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Light-front transverse charge densities

*. Light-front transverse charge densities. Lorcé Cédric Mainz University Germany. * Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (Sep 27- Oct 2, 2010). Outline. Picture in the transverse plane Form Factors GTMDs & Co. Standard Picture. Breit frame. [Ernst, Sachs, Wali (1960)] [Sachs (1962)].

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Light-front transverse charge densities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. * Light-front transverse charge densities Lorcé Cédric Mainz University Germany *Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany(Sep 27- Oct 2, 2010)

  2. Outline • Picture in the transverse plane • Form Factors • GTMDs & Co.

  3. Standard Picture Breit frame [Ernst, Sachs, Wali (1960)] [Sachs (1962)] BUT • Lorentz contraction • Creation/annihilation of pairs NO probability/charge density interpretation

  4. Correct Picture Light-front frame [Soper (1977)] [Burkardt (2000,2003)] • Extreme Lorentz contraction 2D picture • No creation/annihilation of massive pairs

  5. Transverse Charge Densities p n Long. pol. Transv. pol. Dipole! [Miller (2007)] [Carlson & Vdh (2008)]

  6. Transverse Charge Densities Similarly for higher spins 2j+1 circular multipoles! = + + + [Alexandrou et al. (2008,2009)] monopole dipole quadrupole octupole [Lorcé (2009)] Distortions of transverse charge densities due to anomalous values of EM moments Claim:

  7. Higher Spins 2j+1 circular multipoles! Dirac SM EW Supergravity [Lorcé (2009)] Charge normalization Universal g=2 factor

  8. (Quasi)-probabilistic interpretation in impact-parameter space with dd GTMDs (Generalized Transverse Momentum dependent parton Distributions) Complete parametrization [Meißner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)]

  9. k k T T GCDs (Generalized transverse Charge Densities) [Lorcé, Pasquini (in preparation)] q b , q fixed Unpolarized u quark in unpolarized proton

  10. k k T T GCDs (Generalized transverse Charge Densities) [Lorcé, Pasquini (in preparation)] = + fixed Unpolarized u quark in unpolarized proton

  11. k k k k k T T T T T GCDs (Generalized transverse Charge Densities) [Lorcé, Pasquini (in preparation)] Unpolarized u quark in unpolarized proton , q fixed

  12. GCDs (Generalized transverse Charge Densities) [Lorcé, Pasquini (in preparation)] ru/2 rd Unpolarized u and d quarks in unpolarized proton More u than d in central region!

  13. k T Summary • FFs • Correct picture on the light front • Distortions of densities due to anomalous moments • « Natural » EM moments form a pseudo-Pascal triangle • GTMDs & Co. • Full information • Anisotropic distribution of • u/d quarks dominance in central region of proton/neutron

  14. Backup

  15. VCS in low limit described by 6 GPs Generalized Polarizabilities Linear response to external quasi-static dipole electric field

  16. Generalized Polarizabilities [Gorchtein, Lorcé, Pasquini, Vdh (2010)] dipole quadrupole monopole Only 3 linear combinations available! E E E

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