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N ational I ncident M anagement S ystem

This plan aims to establish a common national foundation for training first responders and disaster workforce, ensuring effective and efficient collaboration during emergencies.

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N ational I ncident M anagement S ystem

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  1. National Incident Management System 5-Year Training Plan Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD), National Integration Center

  2. Goal of NIMS Training To establish a common national foundation to train the state/tribal/local (private sector and non-governmental) first responders and federal disaster workforce, so that responders, incident managers, and resource coordinators can work together effectively and efficiency during a disaster or emergency response. NIMS Five-Year Training Plan

  3. Objectives To serve as a single-source, regularly updated compilation all aspects of NIMS training; To provide explicit guidance for all NIMS-related training courses, applicable to all levels of government, the private sector, and NGOs; Provide sufficient guidance to allow other stakeholders to create long-term plans, objectives, and action items for their own training programs; and To establish specific strategic objectives for the next five years, to guide the actions of the National Integration Center as it provides leadership of national NIMS training. NIMS Five-Year Training Plan

  4. Who needs to know what? Who needs what training? Core competencies Position qualifications NIMS compliance requirements Course requirements Topical Areas of the Plan NIMS National Standard Curriculum Training Development Guidance with be incorporated into Five Year Plan

  5. Course Development and Course Quality Course objectives tied to competencies Current summary of NIMS training Impetus behind courses NIMS compliance requirements (drives personnel to take courses) Competency expectations (sets the content of the courses) Details about currently available courses Availability of courses and instructors Desired state of NIMS training in October 2012 NIMS (ICS) positions defined Training necessary to meet the knowledge, skills, and abilities for each NIMS position Guidance to jurisdictions on how to determine who needs to take the training Annual Objectives and Action Items to achieve the desired state of NIMS training in October 2012 Topical Areas of the Plan (continued)

  6. Expand NIMS training guidance to cover position-specific core competencies (current and future) Link training objectives and core competencies to positions in the National Credentialing System Recommend NIMS Compliance Requirements for Training, FY2008-12 Develop “Throughput” plans, to ensure adequate foundation of curricular guidance and qualified instructors Instructor qualifications Train-the-Trainer Training “minimums” – baseline hours, specified evaluation? Equivalent training identified (as appropriate) NIMS Five-Year Training Plan:Refining and Extending Training Guidance

  7. Background Research NIMS Upgrade & National Standard Curriculum Guidance Summarize positions (current and anticipated) in National Credentialing System Best/Existing Practices Stakeholder Inputs Working group of fed, state, and local emergency management and emergency response trainers and training administrators Guidance for NIMS Compliance Requirements (FY08-12) Reality check for training-program needs Additional Analytic inputs? Data to guide who/how many must be trained NIMS Five-Year Training Plan:Research Methodology

  8. IMT deployment analysis Identify and analyze data that describes frequency of deploying IMT’s of various sizes Analysis could yield geographic data on who/how many must be trained Translate deployment data into capability guidance based on operational need (distribution/likelihood of mission demands for emergency response requiring IMT capability of various scales) Possible Additional Analytic Inputs Bottom Line: Better define IMTs in relationship to NIMS and formalize training

  9. Current Sections: Summary of NIMS Compliance Requirements Evaluation Checklists for Training Content Incident Command System (ICS) ICS Elements of NIMS summarized Topical areas for equivalent training (ICS-100, 200, 300, 400, 402) MACS – Concepts & Principles Public Information System – Concepts & Principles Preparedness – Concepts & Principles Resource Management – Concepts & Principles Communications and Information Management – Concepts & Principles Supporting Technologies – Concepts & Principles Task Element: Adapt National Standard Curriculum Training Development Guidance to be consistent with upgraded NIMS Document. NIMS National Standard Curriculum Training Development Guidance

  10. Description of the National Credentialing System NIC definition of emergency-response positions Defined for both Incident Management and Field Personnel – this plan focuses on Incident Management personnel standards Core competencies for each ICS position are defined 62 positions currently listed Core competencies drive training objectives How the NCS meshes with this Training Plan Link training objectives to existing courses Identify gaps where curriculum development is needed NIMS National Credentialing System

  11. Stakeholder Working Group held on 1-2 May 2007 Topics covered: Recommendations for specific goals and action items for the Five-Year Training Plan NIMS Compliance Requirements (training portion) for FY08-12 Same for all state/local jurisdictions? Baseline requirements vs. recommendations? Working Group to review NIMS Five-Year Training Plan throughout its development (via electronic distribution) On-Going Stakeholder Input

  12. Summarize results of Working Group Meeting Reminder: Solicit continued participation Drafting schedule – pieces for WG to review Introduction/Overview (draft by 5/15) Define Desired State of NIMS Training Oct 2013 (5/22) Summary of Current NIMS Training (5/22) Annual Objectives & Action Items (5/29) Course Appendices (6/5) On-Going Plan Review and Update (6/5) Full document (6/26) Workflow Plan – Draft Document

  13. Internal Review – complete 26 June 2007 Full document to WG for review (2 weeks, plus cushion for July 4th) – complete 13 July 2007 Final collation of comments Final Draft Deliverable – 20 July 2007 National Review of Document – 20 August 2007 Adaptation of deliverable for alternative delivery means (e.g., creating a web-based, linked document) Final Release of Document – 1 October 2007 Workflow Plan – Reviews

  14. All NIMS Training Information contained in one document (indexed and easy to use) Stakeholder input throughout process to include “adjustments” in out years “Adjustments” to plan can be implemented based on NIMSCAST data collected from States Out-year training requirements identified “early-on” to facilitate planning and budget needs at all levels of government Five-Year Training Plan - Outcomes

  15. NIMS Website Information http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nims Contact the NIC Email: FEMA-NIMS@dhs.gov Phone: 202-646-3534 National Integration CenterIncident Management Systems Division

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