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Politics & Late-Night TV

Politics & Late-Night TV. Dr. Kristen Landreville Fri. 10/08, Mon. 10/11, & Wed. 10/13 Laughing Matters, Ch. 13-14. Ch. 13 SNL and Presidential Elections. Ch. 13 – SNL Debates. Ch. 13 is a rhetorical analysis of SNL debate spoofs

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Politics & Late-Night TV

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  1. Politics & Late-Night TV Dr. Kristen Landreville Fri. 10/08, Mon. 10/11, & Wed. 10/13 Laughing Matters, Ch. 13-14

  2. Ch. 13 SNL and Presidential Elections

  3. Ch. 13 – SNL Debates • Ch. 13 is a rhetorical analysis of SNL debate spoofs • Review of how persuasion strategies impact public outcomes • Politics in Rhetorical Terms • Rhetorical genres: tragedy, comedy, satire, epic, grotesque, etc. • Politics is tragedy • Public wants comedy to relieve tragedy • Comedy eases tension, seeks exposure of criticism, and reconciliation of error • SNL • Comedians play roles, rather than making direct commentary • Less abrasive and more comic clown than Stewart, Colbert • Appearances signal acceptance and redemption through comic frame • 2000 – High impact • 2004 – Low impact

  4. Debates in US History • Debates since 18th Century • Lincoln-Douglas 1858 • First televised debate • 1960 Kennedy v. Nixon • 80% Viewership • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmOlTR-yNf0&feature=related (start at 4:35) • Impact • Image-based decision-making • Debate coaching • Next debate, 1976 • No. 1 watched campaign event

  5. Notable Debate Moments • These moments impacted election outcomes. • 1976: Carter v. Ford • Ford’s gaffe about Eastern Europe and Communism • 1980: Carter v. Reagan • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px7aRIhUkHY • 1992: Bush v. Clinton v. Perot • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ffbFvKlWqE

  6. Ch. 13 SNL and Presidential Elections

  7. 2000 Presidential Debate Analysis • 1st Presidential Debate: Gore v. Bush • Focus on domestic issues • Highlight reel of notable moments • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9pqmW-D14I&feature=related • SNL Parody (go to 3:13 minutes in) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAx6Ib81Y4 • Influence of SNL • Gore adapted his personality • Gore called chameleon • Dip in Gore’s poll numbers

  8. 2004 Presidential Debate Analysis • 1st Presidential Debate: Bush v. Kerry • Focus on Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism, security • SNL Parody • Focus on Kerry’s pandering and flip-flopping • Focus on Bush’s “it’s hard” attitude and annoyed demeanor • Influence of SNL • Parody not as strong

  9. 2008 VP Debate Analysis • Vice-Presidential Debate: Palin v. Biden • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOy7FQb2o6k&feature=fvw • SNL Parody (go to 9:45) • http://vodpod.com/watch/1059829-snl-biden-palin-debate In-Class Assignment #10 • How does SNL parody Palin and Biden? • What characteristics are exaggerated? • How accurate is the parody of Palin and Biden? • Do you think the SNL parody influenced anyone?

  10. Ch. 14The Daily Show as the New Journalism

  11. Ch. 14’s Argument • Stewart denies power, influence, agenda, and platform. • Crossfire cancellation proof of influence • Daily Show rejects the 4 information biases • Daily Show is a new journalism

  12. Exposing the Political Spectacle • Stewart’s description of news media • Political campaigns as “product launches” • “Spectators at a sales pitch.” • News as theater • Remedies • Art: Works independent of symbiotic relationship • Daily Show beholden to no one • Not dependent on official or privileged access • Counterdiscourses: Challenge hegemony, undermine presuppositions, offer alternatives • Stewart’s alternative journalism • Abandon normative assumptions

  13. Questioning Objectivity Stewart’s Criticisms of Objectivity • Two sides stick to talking points • Maintains status quo • Media is the moderator only, not a judge of BS • Reasons: Want biggest audience as possible  Stay neutral  Take two sides’ arguments at face value  Don’t challenge the BS • Daily Show example (start at 1:20) • http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-august-23-2004/kerry-controversy

  14. Addressing Bennett’s 4 Biases Stewart’s Analysis • Partisan or political bias?  No • “The bias of the media is not liberal—it’s lazy. It’s sensationalist. But, it’s not liberal.” • Bennett’s 4 biases  Yes • Dramatization and personalization (start at 5:05) • http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-october-18-2004/indecision-2004---they-kill--but-they-love

  15. The Indexing Hypothesis Indexing Hypothesis Definition • The journalistic practice of opening or closing the news gates to citizen activists and a broader range of views. • News media index, or rely on, officials and elites. • Pack mentality exacerbates this. Example • Daily Show uses juxtaposition to reveal indexing hypothesis • Al Sharpton’s Speech at 2004 Democratic National Convention • Media criticizes, downplays, and marginalizes him

  16. The New Journalism • Reveal the political spectacle • Abandon objectivity • Showcase the absurdity of the 4 biases • Demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between news media and politics

  17. Limitations of The Daily Show • Low viewership to constitute a societal trend • Hard to escape the jester role to be taken seriously • Sometimes fails at the new journalism (e.g., Kerry interview) • Brushes aside any responsibility to public • Fails to address impact of news economics and market pressures

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