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Welcome. Regional Cooperation focused on LLL. Ineke Delies Professor. Workshop programme:. 11.20 h.: Introduction 11.40 h.: Regional cooperation presentation 12.00 h.: Group session :
Regional Cooperation focused on LLL Ineke Delies Professor
Workshop programme: • 11.20 h.: Introduction • 11.40 h.: Regional cooperation presentation • 12.00 h.: Group session : • threats opportunities: cooperation LLL future-minded • Input HRM: Best practice in learning from each other, • 12.30 h.: Plenary presentation & discussion Summary: Success elements
Introduction • How do we support Life Long Learning by cooperation ? • Who are we? • Overview of our region: characteristics and geography.
Paula Karsten • Stenden university : senior educational consultant • International education facility • Locations in the Netherlands : 5 • Locations abroad : 4 Qatar, South Africa, Thailand, Indonesia • Students : 11,000 • Staff members : 1000 • Educational programmes : 3 Associate degrees, 19 bachelors 4 masters (Associate) professors : 12
Gé Bax • Managing director : Ruma Rubber BV • Production facilities in Holland and in Poland • Employees : 170 • Export world wide : 70 percent • Core business : production and development of High Tech Polymers • Markets : High cable voltage, Steel and Oil and Gas
Bert Pathuis Managing Director, Coresta Noord bv
Joost Bogers • Managing Director : Hoomark in Hoogeveen • Hoomark designs, produces and sells Greetings products (wrap, bags, cards) and Stationery • Customers :small, medium and large national and European retailers. • Sales :80% of sales outside Holland • Own factory with 110 people producing 200 million meters of giftwrap. Other products sourced in Asia • Part of International Greetings Ltd. in UK
Ineke Delies • Stenden university :Professor Sustainable innovation in the regional knowledge economy • Double-professorship at University(11,000 stud.) and Regional College for Vocational Education (10,000 stud.) • Research items :regional alliances education & industry • Regions :province of Drenthe and Euregio • Research group :9 employees en 45 companies • Projects :multisectoral and multilevel
The regional characteristic • Mainly SME • Thin infrastructure • Brain drain vs strong ties to the region • Level of education lower than average • Ageing/greying population and shrinking population numbers • Sense of urgence to innovate • City vs Countryside • Euregion • Innovation spearheads: water, energy, health, tourism
Regional cooperation • How have weorganised cooperation in our region. • What is our focus. • What have we learned from different types of cooperation.
1. since 2005: Local Monosectoral and monolevel Innovation topics direct from local industries small knowledge circles Short-time projects 2 . since 2009: Regional Multisectoral and multilevel Innovation topics from region in combination with shared issues from local industries small knowledge circles within bigger knowledge chains long-term cooperation Two regional cooperation types
Regional examples ZODAT Lectoraat /Multi DisciplinaireKetens (professorship/ multichains) 13 | 9/17/2014
ZODAT formula Strategic CEO group Network of 80 SMEs/organisations 8 knowledge circles of 10 companies : 2 in preparation, 6 in action en 2 in evaluation Shared Local and contemporary innovation subjects direct from Hoogeveen companies, thematically clustered Development of new, up-to-date courses as needed by groups of SMEs in their actual day-to-day activities Monosectoral Knowledge innovation, mostly technical and transport sector related Seminars and conferences based on themes of the knowledge circles
Lectorate’s formula Research group with CEOs from participating companies Network of 45 companies 3 multidisciplinary chains around economic comtemporary subjects/”cores” Chains formed by complimentary companies, not supply chains chains have different types of links, every company is connected with and interested in innovation with the other links Learning by doing and learning from each other: masterclasses/minors/masters each chain continuously develops 4 or 5 projects according to the multidisciplinary focus The companies (want to) have multidisciplinary work settings Development of new, up-to-date courses as needed by groups of SMEs in their actual day-to-day activities
Partners in the Healthcare chain Name Companies: K. Berends Alfa-college ,H. Bouma Healthy Ageing Network, H. Brinks Strijker Bouw, I. Delies Lectoraat Alfa-Stenden ,I. Dilling Woonconcept ,P. Eggens Avics ,K. Henneman Healthy Ageing Network, H. van Houten Woonconcept, K.M.A. Kalverboer Healthy Ageing Network, R. Kooijman GGZ Drenthe, J. van der Meer Woonservice, H. Nieuwenhuis IBKN, A. Ooms Ooms Innpuls ,B. Pathuis Coresta Noord bv, H.J. Peters Alfa-college, G. de Roo Rovecom, F. Schuurke SZE, R. Slot Zorgzaak, J. Tiemens Vanboeijen, J.A. Veldman-Dam Lectoraat Alfa-Stenden, A.G. Welink Distrivers, G. van der Ziel GGZ Drenthe . Current Projects:Woonhorizon, Zorghotel anders, Multidisciplinaire woongemeenschap, wonen 2030, ….
Accents in working together: Bottlenecks experienced & how we turned them into opportunities Involvement of staff members Future-minded 4. Learn from each other 20 | 9/17/2014
Questions group session What bottlenecks do youexperience? How do you turn themintoopportunities? (whatdidyou do?) How do youinvolveyourstaffmembers? How do youstayfuture-minded? How do you keep learningfromeachother? Whatsimilarities do yousee? 4. What is most successful & why ? 21 | 9/17/2014
Summary • Similarities • Successes