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Social ethnic community and national policy. Lecture6 (9) . Brief contents:. 1.Ethnos and nation. 2. Forms of a national - state system: unitary, federation, confederation. . 1 . Ethnos and nation. . Ethnos ● people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture;
Social ethnic community and national policy Lecture6 (9)
Brief contents: 1.Ethnos and nation. 2. Forms of a national - state system: unitary, federation, confederation.
1. Ethnos and nation. Ethnos ●people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture; ● historically established on determined territory firm collection people, possessing general devil and stable particularity of the culture and psychological storehouse, as well as consciousness its unity and change from other like formation (the consciousness ).
Nation ● from Latin word ”natio”literally meaning "that which has been born“(tribe, people) ● a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history. ● people, whoshare a commonterritoryandgovernment
Nationalism Nationalism is a belief system, creed or political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a nation. Nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct grouping based on an affinity of birth; the other is the modernist perspective that describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon that requires the structural conditions of modern society, in order to exist.
Nationalism It can be a belief that citizenship in a state should be limited to one ethnic, cultural, religious, or identity group, or that multinationality in a single state should necessarily comprise the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities.
2. Forms of a national - state system: unitary, federation, confederation. Unitary state. This form of state structure is characterized heist degree ofcentralization of political power. (England, France, Spain, Kazakhstan. There are in unitary state: one constitution, norms, which is used on all territory ofcountry; central judicial system; one system of heist bodies of state power; citizenship and one system of law. The territory of unitary state divided into administrative-territorial units (department, oblast and etc.), which has not political independence.
Federation • Federation is state of alliance, consisted from state formation, which has juridical and certain political independence. (Russian Federation, USA, Canada)
Confederation Confederation is permanent alliance of sovereign state, which was made for achievement common aims (mainly foreign political aims). Each member ofconfederation, keeping state sovereignty and uniting with other states in voluntary alliance, delegates of limited power to center. For realization ofpolicy states create one or several bodies or official posts. CIS,UCA,EU