1. Wellness Curriculum:Teaching Inmates to Take Care of Their Health
Yolanda G. Martinez, Ph.D.
Office of Minority Health
Orange County Health Department
2. Improving the Health of the Community by Improving the Health of Inmates
3. Wellness Curriculum 2001
Rationale: need to provide health education to incarcerated individuals
Original project: sought to provide education and link newly released individuals to health, work and housing
4. Wellness Curriculum Components Teacher Manual (English)
Student Manual (English and Spanish)
6 chapters
High Blood Pressure
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
5. Wellness Curriculum Evaluation Demographic form (name, race/ethnicity, last grade completed, zip code of residence, and known health problems)
Pre-test (English and Spanish)
Post-test (English and Spanish)
Teacher Feedback Form
6. Wellness Curriculum: Timeline March 17, 2003 – June 6, 2003
12 weeks
1 group every 2 weeks
Total participants = 538
Average age = 32.3
Age range = 14 - 65
7. Wellness Curriculum / Orange County Corrections Department
8. Wellness Curriculum: Participant Race/Ethnicity
9. Wellness Curriculum: Participant Educational Level
10. Participant Zip Code of Residence
11. Areas of Health Concern
12. Areas of Health Concern as Identified by Female Inmates
13. Other Areas of Health Concern Identified by Female Inmates African American: circulatory problems (3.7%), digestive problems (7.4%) chronic diseases (3.7%).
Hispanic: thyroid (18.8%), back problems (12.5%), circulatory (6.3%), respiratory problems (50%)
White: cholesterol, respiratory, seizures, digestive problems (3.4%)
14. Health Issues Identified by Medical Staff Preconception
Reproductive Health
Pregnancy and HIV
Pregnancy and drug addiction including smoking
Chronic diseases such as HBP, asthma, diabetes, seizures, etc.
15. Health Issues Identified by Medical Staff Cont. Depression and Anxiety
Polyps among women of color
Physical activity
Parenting skills