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Coaching for Quality Teaching & Learning: Assistant Principal Mentor-Mentee Meeting

Reflect on the actions of great coaches, understand the game of coaching teachers, learn coaching actions, questions, and the transition from coaching to directing in education. Explore different coaching approaches. Our mission is to ensure every learner achieves personal success. Ankeny Community Schools do not discriminate based on various factors. For inquiries or grievances, contact Dr. Bruce Kimpston.

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Coaching for Quality Teaching & Learning: Assistant Principal Mentor-Mentee Meeting

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  1. Coaching for QualityTeaching & Learning Assistant Principal Mentor-Mentee Statewide Meeting Jen Lindaman, Principal Ankeny Centennial High School 1/20/15

  2. The Actions of Great Coaches • Using the notecard provided, reflect on the greatest coach you ever had or knew: • What skills made that coach great? • Describe the actions you observed from that coach. • How did his/her players respond?

  3. Our Descriptions • What were some of your responses?

  4. Coaching Teachers • Understand the “game” • Have clear targets for what quality instruction looks like in order for all students to learn at high levels • Know your “player’s” strengths and skills • Be in classrooms and know what teachers do really well and what they need to improve in order to meet the needs of students (both from their lens and yours) • Provide feedback on progress & encourage practice • Provide teachers frequent descriptive feedback and reflective questions so that they can self-assess their progress and make adjustments

  5. Coaching Actions • Engage teachers in: • Collaboration with teammates (expertise) • The use data to set and monitor goals • Peer observation and feedback • Self-assessment and reflection based on feedback from principal, peers, and students

  6. Coaching Questions • Must start with positive presuppositions • Coaching questions to extend thinking • Generally start with what or how • Invite thinking such as • How might…? • What are some…? • In what ways…? • What seems…?

  7. From Coaching to Consulting • Ask reflective questions to assess where the teacher’s thinking is around whatever might not be meeting your expectations. • Examples • What data do you collect from your students to determine the extent of reviewing you need to do? • What would you estimate to be the number of students in your classroom for whom the content your were discussing was new information? • What evidence did you see that indicated you needed to review the answers to each problem?

  8. Consulting Questions • Questions to extend thinking in consultation • What would happen if…? • Let me press you a bit about… • I would like to plant a seed… • If we look at the students’ needs… • Just a thought… • Can I push/challenge you on this point?

  9. From Consulting to Directing • Begin with a statement embracing the difficulty of the conversation. • Remind them of the shared vision for student learning and the partnership in ensuring that we do everything possible to meet the needs of kids. • Share observations and concerns and how they are affecting to student learning.

  10. From Consulting to Directing • Describe the what needs to happen in order to meet student needs • Examples: • Provide clear, timely, and proactive communication with parents using Infinite Campus as the primary tool  • Differentiate instruction based on the data from assessments to meet the individual needs of students. • Provide direct teaching around the student behaviors that support learning and embed structures and routines that support student learning. • Develop a plan for support and improvement

  11. Directive/Evaluative Starters • Convey concern and care for students & the teacher • I have some concerns I need to share with you and while I know it may be difficult to hear them, I know that you want what is best for our kids. • As you know we are committed to effective and purposeful communication. I am going to share some things with you that might challenge your thinking, however I know you want what is best for our kids and so do I. I have some concerns about… • I want to share with you what I have observed and why it concerns me. • We will work together to address these concerns and get the support you need.

  12. Questions

  13. Our Mission:Ankeny Community Schools is unified in its commitment, passion, and vision so every learner is prepared to achieve a lifetime of personal success. Ankeny Community School District does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, military affiliation, socioeconomic status, or familial status.  Inquiries and grievances may be directed to Dr. Bruce Kimpston, Associate Superintendent of Schools, 306 S.W. School Street, P.O. Box 189, Ankeny, Iowa 50021-0189, (515) 965-9600, or the Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 2800, Chicago, IL 60661.

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