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REDISTRICTING Council of Black Political Organization cobpo.org
COUNCIL OF BLACK POLITICAL ORGANIZATION MISSSION STATEMENT The raison d’etre of this political action group shall be to implement, promulgate and disseminate an approved Black Political Agenda in every way possible throughout the state of California in order to maintain, sustain and perpetuate the respected participation of the Black community in the political processes of California. The COBPO shall be both a political strategy-producing group and a task-oriented group. INTRODUCTION cobpo.org
Today we will address at three areas of concerns COBPO feels Redistricting Commissioners should consider when redrawing the lines in 2011. • How to draw the lines? • Counting people in prisons at home • Three Bears Approach OVERVIEW cobpo.org
Council of Black Political Organizations feel that the lines remain the same potential loss of congressional sets. • Strength come from our elected officials. • Loosing seats would hinder African communities . • Resources would be limited more now then ever. HOW TO DRAW THE LINES? cobpo.org
This is clearly the 21 century version of the New Jersey Compromise of 1781. • Disproportionate to poor and minorities • Artificially inflates the voting power of prison districts • Take power away from the communities in which the prisoners came Delaware, Maryland, and New York have made adjustment census count for their laws 2010 COUNTING PEOPLE IN PRISON AT HOME cobpo.org
This is my suggestion of a long term solution to redistricting that will put most of the work on the politician to better serve the community at large and balance out the inequities of our districts. • Break down each district in to three groups Green, Gold, Orange • Each group will be divided equally from a strong area Gold, Self sustained Green, and a struggling area Orange • The elect official would be charged with balancing out these three areas making them all Green and eventually gold. Example Beverly Hills Gold, Rosemead Green, Watts Orange THREE BEARS APPROACH cobpo.org
Council of Black Political Organization thanks you for your time and effort and recognize that you all are pioneers in this process. COBPO understand that this is an humongous undertaking. We hope that this Commission will lead us all in the direction of social justice, political accountability, and economic recovery with over site by elected officials chosen by the people from the people; where as you common citizen begin to draw the lines that will shape a better tomorrow today. CONCLUSION cobpo.org