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Lecture 14: Implemenatations , perspeectives. Quantum Dots in Photonic Structures. Wednesdays , 17.00, SDT. Jan Suffczyński. Projekt Fizyka Plus nr POKL.04.01.02-00-034/11 współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego
Lecture 14: Implemenatations, perspeectives Quantum Dots in PhotonicStructures Wednesdays, 17.00, SDT Jan Suffczyński Projekt Fizyka Plus nr POKL.04.01.02-00-034/11 współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki
Plan for today Reminder 2. QD lasers 3. Other…
The source of polarizationentangledphotons H Linearpolarizer V H V
Biexciton Exciton Emptydot Enangledphotons from a QD The method: biexciton – excitoncascade Obstacle: anisotropy The energycarries the information on the polarization of the photon
Biexciton Exciton Emptydot Entangledphotons from a QD The method: biexciton – excitoncascade Anobstacle: anisotropy The energycarries the information on the polarization of the photon (in circularpolarizationbasis:)
Fine structure of neutral exciton ( + )/ X δ1~0.1meV ( – )/ X Anisotropic exchange δ0~1meV Isotropic exchange ( + )/ δ2 ≈0 Xdark ( – )/
START STOP X XX time 0 Entanglementtest STOP (H) START (H) • XX-X cascade
Influenceof the in-plane electricfieldon the photoluminescence of individualQDs Kowalik et al., APL’2005 InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
Evolutionof the anisotropy exchange splittingwith theapplied voltage Kowalik et al., APL’2005
experiment B=0 m -PL 1.8904 1.891 Energy [eV] 0.18 0.14 AES [meV] 0.10 0 2 4 6 Magnetic field [T] [meV] 0.45 p AngleJ-2f [rad] 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Magnetic Field [T] Influence of the in-plane magneticfieldon the photoluminescence of individualQDs • model Increaseordecrease of the anisotropysplitting, depending on the magnetic field direction K. Kowalik et al., PRB 2007
QD in a pillarmolecule: anultrabrightsource of entangledphotons
QD as an entangled photons source The idea: obtain polarization entangled photon pairs from biexciton-exciton cascade Main obstacle: anisostropy of the QD exciton level splitting Hindrance: low collection efficiency (a few %) Energy XX X Ground state • The solution: coupling of the X and XX to the modes of the photonic molecule • When exciton level homogeneous linewidth larger than exciton anisotropy splitting: polarization entangled photons emitted in XX-X cascade • Increased extraction efficiency due to photon funneling into cavity mode
Pillar molecules R Distance PL Intensity (arb. units) 1,315 1,320 1,325 1,330 1,335 Energy (eV) Photon Energy (meV) Electronic lithography Radius Distance
Experimental realization • Purcell effectevidenced on X and XX transitions • The proof of entanglement: • polarizationresolvedsecond order XX-X crosscorrelations A. Dousse, at al. Nature 2010
Characterization of the source - entanglement Density matrix of the two-photon state 67 % degree of entanglement Entanglement criteria fullfilled
A laser – basic characteristics mirror mirror cavity
A laser – basic characteristics Active material mirror mirror cavity
A laser – basic characteristics pumping Active material emission mirror mirror cavity
A laser – basic characteristics Components of a laser • An energy pump source • An active medium to create population inversion by pumping mechanism: • - photons at some site stimulate emission at other sites while traveling • Two reflectors: • to reflect the light in phase • multipass amplification
Potential Advantages for Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers • Wavelength of light determined by the energy levels not by bandgap energy: • improved performance & increased flexibility to adjust the wavelength
Potential Advantages for Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers • Wavelength of light determined by the energy levels not by bandgap energy: • improved performance & increased flexibility to adjust the wavelength
Potential Advantages for Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers • Wavelength of light determined by the energy levels not by bandgap energy: • improved performance & increased flexibility to adjust the wavelength • Small volume: • low power high frequency operation • large modulation bandwidth • small dynamic chirp • small linewidth enhancement factor • Superior temperature stability of I threshold I threshold (T) = I threshold (T ref).exp ((T-(T ref))/ (T 0)) • High T 0 decoupling electron-phonon interaction by increasing the intersubband separation. • Undiminished room-temperature performance without external thermal stabilization
QDs as anactive medium in lasers:the firsttheoreticalpredictions Extremelylowcurrenttreshhold Increasedgain M. Asadaet al., IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 22, 1915 (1986). Y. Arakawaet al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 939 (1982).
Potential Advantages for Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers • Lower Threshold • HigherModulationSpeed • SmallerLinewidth • Less TemperatureSensitivity • ReducedAugerRecombination → Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Lasers
Q. Dot Laser vs. Q. Well Laser In order for QD lasers compete with QW lasers: • A large array of QDs since their active volume is small • An array with a narrow size distribution has to be produced to reduce inhomogeneous broadening • Array has to be without defects • may degrade the optical emission by providing alternate nonradiative defect channels • The phonon bottleneck created by confinement limits the number of states that are efficiently coupled by phonons due to energy conservation • Limits the relaxation of excited carriers into lasing states • Causes degradation of stimulated emission • Other mechanisms can be used to suppress that bottleneck effect (e.g. Auger interactions)
QDL – Application Requirements • Same energy level • Size, shape and alloy composition of QDs close to identical • Inhomogeneous broadening eliminated real concentration of energy states obtained • High density of interacting QDs • Macroscopic physical parameter light output • Reduction of non-radiative centers • Nanostructures made by high-energy beam patterning cannot be used since damage is incurred • Electrical control • Electric field applied can change physical properties of QDs • Carriers can be injected to create light emission
ElectricallypumpedQuantumDot Laser Fujitsu Temperature Independent QD laser (2004)
Temperature Independent QD laser Fujitsu (2004)
Stable operation up to 60C without a cooler • Modulation rates up to 500MHz • 2VDC operation • 532nm output (100-200mW power level, with frequency doubling) • Tiny TO-56 package (5.6mm diameter)
Lasing in a QD-microdisc system InAs/GaAsQDs cavityQ exceeds 15 000
Lasing in a QD-microdisc system „In most of oursamples lasing persists when the sample is tuned from 6 to55 K (a QD tuning range of 1.5 nm). This indicates thelasing is not based exclusively on observable QD statesresonantly coupled to the mode.”
Lasing in a QD-microdisc system „However, the relativespectral tuning of observed QDs emission states and cavitymodes does influence the L-I curve.” Z. G. Xie et al., PRL’2007
A recipy for a good QD laser „To achieve single statelasing the processes associated with the loss must be suppressedand more efficient lasing via the single-emitterstate (i.e., higher effective oscillator strength and higherQ), must be implemented.” Z. G. Xie et al., PRL’2007 + … a good QD-cavitymodespatialmatching
The investigations clearly visualize a smooth transition fromspontaneous to predominantly stimulated emission which becomes harder to determine for high beta. S. M. Ulrich et al., PRL’2007
= t2 – t1 Od źródła fotonów Karta do pomiaru korelacji Dioda „STOP” Liczba skorelowanych zliczeń n() Dioda „START” t1 = 0 wejście STOP t2 = 20 wejście START
Increased g(2) (t) atlasingtreshold S. M. Ulrich et al., PRL’2007
bof a mode = the ratio of SE into thatmode divided by the total SE into all modes S. M. Ulrich et al., PRL’2007
Measured second-order photon correlation function at zero delay time (top) and output intensity versus input pump power, Pexc (bottom), for three different microcavity lasers. Q = 1850 20 QDs Q = 9000 30 QDs Q = 19000 15 QDs Wiersig et al.,Nature’2009
k-spaceimaging Fourier plane
k-spaceimaging Fourier planeimaging
Angleresolvedemission from QDsin planarcavity GaAs/InGaAs planarcavity PhotonEnergy