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6 th Grade PEP

6 th Grade PEP. Academic Planning. Overview. Introduce note-taking tips for success in middle school Understand: T erms and/or semesters S tandards-based report cards C haracteristics of a successful learner Introduce student portal (if applicable) Review and assess lesson notes

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6 th Grade PEP

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  1. 6th Grade PEP Academic Planning

  2. Overview • Introduce note-taking tips for success in middle school • Understand: • Terms and/or semesters • Standards-based report cards • Characteristics of a successful learner • Introduce student portal (if applicable) • Review and assess lesson notes • Complete activity to introduce other study skills for success in middle school

  3. Pre-TestSlides 2 – 8For example onlyDo NOT use Create your own account for pre/post-test assessments at http://www.polleverywhere.com

  4. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: What does a trimester look like?

  5. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I believe it's important for me to compl...

  6. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I believe it's important for me to parti...

  7. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: What does it mean to receive mostly 1's ...

  8. Middle School Success Tips • Watch note-taking video: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gCrslHx7xA • Get out pen and paper and take key notes, using yourmethod. • Video Discussion Questions: • What did you learn about note-taking from this video? • (e.g. LISTEN, Cornell, Outline, T-notes, 5 Rs) • Think about what you learned and compare to your notes. • Do they look like any of the styles you learned about? • Are there any important strategies that the video didn’t discuss? • (e.g. keep notes neat and easy to read; get a copy of the notes if or when you miss class)

  9. Cornell Note-Taking Example Note-taking LISTEN Tips The 3 styles The 5 Rs • L ead - read material before class • I deas – write only main ideas • S ummarize in own words within 24 hrs • T alk to teacher if Qs or ideas • End - review notes & identify problems • N otes – key points or words • Cornell Notes • Outline • T-notes • R ecordnotes • R educe to key poits • R ecite– repeat out loud • R eflect– think through notes • R eviewsame day Summary: 1) main ideas 2) details 3) summary. Key pts. Then summarize and review.

  10. Note-taking practice For the rest of the lesson, take notes using the Cornell method so we can check your understanding.

  11. Terms & Semesters

  12. Terms & Semesters • The rectangle below represents one school year • Some schools divide their year into 2 Semesters, made up of 4 Terms or Quarters. 1st Semester 2nd Semester • Some schools divide their year into 3 Terms, otherwise known as Trimesters • Discuss the schedule used by YOUR SCHOOL

  13. Standards-Based Report Cards

  14. Standards-Based Report Cards • A standard is what all students should know and be able to do. Standards are consistent from school to school and statewide. • Progress/Report cards provide information on specific areas of progress toward the state standard each term, as well as an “end of year” determination of your achievement level in relation to the standard. • Students are expected to demonstrate proficient achievement of state standards by the end of the year.

  15. Example 6th grade Standards

  16. Standards-Based Report Cards • You may receive a 4 if you are far ahead of where students are expected to be at that point in time relative to the standards. • You will receive a 3 if you are well on your way to reaching the standard at the end of the year! • You will receive a 2 if you have made some progress but are not quite on track to reach the standard by the end of the year. Some intervention may be necessary. • You will receive a 1 if you definitely require extra support and intervention to achieve the standard.

  17. Standards-Based Report Cards • 3’s= on trackto reach the standards. • Discussion Questions: • Why is it important to be “on-track” each year? • What are the long-term implications? • 1’s and 2’s=not on track • Discussion Question: • What do you think students can do to help get on-track? • Is it ever too late? “Clear, consistent college- and career-ready standards establish what students at every grade level need to know in order to be prepared for success beyond high school” (Bill & Melina Gates Foundation website)

  18. Standards-Based Report Cards • Activity: • Review sample report card A • Determine if this student is on-track academically • Review scores on “Characteristics of a Successful Learner” • Review sample report card B • Determine if this student is on-track academically • Review scores on “Characteristics of a Successful Learner” • Is there a connection between grades and scores on Characteristics of Successful Learners?

  19. Standards-Based Report Cards • If you are not on track after the first term, • Evaluate your areas of academic strength and weakness. • Look closely at your scores in the section, “Characteristics of a Successful Learner.” • Research shows that effort in these areas directly impact school achievement and long-term life success. • The good news is that you have immediate and direct control over your success in these standards. • Set up a meeting with your teacher and create a plan to get on track by the end of the year.

  20. Characteristics of Successful Learners

  21. Characteristics of Successful Learners Where do you stand? Identify one area of strength and weakness.

  22. Notes Review Terms & Semesters Standards-based Report Card Characteristics of Successful Learners • 1st Semester 2nd Semester • Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 • Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 • 4 – ahead of grade-level • 3 – on-track, on grade-level • 2 – not quite to grade-level • 1 – need extra help/support • Impact grades, achievement, and long-term success • Within MY control • Includes assignments, homework, participation, goal setting, responsibility, respect, & rules Summary: Our school uses trimester terms 3’s&4’s  on-track 1’s&2’s  off-track, get help Homework & participation help with achievement

  23. Middle School Success Tips

  24. Middle School Success Tips • Middle School Success Tips Activity 1 or 2 • Follow directions to divide into teams Team A Team B

  25. Post-Test

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