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In the town of Gulfoss, you'll get to know an icon of nature, beautiful waterfalls located on the river Hvitá. It's as elegant as beautiful, something like your eyes will never see again. The river is divided in two into a beautiful canyon of 32 meters deep.
A Tour ThroughTheGrand Golden Ring: A Pearl Hiddenin TheHeart of Iceland
Ifyouwanttoknowone of theiconicsites of allIceland, youmustvisitone of itsmostfamouscornerslocatedontheSouthwestside of thenation. You can take a tour to Grand Golden Circle and enjoyone of themost memorable natural spectacles of yourlife. Thebest of allisyou'llhavethe chance totraveleach and everyone of itsspectacularlandscapes in a tour of no more than 8 hours.
Bypreference of tourists and locals, the Grand Golden Circleisone of themost popular routes, a hugeexpantion of natural wondersstretchingforaround 300 kilometers in thevillage of Reykjavik.
Interestingsites • First, youmustvisittheGeysirgeothermalareawhereyou'llhavetheopportunityto observe how a stream of boilingwater comes out more than 30 metershigh in a show thatisrepeatedevery 8 minutes, almost as ifthegeyserwasprogrammed in someway. Somethingreallyamazing!
IfyouwereimpressedwiththeGeysir, youcouldmeetanothergeyserthatwillnotleaveyoudisappointed at all. ThegeyserStrokkurisanother of themostfamous in the country, whereitswaterstringreachesonaverage 15 to 20 metershigh, butaccordingtolocals, can reach up to 40 meters. Thatisveryhighindeed. Thisgeyserislocated in theHaukadalurgeothermalarea, whereyou can alsofind natural pools of mud, steamchimneys, and algaedeposits.
In thetown of Gulfoss, you'llgettoknowanicon of nature, beautifulwaterfallslocatedontheriverHvitá. It's as elegant as beautiful, somethinglikeyoureyeswillneverseeagain. Theriverisdivided in twointo a beautifulcanyon of 32 metersdeep.
WorldHeritagefrom UNESCO totheWorld • Anotherplace youcan't miss istheThingvellirNational Park duringyourstay in Iceland. The place is a true gem of geology and thebirthplace of one of thegreatest cultural heritages of theentireplanet. Thesiteislocated at thejunction of thetectonicplates of North America and Asia, and it has a veryrichhistory.
There, you can learnhowtheymanagedtobecometheseat of parliament in 930, theircountlessgeographical and politicalbattles, theircommitmenttopeople and constantevolution. UNESCO declaredthe place as a WorldHeritage in 2004. So ifyou'repassionateabout culture and knowledge, you'llsurelyfall in lovewiththis place.
Ifyouliketoknowamazing geological formations, you can visitone of themostfamousvolcaniccraters of Iceland, theKerid. Located in thesouth of Iceland, it has one of themostbeautiful and crystallinelakes in theentireregion. Accordingtostudies done in the place, the rock thatcomposesthecrater has around 3000 years of age.
We hope you decide tovisitthis place in theheart of Iceland, a warm spot onthe Ice Island.
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