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Chapter 1-5 Review. Drafting 1 and 2. Chapter 1. Why is it important to carefully think about a career choice? What steps are needed to build a career? Take a sheet of paper…define two types of engineering (from the list)
Chapter 1-5 Review Drafting 1 and 2
Chapter 1 • Why is it important to carefully think about a career choice? • What steps are needed to build a career? • Take a sheet of paper…define two types of engineering (from the list) • Aerospace, Architecture, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining and Metalurgy, Nuclear, Petroleum, Plastics and Safety. • *in your own words
Chapter 1 • Section1.1 • Career Paths • Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Design, Technical Illustraction
Chapter 1 • Section 1.1 • Entrepreneurship • Entrepreneur • Tell me some Characteristics
Chapter 1 • Section 1.1 • Computer Aided Drafting • Advantage, Production input, Plan Extraction, Disadvantages
Chapter 1 • Take a sheet of paper…define two types of engineering (from the list) • Aerospace, Architecture, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining and Metalurgy, Nuclear, Petroleum, Plastics and Safety. • Now… we will go to the computer lab, you will work in team’s of two and will write a paper on the history of two types of engineering.
Chapter 1 • Section 1.2 • Skim over and define all terms listed on the first page.
Chapter 2 Sketching and Lettering
VOCABULARY **** YOU SHOULD WRITE THESE DOWN and Define them.... Might be on a test! • Arcs • Axis (axes) • Composition • Concentric Circles • Ellipses • Gothic Lettering • Guidelines • Isometric Lines • Isometric Sketching • Lettering • Line • Non- Isometric Lines • Oblique Sketch • Overlay • Plane • Point • Proportion • Radius (radii) • Tangent arcs • Texture
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 1: Identify the Problem -- Students should state the challenge problem in their own words. Example: How can I design a __________ that will __________?
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 2: Identify Criteria and Constraints -- Students should specify the design requirements (criteria). Example: Our growth chamber must have a growing surface of 10 square feet and have a delivery volume of 3 cubic feet or less. Students should list the limits on the design due to available resources and the environment (constraints). Example: Our growth chamber must be accessible to astronauts without the need for leaving the spacecraft.
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 3: Brainstorm Possible Solutions -- Each student in the group should sketch his or her own ideas as the group discusses ways to solve the problem. Labels and arrows should be included to identify parts and how they might move. These drawings should be quick and brief.
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 4: Generate Ideas -- In this step, each student should develop two or three ideas more thoroughly. Students should create new drawings that are orthographic projections (multiple views showing the top, front and one side) and isometric drawings (three-dimensional depiction). These are to be drawn neatly, using rulers to draw straight lines and to make parts proportional. Parts and measurements should be labeled clearly.
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 5: Explore Possibilities -- The developed ideas should be shared and discussed among the team members. Students should record pros and cons of each design idea directly on the paper next to the drawings.
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 6: Select an Approach -- Students should work in teams and identify the design that appears to solve the problem the best. Students should write a statement that describes why they chose the solution. This should include some reference to the criteria and constraints identified above.
Chapter 2 The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 7: Build a Model or Prototype -- Students will construct a full-size or scale model based on their drawings. The teacher will help identify and acquire appropriate modeling materials and tools. See the design brief for a sample list.
The Design Process The Design Process
The Design Process STEP 8: Refine the Design -- Students will examine and evaluate their prototypes or designs based on the criteria and constraints. Groups may enlist students from other groups to review the solution and help identify changes that need to be made. Based on criteria and constraints, teams must identify any problems and proposed solutions.
OVERVIEW What is spatial visualization? Isometric Drawings Sketching Isometric Drawings Coded Plans Visualization of Object Viewpoints Examples
SPATIAL VISUALIZATION The ability to mentally manipulate, rotate, twist, or invert a pictorially presented object. Important skill for scientific & technical fields, such as: Architects & Engineers Doctors Computer Programmers Anyone needing a creative solution to a problem
Reasons for Sketching Sketching is drawing freehand without the aid of any drafting equipment except paper and pencil. It is a very common form of visual communication that is used in virtually ALL areas of work and life.
Cool thing about Sketching 1. Uses no drafting equipment - freehand 2. Is an extremely fast form of visual communication. 3. Sketches increase clarity and understanding of concepts, shapes, or directions. 4. Is very convenient - can be done anywhere. 5. Is an extremely valuable organizational tool, which helps to minimize or prevent errors. 6. Is a collection of all necessary information required about an object - including detail, size and shape descriptions.
Reasons for Sketching • Critical Factors • A. Key Reasons for Sketching 1) Communicate 2) Organize 3) Realize Ideas • B. Key Factors while Sketching 1) Speed 2) Accuracy 3) Clarity
Drawing Methods Construction Lines to Object Lines 1) ALL single lines - NO "fuzzy" art type lines! 2) Point to Point 3) Dash to Dash 4) Draw Left to Right OR Bottom to Top B.
Drawing Methods Block Technique 1) Establish outer proportions of object(s) 2) Divide into areas of major shapes 3) Add detail as required 4) Add text where necessary to clarify (notes or dimensions)
Drawing Methods Graph Technique (Resizing or Duplicating an Original) 1) Use original photo or drawing OR a xerox copy. 2) Draw Horizontal & Vertical grid lines on top of object spaced an exact distance apart (ex. ½", ¼", etc.). 3) On clean sheet of paper reproduce grid at desired size (enlarge / reduce) 4) Add line detail a block at a time.
Types of Sketches One View Orthographic Projection1) Always that view which would be considered the front of the object. 2) Used when only one view is necessary to provide shape description.
Types of Sketches Two View Orthographic Projection 1) Front View and Top View. 2) Used for cylindrical objects when all side views are identical.
Types of Sketches Three View Orthographic Projection 1) Front View, Top View, and Right Side View 2) Provides the most complete shape and size description. 3) Is the industry standard for the manufacture of objects.
Types of Sketches Enlargement / Reduction (Templates)1) Use of graph paper to enlarge or reduce grid size 2) Complete sketch square by square, comparing individual squares as you proceed.
Types of Sketches Realize Ideas / Designing 1) Front View, Top View, and Right Side View 2) Clarity is essential, use text notes whenever necessary. 3) Be sure finished sketch reflects what is in your mind.
Chapter 2 • The Glass BOX! • Does it exist? • If it does…. • How does it work? • What’s it purpose?
Chapter 2 • The Glass BOX! • Does it exist? YES • If it does…. • How does it work? You will see….on next slide • What’s it purpose? TO Help one visualize all the views for an object.
Orthographic or Multiview Drawings Imagine that you have an object suspended by transparent threads inside a glass box.
Orthographic or Multiview Drawings, Continued… Then draw the object on each of three faces as seen from that direction. Unfold the box (figure 4) and you have the three views. We call this an "orthographic" or "multiview" drawing.
Orthographic or Multiview Drawings, Continued… Figure 5 shows how the three views appear on a piece of paper after unfolding the box.
Orthographic or Multiview Drawings, Continued… Which views should one choose for a multiview drawing? The views that reveal every detail about the object. Three views are not always necessary; we need only as many views as are required to describe the object fully.
Orthographic or Multiview Drawings, Continued… For example, some objects need only two views, while others need four. The circular object in figure 6 requires only two views. Figure 6 - An object needing only two orthogonal views
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Shows the faces of an object Faces are parallel to the viewing plane Frontal Profile Horizontal