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Join our seminar on the response of biofertilizers in pulse production. Learn about the advantages and cost-effectiveness of using biofertilizers for pulse crops, including rhizobium, phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB), vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM), and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Enhance your knowledge and improve your pulse crop production techniques.

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  3. INTRODUCTION • India is the world’s largest producer, consumer and importer of pulses.(Reddy et al., 2012) • India accounts for 33% of the world area and 22% of the world production of pulses. • About 90% of the global pigeonpea, 65% of chickpea and 37% of lentil area falls in India, corresponding to 93%, 68% and 32% of global production, respectively (FAOSTAT, 2011). • In India total pulses were grown on an area of 23.47 m ha with production of 18.44 mt and productivity 786 kg/ha in year 2012-13(Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India).

  4. DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT PULSES TO TOTAL PULSE AREA IN INDIA Source-DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, 2010-11



  7. Source-DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, 2010-11

  8. Source-DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, 2010-11

  9. Source-DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, 2010-11

  10. BIOFERTILIZER Biofertilizer are the microbial inoculation which are capable of mobilizing nutritive elements required for the plants by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing and enhancing uptake of soil phosphorus.

  11. History of biofertilizers • The commercial history of Biofertilizers began with the launch of ‘Nitragin’ by Nobbe and Hiltner, a laboratory culture of Rhizobia in 1895. • In India the first study on legume Rhizobium symbiosis was conducted by N. V. Joshi and the first commercial production started as early as 1956.

  12. ADVANTAGES OF BIOFERTILIZER • PSB biofertilizer can provide 12-20 kg P2O5/ha/season. • Some biofertilizer add considerable amount of atmospheric nitrogen in soil. • Mycorrhiza can provide adequate, P, other micro nutrients and help in increased water absorption. • Mixed biofertilizer give better impact. • Keep soils biologically active. • Help in soil health maintenance.

  13. HOW BIO-FERTILIZERS ARE COST EFFECTIVE! Table-1: Economics of Bio-fertilizers Source: A book on Bio-fertilizer for extension workers, Bhattacharya & Mishra

  14. CLASSIFICATION OF BIOFERTILIZERS Biofertilizers Cellulolytic or Organic matter Decomposer(OMD) N-Fixing Biofertilizer (NBF) PO43- Mobilizing Biofertilizer(PSB) Lingolytic Organism e.g., Arthrobacter Agariccus NBF For Legumes e.g., Rhizobium Cellulolytic Organism e.g., Cellulomonas, Trichoderma Spore NBF For Cereals e.g., Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Azolla, BGA PO43- Solubilizer e.g., Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Aspergillus PO43- Absorber e.g., VA- mycorrhiza VAM like – Glomus

  15. BIOFERTILIZERS FOR PULSE CROPS • Rhizobium • Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria (PSB) • Vesicular Arboscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) • Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)

  16. RHIZOBIUM • It is aerobic bacteria fixes atmospheric nitrogen in legumes symbiotically. • The bacteria infect the legume root and form root nodules within which they reduce molecular nitrogen to ammonia. • It has been estimated that 40-250 kg N/ha/year is fixed by different legume crops by the microbial activities of Rhizobium. • The rhizobium legume association yield increase by 10-30%.

  17. Rhizobium nodule on legume root

  18. Rhizobium species suitable for different crops Source-Katyayan, Arun., Fundamentals of Agriculture,Vol. 1

  19. Amount of nitrogen fixed by important legume crops Source-Katyayan, Arun., Fundamentals of Agriculture,Vol. 1

  20. Table 2: Effect of inoculation of soybean cv. PK-416 with rhizobial strains on growth and yield (Mean of two years) Source- Patra et. al.,2012

  21. Table 3: Effect of inoculation of soybean cv. PK-416 with rhizobial strains on N uptake by plant at different stages and post-harvest soil N (Mean of two years) Source- Patra et. al., 2012

  22. Phosphate Solubilizing Biofertilizers (PSB) • A group of heterotrophic moss are known to have the ability to solubilize inorganic phosphorus from insoluble source. Bacteria- Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp. Fungi- Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Trichoderma spp. Yeast- Pchwamiomyces occidentails • The phosphate solubilizers also produce fungi static and growth promoting substances which influence plant growth. • PSB can be used for all crops including paddy, millets, oilseeds, pulses and vegetables. PSB culture

  23. Table 4. Balance sheet of P (Kg/ ha) as influenced by integrated nutrient management in kabuli chickpea Source- Tanwar et al., 2010

  24. Table 5. Growth attributes, yield attributes and yield of chickpea as influenced by phosphorus and PSB (Mean of two years) Source-Thenua and Sharma (2011)

  25. Table 6. Integrated nutrient management with biofertilizers in pigeonpea under rainfed situations Source- Patil etal.,2004

  26. Table 7. Effect of organic manures and rock phosphate with PSB on yield and yield attributes, B:C ratio of chickpea (Pooled data) Source- Patil et al., 2011

  27. ………..Continued Source- Patil et al.,2011

  28. Vesicular ArbuscularMycorrhiza(VAM) • VAM, a fungus, colonize the plant root system and increase the growth and yield of crop • Produce growth-promoting substances • Increase nutrient uptake particularly P, Zn and other micronutrients. • We can save 50% Phosphatic fertilizer without affecting the yield. • VAM inoculation improves water relation of the plants . VAM

  29. Table 8. Effect of dual inoculation of Glomus fasciculatum (VAM) and Rhizobium on the chlorophyll, nitrogen and phosphorus contents of pigeon pea. Source- Bhattacharjee and Sharma (2012)

  30. Table 9: Pod length (cm), 100-seed weight (g), Pod yield per plant (g), and Pod yield per hectare (t/ha) of french bean as influenced by soil application of VAM and PSB. V1 : Arka Komal B1 : 25% RDF + VAM @ 2 kg ha-1 + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 V2 : Arka Suvidha B2 : 50% RDF + VAM @ 2 kg ha-1 + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 V3 : Selection-9 B3 : 75% RDF + VAM @ 2 kg ha-1 + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 B4 : 100% RDF only (Control) Source-Ramana et al., 2011

  31. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) • This group of bacteria colonize roots or rhizosphere soil. • These PGPR are referred to as biostimulants and the phytohormones as they produce indole-acetic acid, cytokinins, gibberellins and inhibitors of ethylene production. • Some common examples of are Pseudomonas, Burkholdaria, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Mycobacterium, Mesorhizobium, Flavobacterium, etc.

  32. Table 10. Inoculation effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on grain yield, biomass, dry weight and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by grains of chickpea Source-Asad and Vafa (2011)

  33. How Bio-fertilizer are applied to crops Methods of biofertilizer application Soil treatment Seed treatment

  34. Soil Treatment For each hectare area four kilogram each of the recommended biofertilizers is mixed in 200 kg of compost and kept overnight.This mixture is incorporated in the soil at the time of sowing or planting. Source-Indian Society of Soil Science, Fundamental of Soil Science

  35. SEED TREATMENT • Rate of application • Nitrogenous bio-fertilizer-200 gm./10 kg. seed • Phosphate bio-fertilizer-200 gm./10 kg. seed • Liquid biofertilizer-3 ml /lit. water (seeds are to be dipped in the solution Chickpea seeds before (left) and after (right) treatment with biofertilizer • Seedling root deep • For rice crop, a bed is made in the field and filled with water .Recommended biofertilizers are mixed in this water and the roots of seedlings are dipped for minimum ½ an hour before transplanting. Application of Biofertilizer on seed

  36. Table 11. Yield attributes and grain yield of soyabean as influenced by application of phoshphorus with and without PSB, RI and VAM (Pooled mean of three years) Source- Sarawgi et al., 2011

  37. Table 12. Economics of soyabean and microbial population in soil after soyabean harvest as influenced by application of phosphorus with and without PSB, Rhizobium and VAM (Pooled mean of three years) Source- Sarawgi et al., 2011

  38. What precautions one should take for using biofertilizers? • Biofertilizer packets need to be stored in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. • Right combinations of biofertilizers have to be used. • As Rhizobium is crop specific, one should use for the specified crop only. • Other chemicals should not be mixed with the biofertilizers. • The packet has to be used before its expiry, only for the specified crop and by the recommended method of application. • It is highly beneficial to use biofertilizers along with organic manures.

  39. Limitations of biofertilizers • Non availability of quality biofertilizers. • Short shelf life. • Improper inoculation. • Adverse climatic conditions like waterlogging, high temperature and salinity and acidity of soil.

  40. Poor Acceptability Poor Acceptability among farmers may be attributed to : • Inconsistent responses • Poor quality of carrier based products • Sensitivity to temperature and short shelf life • Non-compatibility with chemical seed dressers/ fertilizers • Poor organic carbon in soils • Dependence for supply on Government system

  41. Increase crop productivity through balanced use of fertilizers • Use of balanced inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizers and biofertilizers can provide viable leverage to increase crop productivity. • It enrich the soil with important nutrients. • Biofertilizers has potential to generate additional income to farmers from the same size of land.

  42. FUTURE NEEDS • It is necessary to develop strains of bacteria suitable for different crops in different agroclimatic condition and soil types to fully harness the benefit from the biofertilizers. • There is need to put in greater effort to achieve better quality of inoculants by making necessary arrangements in storage and transport.

  43. CONCLUSION • Rhizobium strain SB-16 in soyabean increases grain yield by 41.88% and stover yield by 69.10% over control beside increased N uptake. • Application of 30 kg. P2O5/ha through RP+PSB+RI+VAM in soyabean increases seed yield to maximum (30.6%), increases microbial activity and higher net returns. • Dual inoculation of VAM and Rhizobium found better for pigeonpea crop. • The application of 60 kg P2O5/ha inoculated with PSB recorded the highest value of all yield parameters in chickpea.

  44. Thank You Use Biofertilizers For Healthy and living soil

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