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This EU-funded project focuses on developing River Information Services (RIS) to improve border control and boost river cruise tourism along the Danube River. The initiative includes joint systems development, training, and software creation for risk management and port operations.
EU funded Cross-border Co-operation at the Danube – Hungary-Croatia
Area of Intervention 1.1 • 1.1.1 Development of landscapes in the Mura-Drava-Danube area and its natural and rural surroundings • 1.1.2 Environmental planning activities and minor public actions to improve the quality of the environment in the natural areas
Area of Intervention 1.2 1.2.1 Regional Tourism Product Plan 1.2.2Development of infrastructure for active and ecotourism 1.2.3Thematic routes of cultural heritage 1.2.4 Promotion of the river area as a single tourism product 1.2.5 Private investment attraction
Priority 2 • 2.1.1 Cross-border business partner finding • 2.1.2 Cross-border labour market mobility promotion • 2.1.3 Joint research, development and innovation (R+D+I) • 2.1.4 Joint local planning, strategies, programmes • 2.2.1 Cross-border education, training and exchange projects • 2.2.2 People-to-people activities • 2.2.3 Bilingualism actions
Projects in numbers • Number of Calls for Proposals: 1 in 2009, 1 in 2010 and 1 in 2011. • Total number of applications: 315. • Total number of supported projects: 166 so far. • Number of Project Partner organisations in these projects: 240 HU and 280 HR. • Ratio of Lead Beneficiaries in these projects: 111 HU and 56 HR (in case of the last Call this is 35:30).
‘CBRIS II’ project I • Lead Beneficiary:Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület • Project Partner 1:Javna ustanova Lučka uprava Osijek • EU contribution: 200 974,38 EUR • As a continuation of an earlier joint initiative, a River Information Services (RIS) system was further developed in the Danube-Drava border area between the two countries, in the strategically located communities of Mohács and Osijek.
‘CBRIS II’ project II • The system and the specially developed software will provide support to the border authorities in their day-to-day work and in view of the expected widening of the Schengen area, while at the same time giving positive impetus to the development of river cruise tourism in the region.
‘CBRIS II’ project III • Demonstrations of national RIS systems, know-how exchange • Joint RIS training materials and training • Design and development of risk management software • Study on interconnection of RIS and port management systems
‘CBRIS II’ project IV • Design and development of RIS based Port Management Application • Joint development of HU-HRinformation portal • Setup of WLAN network in the Port of Osijek • Demonstration of WLAN network in the Port of Osijek
‘CoPo’ project I • Lead Beneficiary:Baranya Megyei Rendőr-főkapitányság • Project Partner 1:Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület • Project Partner 2:Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova, Policijska uprava Osječko-baranjska • EU contribution: 193 358 EUR • Looking to improve the border control of the river Danube, the partners were working on improving the co-operation between the border police services.
‘CoPo’ project II • A new, joint river control system was set up with a Common Contact Point Office, making the exchange of information and co-operation much easier and more effective. The newly introduced border control system also enables easier identification of passengers and goods crossing the river border and allows for better results in crime detection and prevention.
‘CoPo’ project III • Provision of technical conditions for the Common Contact Point Office (CCPO) in Mohács • Elaboration of legal and organisational background • Training how to work at CCPO • Preparation of joint river patrol service • Procurement of mobile equipmentfor joint river patrol service
‘CoPo’ project IV • Schengen preparation co-operation training • Schengen preparation co-operation workshop • Electronic ship reporting and passenger list (UN PAXLIST) utilisation for border police • Electronic ship reporting utilisation for border police - training
The CP Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia • For the financial perspective 2014-2020. • A total of 60,8 million EUR of EU contribution. • Four Priority Axes: - Economic development (9,96 mEUR) - Sustainable use of natural and cultural assets (35,78 mEUR) - Cooperation (5,72 mEUR) - Education (5,72 mEUR) • Same institutional setup (MA, NA, CA, AA, FLC-s), new and broader MC, JS with two Contact Points (Osijek, Čakovec).
New features of the new period • Thematic concentration that has led to the choosing of 4-5 Thematic Objectives in each programme. • Adjacent regions in Croatia, previously limited in receiving funding, can now have PP-s that are equally eligible. • So farone strategic project for the continuation of de-mining and rehabilitation activities, and one special scheme for the supporting of SME co-operations. • Use of national procurement legislations in projects, instead of the PraG rules previously in force.
Thank you for your attention! Hungary-Croatia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 Joint Technical Secretariat E-mail: info@hu-hr-jts.com Web: www.hu-hr-ipa.com