ApJ 658 L33-L36 (2007) Estimated costs: ~100 MEuro (+10% man power) Note: Double sensitivity for about double price . . . Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  38. Feb 2006 Oct 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 Mar 2008 Mar 2012 Design Study Preparatory Phase Construction phase Data taking phase CDR TDR Design decision KM3NeT Timeline • Next steps: Prototyping and design decisions • organized in Preparatory Phase framework • final decisions require site selection • expected to be achieved in ~18 months • Timeline: Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  39. Summary • High energy neutrinos deliver complementary information to gamma photons and protons • ANTARES completed , IceCube 70% installed, KM3NeT in design phase • No cosmological high energy neutrinos observed yet • IceCube will enter the region with discovery potential • KM3NeT will exceed IceCube Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

  40. Thank you for your attention muon cascade νμ nuclearreaction Gisela Anton, LAUNCH 09, Heidelberg, November 10th, 2009

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