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Discern Activities of Interest Through Advanced Analysis

Explore the innovative Real-Time Analytics Dashboard for detecting, monitoring, and alerting location-based patterns in activities. Utilize advanced analysis tools to discern meaningful insights and apply real-time alerts for timely actions.

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Discern Activities of Interest Through Advanced Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discern Activities of Interest Through Advanced Analysis Natalie Feuerstein Ben Conklin

  2. Challenges

  3. Demo Movement Pattern Dashboard

  4. Key Concepts

  5. New Analytic Workflow for Pattern Detection Real Time Analysis Monitor and Alerting Raw Feeds Periodic Analysis

  6. Real-Time GIS Web Device Desktop Integration & exploitation of streaming data Apps • Integrates real-time streaming data into ArcGIS • Performs continuous processing and real-time analytics • Sends updates and alerts to those who need it where they need it Access GeoEvent Extension Services ArcGIS Server

  7. Working with Real-Time Data Making features come alive • Import your feature layer’s schema as a GeoEvent Definition • Connect an output to your feature service • Configure an input to receive real-time data • Author and publish a GeoEvent Service • Visualize your real-time features Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension ArcGIS Online / Portal for ArcGIS operation views GeoEvent Services web maps Outputs Inputs GeoEvent Definitions feature services ArcGIS Server

  8. Receiving Real-Time Data Easily integrate real-time streaming data into ArcGIS using an Input Connector You can create your own connectors. GeoEvent Extension Poll an ArcGIS Server for Features ActiveMQ CompassLDE HTTP Poll an external website for GeoJSON, JSON, or XML CAP enviroCar REST Cursor-on-Target exactEarth AIS Receive Features, GeoJSON, JSON, or XML on a REST endpoint Exploitation Support Data FAA (ASDI) Receive GeoJSON or JSON on a WebSocket * WS Out of the Box Instagram GNIP Receive RSS Partner Gallery * WS GeoEvent Services .csv KML Networkfleet Receive Text from a TCP or UDP Socket * Esri Gallery Outputs Kafka OSIsoft Inputs Subscribe to an external WebSocket for GeoJSON or JSON * * MQTT Valarm Watch a Folder for new CSV, GeoJSON, or JSON Files NMEA 0183 Zonar * RabbitMQ Sierra Wireless (RAP) Trimble (TAIP) Twitter

  9. Sending Real-Time Data Easily disseminate notifications, alerts, and updates using an Output Connector You can create your own connectors. GeoEvent Extension Add or Update a feature ActiveMQ Publish Text to a UDP Socket Cursor-on-Target Push GeoJSON or JSON to an external Website Hadoop HTTP Push GeoJSON or JSON to an external WebSocket Kafka WS * Push Text to an external TCP Socket MongoDB Esri Gallery GeoEvent Services Out of the Box .csv Send a Text Message MQTT Send an Email Outputs Inputs RabbitMQ Send an Instant Message im Twitter Send Features to a Stream Service Write to a CSV, GeoJSON, or JSON File Add a Feature to a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store Update a feature in a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store

  10. Applying real-time analytics GeoEvent Services • A GeoEvent Service defines the flow of GeoEvents, • The Filtering and Processing steps to perform • what input(s) to apply them to • and what output(s) to send the results to

  11. Applying Real-Time Analytics GeoEvent Processing • You can perform continuous analytics on GeoEvents as they are received using a processor. GeoEvent Extension You can create your own processors. Buffer Creator GeoTagger Add XYZ Range Fan Convex Hull Creator Incident Detector Bearing Reverse Geocoder Difference Creator Intersector Ellipse Service Area Creator GeoEvent Services Envelope Creator Projector Event Volume Control Symbol Lookup Out of the Box Field Calculator Simplifier Extent Enricher Track Idle Detector Esri Gallery Outputs Inputs Field Enricher Symmetric Difference Field Grouper Unit Converter Field Mapper Track Gap Detector GeoNames Lookup Visibility Field Reducer Union Creator Motion Calculator Query Report

  12. Movement Analysis

  13. Real Time Analysis Data Flow Sensed Location Stay Location Volunteer Location Observed Location

  14. Location Sources Sensed Location Stay Location Volunteer Location Observed Location

  15. Stay Locations • Locations where individuals spend time • Includes Key Attributes for pattern analysis. • Can be used at different scales • Individual • Neighborhood • Regional

  16. Known Location Information Sensed Location Suspicious Places Stay Locations Stay Location Volunteer Location Observed Location Monitored Locations

  17. Suspicious Places • Predefined Locations for monitoring • Home, Work, Meeting Areas • Key POIs (Place of Worship, Restaurants, Internet Café) • Location Pattern Model • Discrete - Location is only used by a certain individual or type of individual • Semi-Discrete –Used by similar groups of individuals but not distinct • Non-Discrete - If a location is used by all types of people regardless of • Unknown - The nature of the location is unknown

  18. Location Capture Sensed Location Suspicious Places Stay Location Stay Location Volunteer Location Observed Location Monitored Locations

  19. GeoEvent processing Notify about the absence of events • A Track Gap Detector processor • Detects the absence of events and alerts about the situation. • A Track Idle Detector processor • Detects the lack of movement even while events are received and alerts about the situation. Gap Gap Detected Closed

  20. Demo Location Capture from GPS

  21. Stay Location Tagging Sensed Location Suspicious Places Stay Location Stay Location Volunteer Location Observed Location Monitored Locations

  22. Demo Stay Location Tagging

  23. GeoEvent Processing Enrich a GeoEvent with new fields Event Previous Event Details • A Cache Aware Field Calculator processor • Uses information for the Previous Track to calculate values on the current event • Tracks are based on Individual ID • Allows for calculation of Previous Location and Duration Tracking Field Calculator Cache-Aware

  24. Demo Stay Location Tracking

  25. Stay Location Analysis and Visualization • Periodic Analysis Workflows • Measure Significant Pattern based on Individual and Location ID • Summary Statistics for • Location, Location Sequence, Time of Day, Day of Week, Week of Year • Real-Time Visualization • Movement Reporting Dashboard • Individual Pattern Viewer

  26. Stay Location Analysis and Visualization • Periodic Analysis Workflows • Measure Significant Pattern based on Individual and Location ID • Summary Statistics for • Location, Location Sequence, Time of Day, Day of Week, Week of Year • Real-Time Visualization • Movement Reporting Dashboard • Individual Pattern Viewer

  27. Setup and Configuration

  28. Prerequisites • ArcGIS Portal with Hosting Server • GeoEvent Processor Installed on Federated Server • Spatiotemporal Big Data Store • Tested on 10.4.1 may work on older version

  29. Installation Steps • Publish Feature Services • Configure GeoEvent Processor • Install GeoEvent Compontents • Import GeoEvent Config • Configure Data Store and Publish Services • Test with Simulator • Configure Web Map and Dashboard

  30. Demo Configure GeoEvent for Movement Analysis

  31. Installation Steps • Publish Feature Services • Configure GeoEvent Processor • Install GeoEvent Compontents • Import GeoEvent Config • Configure Data Store and Publish Services • Test with Simulator • Configure Web Map and Dashboard

  32. Demo Movement Dashboard Configuration

  33. Want to learn more? • Documentation • http://solutions.arcgis.com/ • https://github.com/conklinbd/MovementAnalysis • Learn More about GeoEvent Processor • http://links.esri.com/geoevent • https://links.esri.com/geoevent-forum

  34. Real-Time GIS Other sessions • Real-Time GIS: Best Practices • Real-Time GIS: Applying Real-Time Analytics • Real-Time GIS: Leveraging Stream Services • Big Data: ArcGIS Spatiotemporal Big Data Store • Real-Time GIS: The Internet of Things • Real-Time 3D GIS: Making Scenes Come Alive Thu 2:30-3:30pm, Demo Theater 1 • Real-Time GIS: Creating Connectors using the GeoEvent SDK Fri 8:30-9:30am, Santa Rosa • Real-Time GIS: Creating Processors using the GeoEvent SDK Fri 10:00-11:00am, Santa Rosa

  35. Please take our Survey Your feedback allows us to help maintain high standards and to help presenters Find your event in the Esri Events App Find the session you want to review Scroll down to the bottom of the session Answer survey questions and submit

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