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River East Transcona SD Attendance Project

This project aims to identify and address the factors contributing to student absences in River East Transcona School Division. By implementing evidence-based interventions and improving tracking systems, we strive to improve student attendance and engagement.

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River East Transcona SD Attendance Project

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  1. River East Transcona SD Attendance Project Funded by Manitoba Education Attendance Initiative Grant 2011-2013

  2. RETSD Attendance Project Project Initiator: Joan Trubyk, Assistant Superintendent Student Services Project Lead: Connie Boutet, Manager Student Services Project Participants: Year 1: Sara McGowan, Attendance Facilitator Year 2:Salisbury Morse Place School • Marjorie Millman, Principal • Libby Powell, Guidance Counsellor • Michelle Juarez, Attendance Facilitator

  3. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Background • In June, 2011 RETSD was awarded a two-year Attendance Initiative Grant by ME to develop strategies that address school attendance issues • As there are many possible reasons for student absence from school, a Needs Assessment was conducted to identify the specific barriers to school attendance within the RETSD community

  4. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Project Goals Year 1 To identify the major factors contributing to student absences in RETSD Year 2 To use this information to develop and implement interventions that will improve student attendance

  5. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Target Group • Early years students (K to Grade 6) • Absence rate between 10 and 20% in 2010-2011 Rationale • Proactive, early intervention before attendance problems become chronic and intractable

  6. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Procedures • Divisional data were compiled to identify the population of K to 6 students who had a 10-20% absence rate from school the previous year • Random sample of 25 students (representing 18 schools) was selected for participation • Attendance Facilitator was hired to gather data through Pupil file review (school attendance history) and interviews with school staff and parent/guardian

  7. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Data Collected • Level of concern expressed by school staff and parent/guardian • Reasons for student absence • Interventions to improve attendance • Comparison of school and home perspectives

  8. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Results: LEVEL OF CONCERN • Most schools were Not Concerned or Slightly Concerned about the student’s absences (60%) • Most parents/guardians Not Concerned or Slightly Concerned about absences (20/25)

  9. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 School Trends • If students missed a couple of non-consecutive days per month, absences often went undetected • If parent/guardian typically called to inform the school of their child’s absence, school not usually concerned • If student was doing well academically and socially, school not concerned about absences

  10. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Parent Trends • Some parents felt justified in keeping their children out of school (e.g., birthdays, family trips, practice for community play) • Several parents kept their child home during cold weather • If one sibling missed school, often the others would too

  11. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 School Results: Top 3 REASONS FOR STUDENT ABSENCE #1 Home-Based Factors 14/25 • Limited parenting skills • Parent works nights • Parent has chronic illness (physical or mental) • Parent is overwhelmed • Parent needs child’s help at home • Child allowed to stay home for minor illness

  12. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 #2 School Not Valued 5/25 • Parent/family doesn’t value regular school attendance #3 Disconnect With School 3/25 • Student feels unconnected/unwanted at school • Student feels unsuccessful at school • Student or parent reports bullying • Parent is angry with the school

  13. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Parent Results: REASONS FOR ABSENCE #1 Home-Based Factors 14/25 • Overwhelmed with life stress • Minimal supports • Minor illness of child #2 Disconnect With School 4/25 #3 Family Breakdown or Crisis 6/25 Student Affected by Mental Health School Not Valued

  14. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 1 Results: INTERVENTIONS TRIED Majority of schools reported few or no interventions to address student’s absences • Most frequently reported were Principal Called Home or Classroom Teacher Called Home Majority of parents reported few or no interventions • A few sought help from neighbors, friends, family or an outside agency

  15. Divisional Recommendations for 2012-2013 • Implement evidence-based school-wide and classroom interventions to improve student attendance (universal population) • Better system for tracking student attendance at each school; early identification and follow-up of students with poor attendance (targeted population) • Parent education regarding importance of regular school attendance.

  16. Divisional Recommendations for 2012-2013 • Connect students and families with divisional and community resources • Partner with community agencies to provide parents with education and support to address the more common reasons for student absence (e.g., minor illness and family stress)

  17. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2 Welcome to Salisbury Morse Place School! • Marjorie Millman - Principal • Libby Powell - Middle Years Guidance Counsellor • Michelle Juarez - Attendance Facilitator

  18. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2 Salisbury Morse Place School • Located in the East Kildonancommunity • Serves Kindergarten - Grade 8 • Dual track school • Working class area • Two Manitoba housing complexes in area • Numerous rental and side by side houses • Culturally diverse population/large newcomer population

  19. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Issues being addressed: • Student attendance- Tracking of and intervention with K to 8 students who missed 10% or more of school each month from September- January • Parental involvement- Educatingparents on the importance of regular school attendance and providing supports - brochures, list of community resources, web and newsletter information

  20. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Methods to address issues: • Part-time Attendance Facilitator hired(Nov- Mar) • Data collection - looking at attendance records at the end of every month • Conducting student interviews - listening to the child’s voice and reasons for missing school • School’s responsibility - secretaries make phone calls home daily; school staff involved in meeting with parents, letters sent home, staff speaking to students, referring to SS supports; staff recognizing students at assemblies, use of truant officers

  21. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Interviews- were conducted with students who missed 10% or more in a month • Follow-ups- were conducted with students in grades 6-8 whose attendance declined from October-December • Alarm clocks- were purchased for those students (Gr. 6-8) who said they didn’t have one and could make use of one

  22. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Attendance letter - was sent out in January for parents of K-5 students explaining the role of the Attendance Facilitator and the importance of regular school attendance • Attendance information - was placed on the school’s website and inserted in school newsletters • Certificates and rewards - students with perfect or improved attendance were recognized during school assemblies (certificates, rewards)

  23. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: • Attendance Brochures- were given to students who were interviewed • Presentations - Attendance Facilitator spoke on attendance issues during Kindergarten open house, Grade 6 open house, as well as Parent Association Meeting; brochures were also distributed at this time • Attendance posters - were purchased and placed in high traffic areas

  24. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interventions: Continue use of: • Truant Officer-divisional officer used with students who miss 20% or more • Staff members- secretaries making phone calls home everyday, teachers making phone calls home when notice a pattern of students missing, letters being sent home, meeting with parents

  25. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Average number of students missing 10% or more per month

  26. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Average Absence By Month (Overall)Note n = 81 to 85 (depending on the month).

  27. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interview Data Total number of interviews conducted = 68 Composed of open-ended questions: • What does your household look like? • How do you get to school? • What is your morning routine? • Who wakes you up? Do you use an alarm clock? • Is there anything the school could do to help you improve your attendance?

  28. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Student Interviews Conducted by Grade

  29. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Interview responses were recorded and categorized into the following reasons: • Home-based factors • Student affected by mental illness • Student affected by addictions • Disconnect from school • School not valued • Illness • Weather related • Family breakdown/crisis • Family vacation

  30. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Reasons for Absence

  31. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Follow-Up: Meetings were held with principal, attendance facilitator, guidance counsellor and manager of SSU to problem-solve/develop intervention plan for each student Possible Outcomes: • Referrals to Student Services (social work, psychology) • Follow-up with Attendance Facilitator • Follow-up with Guidance Counsellor

  32. RETSD Attendance Project – Year 2Salisbury Morse Place School Progress

  33. Lessons Learned (so far) Social issues, emotional difficulties, mental health problems and poverty are contributing factors to absenteeism in our school community.

  34. Challenges • Getting students and parents to understand the importance of regular school attendance and arriving to school on time • Staff is often unable to contact parents • Teachers finding the time to record when a student is absent or late and any contact with parents • Because of the large newcomer population, language barriers are often present, unaware of the importance of school attendance and laws

  35. Sustainability Depends on… • More parental education and involvement • Teacher commitment to continue to make phone calls home for those students who have unexplained absences • Availability of guidance counsellor (or some other staff person) to track and follow-up with attendance issues

  36. Sustainability • Frequent and continued recognition of students with improved or perfect attendance • Willingness of school staff to continue to build relationships with students and their parents/ guardians • Identify and work with students who have chronic tardiness as this often leads to absenteeism

  37. Sustainability • Continue to use Truant Officer for those students who miss 20% of more • Development of a Divisional Attendance Committee with the goal of partnering with schools and other groups(CFS, Police, Social Assistance, Housing, etc.)

  38. THE END Contact information: Marjorie Millman Salisbury Morse Place School795 Prince Rupert Ave.Winnipeg, ManitobaR2K 1W6 Phone: 204.668.9304 mmillman@retsd.mb.ca

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