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THE AUSTRIAN CDM PROGRAM 奥地利 CDM 计划. Responsible Authorities for CDM in Austria. 奥地利 CDM 计划的相关部门. Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5, A- 1011 Vienna, Austria Phone: ++43 1 515 22-0
Responsible Authorities for CDM in Austria 奥地利CDM计划的相关部门 Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management • Stubenbastei 5, A- 1011 Vienna, Austria • Phone: ++43 1 515 22-0 • Internet: http://www.lebensministerium.at Competent Authority on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management is Kommunalkredit Public Consulting • Tel: +43/1/31 6 31-212 • E-mail:kyoto@kommunalkredit.at • Web:http://www.ji-cdm-austria.at 奥地利联邦农业林业环境和水资源管理部 • Stubenbastei 5, A- 1011 Vienna, Austria • Phone: ++43 1 515 22-0 • Internet: http://www.lebensministerium.at 奥地利联邦农业林业环境和水资源管理部下相应的主管部门为 Kommunalkredit 公共咨询局(KPC) • Tel: +43/1/31 6 31-212 • E-mail:kyoto@kommunalkredit.at • Web:http://www.ji-cdm-austria.at
Background of the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的背景 • 奥地利共和国已批准《京都议定书》并承诺: • 将其温室气体排放量在1990年的基础上减少 13% • 在2008至2012年间 • 2003年9月启动的奥地利CDM计划, 就是通过从其它国家的气候控制项目中购买排放指标而促进奥地利京都目标的达成. • 基于目前的排放数据,奥地利CDM计划在2008至2012年间将为奥地利京都目标贡献3500万吨CO2当量的减排量 • 从2003至2012年的总预算为2. 88亿欧元 Through its ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Republic of Austria committed itself • to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 13% (based on the 1990 level, • over the period from 2008 to 2012. The Austrian CDM Programme, launched in September 2003, is to contribute to the achievement of the Austrian Kyoto target through the purchase of emission credits from climate-control projects in other countries. Based on current emission data, the Austrian CDM Programme is to contribute a reduction of emissions by 35 million tones of CO2 equivalents to the Austrian Kyoto target for the period from 2008 to 2012. The total budget available for the period from 2003 to 2012 amounts to EUR 288 million.
Background of the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的背景 基于对以下问题的理解形成了CDM 工具 • 工业化国家进一部减少温室气体排放的成本远远高于经济转型和发展中国家 • CDM项目(在发展中国家和新兴工业化国家的项目)的另一重要目标是为可持续发展做贡献 CDM计划的地理范围包括所有的已批准《京都议定书》的发展中国家和新兴工业化国家 The CDM instrument created under the Kyoto Protocol are based on the understanding • that the costs of further reducing greenhouse gas emissions are much higher in industrialized countries than in transition and developing countries. • Another important objective of the CDM-projects (projects in developing and newly industrialized countries) is to contribute towards sustainable development. The geographical scope of the CDM Programme includes all developing and newly industrialized countries which have ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
Background of the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的背景 用技术术语来讲,该计划的焦点主要是: • 使用可再生能源 • 热电联产项目 • 提高能源效率 • 废弃物管理措施 In technological terms, the main focus of the programme is on • the use of renewable sources of energy • combined heat and power projects • the increase of energy efficiency • waste management measures
Calls for projects within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划项目招标 KPC是奥地利CDM计划的管理机构 • 为保证公平与透明,定期发布针对CDM项目所产生的减排量的招标意向 • 然后,先进行公示,再进行两阶段谈判,在奥地利CDM计划下购买由清洁发展机制(CDM)项目所产生的减排量 KPC, the Programme Management of the Austrian CDM Programme, • publishes regular Calls for Expression of Interest for emission reductions generated by CDM projects in order to secure non-discrimination and transparency. • Hereby, a two-phase negotiation procedure with prior public announcement is launched for purchasing Emission Reductions generated by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects within the Austrian CDM Programme.
奥地利CDM计划两阶段谈判程序 Two-phase negotiation procedure within the Austrian CDM Programme The Expression of Interest (EoI) is the first stage and may be submitted any time from the date of publication of a Call until the specified closure date. • The evaluation of the EoI will be performed continuously within a maximum of 30 working-days from receipt of the complete EoI. • The evaluation will result in determining the eligibility of the Applicant (and the appending Project) to participate in the Austrian CDM Programme. All interested Applicants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) on the basis of the Call for Expression of Interest. First Phase 第一阶段 第一步是意向书,可以在招标发布之日起至规定的截止日之间的任何时间提交 • 在收到完整的意向书后最长30个工作日内完成对意向书的评估 • 根据评估的结果决定申请者(及其项目)参加奥地利CDM计划的资格 所有感兴趣的申请者都被邀请按照意向书招标的要求提交一份意向书
Two-phase negotiation procedure within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划两阶段谈判程序 Once found eligible, in the second phase the Applicant will be invited to submit a detailed proposal on the basis of the tender dossier forwarded. • All submitted proposals will be assessed applying the evaluation criteria given in the tender dossier. • The aim of this second phase of the approval procedure is to ascertain that all selected projects meet or exceed the standards of the Austrian CDM Programme. Second Phase 第二阶段 资格一经确认,在第二阶段申请者将被邀请按照投标文件的要求提交一份详细的计划书 • 按照投标文件规定的评估准则对 所有提交的计划书进行评估 • 第二阶段的目的是确保所有被选上的项目都符合或高于奥地利CDM计划的标准.
Two-phase negotiation procedure within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划两阶段谈判程序 All selected proposals will be invited to negotiation. • Negotiations will be held individually with the Applicant to conclude an ERPA. • Based on the results of the Negotiations the Programme Management makes a recommendation to the Commission for the Austrian CDM Programme. • The Commission may recommend the project to the Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, who then officially approve the project from the Austrian side. Negotiation 谈判 所有被选定的计划书都被邀请参加谈判 • 只与有权签署ERPA的申请者进行单独谈判 • 计划管理机构根据谈判结果向奥地利CDM计划委员会提出建议 • 委员会将项目推荐给奥地利联邦农业林业环境和水资源管理部,由它代表奥方对项目进行官方批准.
Eligible projects within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划中合格的项目 Size of projects 项目的大小 CDM projects under the Austrian JI/CDM Programme are limited to projects which have a • minimum emission reduction generation of 250,000 tCO2e (until 2012). Only Emission Reductions of greenhouse gases named in Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol are suitable for Emission Reductions generation under a CDM project; these are: • Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Methane (CH4) • Nitrous oxide (N2O) • Partially halogenated hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 奥地利JI /CDM项目计划中的CDM项目只限于具备以下条件的项目: • 最低减排量为25万吨CO2当量(至2012年) 只有在《京都议定书》附件A中所列出的温室气体的减排才可归于CDM项目的减排,它们是: • 二氧化碳 (CO2) • 甲烷 (CH4) • 氧化亚氮 (N2O) • 氢氟碳化物 (HFCs) • 全氟化碳 (PFCs) • 六氟化硫 (SF6)
Eligible projects within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划中合格的项目 Types of projects – part 1 of the list 项目类型 –清单中的第一部分 The following project types are explicitly named in the Directive for the Austrian CDM-Programme. This listing of measures gives an overview over typical project types which are expected to be submitted as CDM projects Other equivalent project types are likewise admissible and may be submitted. • Construction (or retrofitting) of combined heat and power installations; • Fuel-switch projects in energy conversion installations and production plants to renewable energy sources or from energy sources with high carbon content to energy sources with lower carbon content, especially in existing district heating systems; 以下项目类型是在奥地利CDM计划指导意见中清楚列出的。该清单只对可能成为CDM项目的典型项目进行了概括,其它同等的项目也可采纳和提交 . • 热电联产电厂的新建(或改扩建) • 特别是在现有供热系统内的生产厂及设备,其能源转换为可再生能源, 或从高碳能源转换为低碳能源的 燃料转换项目
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Eligibility of applicants 申请者资格 General criteria 总则 所有权/授权 Ownership /authorization 财务和经济状况 Financial and economic standing Technical capacity 技术能力 Social responsibility 社会责任 Project related criteria 与项目相关的标准
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Participation is open on equal terms to all Applicants who can plausibly assure that they will be legally entitled to Emission Reductions generated by CDM-projects. • Generally, Applicants may be natural or legal persons or groupings of such persons (consortia General criteria 总则 所有可以证明对CDM项目产生的减排量具有所有权的申请者, 其参与条件都一样 • 总的来说, 申请者可以是单独的自然人或法人,也可以是团体的自然人或法人(联营)
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 • In case that the Applicant is not the investor/owner of the project at the same time, the commitment of the project investor/owner to the Applicant’s entitlement to Emission Reductions should be evidenced by a signed Letter of Confirmation. • Should the legal entity that will own the project not yet exist (e.g. a Special Purpose Company) at the time of submitting the Expression of Interest, the main investor (e.g. the Mother Company or the project developer) should be stated as Applicant which represents that all criteria included herein will also be complied with by such new legal entity. Ownership /authorization 所有权/授权 • 在申请者同时不是项目投资者/拥有者时, 项目投资者/拥有者关于申请者具有减排量所有权的承诺应落实到文字 并签名 • 如果在提交意向书时对项目具有所有权的法律实体尚不存在(如一个特别提议的公司),主要投资商(如母公司或项目开发商)就视同申请者,这意味着新的法律实体应遵守以下所列的所有标准
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 • In case that a third party (e.g. Consultant) is acting on behalf of the Applicant a signed Letter of Authorisation should be provided. • The Letter of Authorisation should specify the third party’s scope of authority in attending to Applicant’s interest. It should be issued by the Applicant. • Firstly, the eligibility (i.e. entitlement to Emission Reductions generated by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects) should be demonstrated by a Letter of No Objection(LoNO) from the host country. If such LoNO can not be provided other evidence should be furnished that no general objections by the host country oppose the project. • Secondly, any Applicant should accompany his application with an officially signed statement that he does not fall into any of the categories, which may him exclude from participation (legal affairs, etc.) Ownership /authorization 所有权 /授权 • 如果第三方(如咨询机构)代表申请者进行申请,需提供经签字的授权书 • 授权书应界定第三方被授权的范围并由申请者签发 • 第一,合法权益(即对清洁发展机制项目所产出的减排量的所有权)应由主办国的不反对意见函予以证明,如果不能提供该不反对意见函, 则应提供其它证据证明主办国对本项目没有从根本上予以否定 • 第二, 每一个申请者应在其申请文件中附上一份官方签署的声明, 证明它不归于下列影响其参与条件的任何一类(法律事物等)
奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme The financial and economic standing of the Applicant should be demonstrated considering his future contractual obligations towards the Austrian CDM Programme. • Generally KPC will evaluate the financial and economic standing of the Applicant (on the basis of applicable financial indicators like equity/debt ratio, development of annual turnover etc.) in relation to the anticipated project investment.by a signed Letter of Confirmation. • Suitable records have to be provided. Financial and economic standing 财务和经济状况 应根据其在奥地利CDM计划中所承担的合同义务证明申请者的财务和经济状况 • KPC将评估申请者的财务和经济状况 (根据适用的财务指标如资产/负债比, 年营业额增长幅度等)与预计的项目投资是否匹配并签发证明书 • 提供合适的档案资料
奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme KPC will assess the technical capacity of the Applicant considering the number of project references (that are of comparable type and/or are of comparable size and/or are situated in a same region) and permanent staff of the Applicant for the respective project fields. The applicant should provide: • Selected project references of the Applicant • Staff resources of the Applicant • Company Profile of the Applicant (if available). Technical capacity 技术实力 KPC将根据相应项目范围内项目 (即可比的类型和/或可比的大小和/或位于同一地区)和长期职工的数量对申请者进行评估,申请者应提交: • 经选择的申请者的项目业绩 • 申请者的人力资源 • 申请者的公司框架(如果有的话).
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Applicants should adhere to social guidelines. The commitment of the Applicant to adhere to social guidelines is evidenced by signing a Letter of Social Responsibility. • Any Applicant legally entitled to Emission Reductions generated by CDM-projects who does not conform with the Letter of Social Responsibility (e.g. projects where child labour is exploited) may be excluded from the Austrian CDM Programme. Social responsibility 社会责任 申请者应遵守社会准则,其对社会责任的承诺应由一封经签署的社会责任信件来证明 • 任何一个对CDM项目产生的减排量具有所有权的申请者如果不遵守社会责任的要求(例如雇用童工),将被排除在奥地利CDM项目计划之外
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 Generally, the capability of the appending Project to generate Emission Reductions within the Austrian CDM Programme should be demonstrated by providing: • the PIN • the Letter of No Objection (LoNO) • the evidence that the project will have a minimum emission reduction generation of 250,000 tCO2e (until 2012). Project related criteria 与项目相关的标准 总的来说,欲加入奥地利CDM计划中项目应提交以下证明文件: • PIN • 不反对意见函 • 项目可以最少产生25万吨CO2当量的减排量(至2012年)
Conditions of participation within the Austrian CDM Programme 奥地利CDM计划的参与条件 CDM projects can only be carried out in host countries which meet the following requirements: • Is a Non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC. • Has ratified the Kyoto Protocol. • Has designated a national authority (DNA) for CDM. • Is willing to voluntarily participate in a CDM project activity. Further project related criteria 其它与项目相关的标准 CDM项目只能在满足下列要求的主办国实施: • 是UNFCC的非附件I国家 • 已经签署了《京都议定书》 • 有CDM国家主管机构 (DNA) • 自愿参与CDM项目活动
Submission of an EoI 递交意向书
PIN模板(项目概念书) Template of a PIN (Project Idea Note) The Project Idea Note (PIN) is the first general information on the project and enables the Programme Management to assess the basic eligibility of a potential JI or CDM project. It comprises details on the following subjects: ♦ Project identification; ♦ Project participants; ♦ Host Country; ♦ General project information; ♦ Project organization; ♦ Greenhouse gas emission reductions; ♦ (Additional) ecological, socio-economic and/or development effects; and ♦ Additionallity and sustainability effects. 项目概念书(PIN)是关于项目的第一份概要文件, 它帮助计划管理机构评估潜在JI或CDM项目的合格性,它包括以下内容:: ♦ 项目识别 ♦ 项目参与方 ♦ 主办国 ♦ 项目基本信息 ♦ 项目组织 ♦ 温室气体减排量 ♦其它的生态,社会经济和/或发展效益和 ♦ 额外性和可持续性效益
PIN项目识别 PINProject identification
PINProject participants PIN项目参与方 Provide same information to all other project partners Duplicate form as proper.
PIN主办国 PINHost country
PINHost country China has signed a MoU with Austria already.
PINGeneral project information PIN项目基本信息
PIN项目基本信息 PINGeneral project information
PINGeneral project information PIN项目基本信息
PIN项目组织 PINProject organisation
PIN项目组织 PINProject organisation
PINProject organisation PIN项目组织
PINGreenhouse gas reductions PIN温室气体减排 The Project Boundary shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity.
PIN温室气体减排 PINGreenhouse gas reductions A Baseline is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases that would occur in the absence of the project (“business-as-usual-scenario”). By comparing the Baseline with the project emissions the emission reductions generated can be calculated.5 • Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases which occurs outside the Project Boundary, and which is measurable and attributable to the project activity.
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目 CDM projects Till April 2006, 80 projects from 15 countries were submitted to the Austrian JI/CDM Programme. With 9 CDM projects, ERPAs (Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements) were concluded, which represent a total volume of up to 8.6 Mill. t CO2e Project Categories: Energy production (renewable/non renewable), (e.g. hydro, wind, biomass, biogas etc.) Avoidance or recovery of landfill gases Combined heat and power installations Fuel switch to renewables or less carbon intensive fuels Energy demand Manufacturing industries Chemical industries Fugitive emissions from production and consumption of halocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride Waste handling and disposal Agriculture
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目 Jilin Taonan Wind Power Project Kyoto mechanism Clean Development Mechanism State/region China/Jilin Province Project category Energy Industries/ Renewable Sources Contractual partner Jilin Noble Wind Power Stockholding Company Ltd. Project lifetime 25 years Investment volume approx. EUR 50,000,000 Greenhouse gas CO2 Crediting period 2006 – 2012 (renewable) Validation Det Norske Veritas Emission reductions (generated until 2012) approx. 671,000 t CO2e Emission reductions (bought until 2012) approx. 612,000 t CO2e The objective of the project is to install and operate advanced wind power technology on a commercial basis in order to demonstrate the economic viability and technical feasibility of advanced renewable energy power sources even in regions where, up to now, the economics of exploiting renewable energy resources have been seen as marginal. The proposed project will have a capacity of 49.3MW and will be sited in Taonan, Jilin Province, China. The project is designed to produce 103,216 MWh of electricity per year from wind generation, reducing fossil fuel consumption in the North East Power Network and thus reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions.
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目 Meizhou Landfills Gas Recovery and Utilization as Energy Kyoto mechanism Clean Development Mechanism State/region China/Guangdong Province Project category Waste Handling and Disposal Contractual partner Shenzhen PhasCon Technologies Co., Ltd. Other project participants Meizhou Environment and Sanitation Administration Bureau Project lifetime up to 30 years Investment volume approx. EUR 3,800,000 Greenhouse gas CH4 (CO2) Crediting period 2005 – 2012 (renewable) Validation Det Norske Veritas Emission reductions (generated until 2012) approx. 2,005,000 t CO2e Emission reductions (bought until 2012) 1,125,000 t CO2e The objective of the project is to collect landfill gas at 8 sites in Meizhou district and to flare it or use it for electricity generation. Up to now no legal requirements exist in this regard. On average, it is planned to collect more than 17,000 t CH4 at the eight project locations per year. This gas shall be used to produce electricity, if the quantity and quality of the landfill gas allows it, or will be flared. The aim is to install generators with a capacity of at least 4 MW. The electricity generated will be fed primarily to the local grid.
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目 • CHINA: HUAINAN COAL MINE METHANE UTILIZATION PROJECT • Kyoto Mechanism: Clean Development Mechanism • Project Category (UNFCCC): Coal mine methane capture and usage ACM008 • Location: Huainan, Anhui Province, China • Emission Reductions purchased: 2.000.000 t CO2e • The Huainan Panyi and Xieqiao Coal Mine Methane Utilization Project uses the so far air ventilated and unused coal mine methane gas for the generation of heat, electricity as well as distribution of gas to nearby households. • The project activities comprise: • - Improvement of gas collection system • - Installation of coal mine gas fired cogeneration units (6,8 MW el, 8,3 MW el) • - Replacement of coal fired boilers with coal mine gas fired boilers (2 MW el) • - Construction of residential coal mine gas distribution system for 10.000 households • The total reduction of emissions will be approx. 400.000 t CO2e annually, totalling to 2.000.000 t CO2e up to 2012. • The project will lead to improved safety standards for coal mine workers through the improved gas collection system. During the construction phase, about 300 workers will find employment in the project, during the operation phase additional qualified personnel will be employed. The project is welcomed by the nearby residents as it will lead to improvement of air quality and increased security in energy supply.
Approval status of CDM projects in China 中国CDM项目批准情况已批准的项目 • CHINA: LONG YUAN WINDPARK Heilongjiang Province • Kyoto Mechanism: Clean Development Mechanism • Project Category (UNFCCC): Energy (renewable/non-renewable sources) • Location: Northeast China • Emission Reductions purchased: 3.700.000 t CO2e • China Long Yuan Electric Power Group, one of the largest Chinese operators of Wind Power Plants will build six new wind-parks in the Eastern China with a total nominal power capacity of 306 MW. • According to the wind-data, the projects should have an average annual generation of more then 690 GWh. The turbines for all the projects come from the world leading manufacturers (Gamesa, Vestas, GE Corporation). • The generated electric power will be delivered in the Chinese grid. Through the substitution of the fossil fuels the projects are expected to generate approximately 687.000 tonnes of CO2 e annually. The projects will further mitigate local environmental pollution caused by air emissions from coal-fired power plants and create 161 new jobs. • The Austrian JI/CDM Programme participated in the tender for the purchase of the CERs that will be generated by the projects and won the competition. The projects received the Approval of the Chinese DNA in autumn 2006.