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This project aims to identify and address the factors contributing to student absences in River East Transcona School Division. By implementing evidence-based interventions and improving tracking systems, we strive to improve student attendance and engagement.
River East Transcona SD Attendance Project Funded by Manitoba Education Attendance Initiative Grant 2011-2013
RETSD Attendance Project Project Initiator: Joan Trubyk, Assistant Superintendent Student Services Project Lead: Connie Boutet, Manager Student Services Project Participants: Year 1: Sara McGowan, Attendance Facilitator Year 2:Salisbury Morse Place School • Marjorie Millman, Principal • Libby Powell, Guidance Counsellor • Michelle Juarez, Attendance Facilitator
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Background • In June, 2011 RETSD was awarded a two-year Attendance Initiative Grant by ME to develop strategies that address school attendance issues • As there are many possible reasons for student absence from school, a Needs Assessment was conducted to identify the specific barriers to school attendance within the RETSD community
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Project Goals Year 1 To identify the major factors contributing to student absences in RETSD Year 2 To use this information to develop and implement interventions that will improve student attendance
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Target Group • Early years students (K to Grade 6) • Absence rate between 10 and 20% in 2010-2011 Rationale • Proactive, early intervention before attendance problems become chronic and intractable
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Procedures • Divisional data were compiled to identify the population of K to 6 students who had a 10-20% absence rate from school the previous year • Random sample of 25 students (representing 18 schools) was selected for participation • Attendance Facilitator was hired to gather data through Pupil file review (school attendance history) and interviews with school staff and parent/guardian
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Data Collected • Level of concern expressed by school staff and parent/guardian • Reasons for student absence • Interventions to improve attendance • Comparison of school and home perspectives
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Results: LEVEL OF CONCERN • Most schools were Not Concerned or Slightly Concerned about the student’s absences (60%) • Most parents/guardians Not Concerned or Slightly Concerned about absences (20/25)
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 School Trends • If students missed a couple of non-consecutive days per month, absences often went undetected • If parent/guardian typically called to inform the school of their child’s absence, school not usually concerned • If student was doing well academically and socially, school not concerned about absences
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Parent Trends • Some parents felt justified in keeping their children out of school (e.g., birthdays, family trips, practice for community play) • Several parents kept their child home during cold weather • If one sibling missed school, often the others would too
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 School Results: Top 3 REASONS FOR STUDENT ABSENCE #1 Home-Based Factors 14/25 • Limited parenting skills • Parent works nights • Parent has chronic illness (physical or mental) • Parent is overwhelmed • Parent needs child’s help at home • Child allowed to stay home for minor illness
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 #2 School Not Valued 5/25 • Parent/family doesn’t value regular school attendance #3 Disconnect With School 3/25 • Student feels unconnected/unwanted at school • Student feels unsuccessful at school • Student or parent reports bullying • Parent is angry with the school
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Parent Results: REASONS FOR ABSENCE #1 Home-Based Factors 14/25 • Overwhelmed with life stress • Minimal supports • Minor illness of child #2 Disconnect With School 4/25 #3 Family Breakdown or Crisis 6/25 Student Affected by Mental Health School Not Valued
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Results: INTERVENTIONS TRIED Majority of schools reported few or no interventions to address student’s absences • Most frequently reported were Principal Called Home or Classroom Teacher Called Home Majority of parents reported few or no interventions • A few sought help from neighbors, friends, family or an outside agency
Divisional Recommendations for 2012-2013 • Implement evidence-based school-wide and classroom interventions to improve student attendance (universal population) • Better system for tracking student attendance at each school; early identification and follow-up of students with poor attendance (targeted population) • Parent education regarding importance of regular school attendance.
Divisional Recommendations for 2012-2013 • Connect students and families with divisional and community resources • Partner with community agencies to provide parents with education and support to address the more common reasons for student absence (e.g., minor illness and family stress)
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2 Welcome to Salisbury Morse Place School! • Marjorie Millman - Principal • Libby Powell - Middle Years Guidance Counsellor • Michelle Juarez - Attendance Facilitator
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2 Salisbury Morse Place School • Located in the East Kildonancommunity • Serves Kindergarten - Grade 8 • Dual track school • Working class area • Two Manitoba housing complexes in area • Numerous rental and side by side houses • Culturally diverse population/large newcomer population
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Issues being addressed: • Student attendance- Tracking of and intervention with K to 8 students who missed 10% or more of school each month from September- January • Parental involvement- Educatingparents on the importance of regular school attendance and providing supports - brochures, list of community resources, web and newsletter information
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Methods to address issues: • Part-time Attendance Facilitator hired(Nov- Mar) • Data collection - looking at attendance records at the end of every month • Conducting student interviews - listening to the child’s voice and reasons for missing school • School’s responsibility - secretaries make phone calls home daily; school staff involved in meeting with parents, letters sent home, staff speaking to students, referring to SS supports; staff recognizing students at assemblies, use of truant officers
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Interviews- were conducted with students who missed 10% or more in a month • Follow-ups- were conducted with students in grades 6-8 whose attendance declined from October-December • Alarm clocks- were purchased for those students (Gr. 6-8) who said they didn’t have one and could make use of one
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Attendance letter - was sent out in January for parents of K-5 students explaining the role of the Attendance Facilitator and the importance of regular school attendance • Attendance information - was placed on the school’s website and inserted in school newsletters • Certificates and rewards - students with perfect or improved attendance were recognized during school assemblies (certificates, rewards)
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Attendance Brochures- were given to students who were interviewed • Presentations - Attendance Facilitator spoke on attendance issues during Kindergarten open house, Grade 6 open house, as well as Parent Association Meeting; brochures were also distributed at this time • Attendance posters - were purchased and placed in high traffic areas
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: Continue use of: • Truant Officer-divisional officer used with students who miss 20% or more • Staff members- secretaries making phone calls home everyday, teachers making phone calls home when notice a pattern of students missing, letters being sent home, meeting with parents
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Average number of students missing 10% or more per month
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Average Absence By Month (Overall)Note n = 81 to 85 (depending on the month).
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interview Data Total number of interviews conducted = 68 Composed of open-ended questions: • What does your household look like? • How do you get to school? • What is your morning routine? • Who wakes you up? Do you use an alarm clock? • Is there anything the school could do to help you improve your attendance?
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Student Interviews Conducted by Grade
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interview responses were recorded and categorized into the following reasons: • Home-based factors • Student affected by mental illness • Student affected by addictions • Disconnect from school • School not valued • Illness • Weather related • Family breakdown/crisis • Family vacation
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Reasons for Absence
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Follow-Up: Meetings were held with principal, attendance facilitator, guidance counsellor and manager of SSU to problem-solve/develop intervention plan for each student Possible Outcomes: • Referrals to Student Services (social work, psychology) • Follow-up with Attendance Facilitator • Follow-up with Guidance Counsellor
RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Progress
Lessons Learned (so far) Social issues, emotional difficulties, mental health problems and poverty are contributing factors to absenteeism in our school community.
Challenges • Getting students and parents to understand the importance of regular school attendance and arriving to school on time • Staff is often unable to contact parents • Teachers finding the time to record when a student is absent or late and any contact with parents • Because of the large newcomer population, language barriers are often present, unaware of the importance of school attendance and laws
Sustainability Depends on… • More parental education and involvement • Teacher commitment to continue to make phone calls home for those students who have unexplained absences • Availability of guidance counsellor (or some other staff person) to track and follow-up with attendance issues
Sustainability • Frequent and continued recognition of students with improved or perfect attendance • Willingness of school staff to continue to build relationships with students and their parents/ guardians • Identify and work with students who have chronic tardiness as this often leads to absenteeism
Sustainability • Continue to use Truant Officer for those students who miss 20% of more • Development of a Divisional Attendance Committee with the goal of partnering with schools and other groups(CFS, Police, Social Assistance, Housing, etc.)
THE END Contact information: Marjorie Millman Salisbury Morse Place School795 Prince Rupert Ave.Winnipeg, ManitobaR2K 1W6 Phone: 204.668.9304 mmillman@retsd.mb.ca