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The local guides will share with you not only the mandatory places to visit, but also the many stories and recommendations that will make you enjoy the most of your stay in this corner of Europe. You'll enjoy the Tour as much that you'll end up feeling like an inhabitant of the region.
KnowingTheWarmHeart of TheIce Island: A Premium Tour ThroughThe Golden Circle
Ifyouwanttoliveone of themost memorable experiences of yourlife, youshouldchoosetheright place totakeyourvacation. Icelandoffersthemostbeautiful and magicallandscapes, a mixture of warm and coldclimates, beaches of unsurpassedbeauty and people as kind and loving as you'llnevermeet.
The local guides will share withyounotonlythemandatory places tovisit, butalsothemanystories and recommendationsthatwillmakeyouenjoythemost of yourstay in thiscorner of Europe. You'llenjoythe Tour as muchthatyou'llend up feelinglikeaninhabitant of theregion.
The Grand Golden Circleownsone of themostimportanttouristattractions of Iceland and extendsapproximately 300 kilometersfromthe capital Reykjaviktothe central region of thenation.
FeaturedsitesyouwillvisitduringtheTour Ifyou are a lover of geology, youmayliketheThingvellirNational Park. The place isveryclosetotheReykjanespeninsula and theHengillvolcanicregion. It'sonly 44 km fromthe capital, Reikjavik. In 930, the place wastheseat of parliament. There, theoldinhabitants of theislandsolvedtheirpolitical and social disputes. Likewise, itwasthe place wherethe Independence of Icelandwasdeclaredon June 17, 1944.
Youwill be abletoknow a cattlefarmthat has beenoperatingsincetheyear 1850. There, you can feedthehorses and enjoyanexperiencethatyourchildrenwillsurelyenjoy. In addition, you can taste itswiderange of local foods and enjoy a beautifulview of themountains.
Thethermalzone of Geysir (wordfromwhich comes theterm geiser), isone of the places preferredbyallthetourists. Observinghow a column of boilingwaterrisesuntilreachingthe 30 meters of heightis a show quite difficultto describe withonlywords.
Gullfossorgoldenwaterfallissituated at theend of a canyonthroughwhichthewaters of theriverHvitáfall. Duringthefirsthalf of the 20th century, the use of theHvitáRiver as a source of hydroelectricpowerwasconsidered, butthefundswerenotsufficienttoexecutetheproject.
ThecrystallinelakethatrestsontheKeriðvolcaniccraterisundoubtedlyone of thebestpreservedgeologymarvelstothisday. Accordingtospecialistswhohavestudiedthe place, thevolcanic rock of thecraterisover 6000 yearsold.
Youwillsurelyneed a camera with a hugememorytoholdthegallery of photosyou'lltakeduringthis tour.
Whyshouldyoutake a Premium Tour? You can enjoywith more tranquilitythe natural landscapes, withoutthe usual bustlecausedbylargegroups of tourists. Only 15 people can participate in the tour. We hope this short little blog has been of your full benefittohelpyouchooseIceland as yourtraveloption.
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