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Proposal to Cooperate to Submit 5G Standards

Proposal to Cooperate to Submit 5G Standards. Authors:. Date: 2019-04-08. Abstract. It is proposed that IEEE and Nufront work together to directly submit IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT to ITU for IMT-2020. Abbreviation. RIT ( Radio Interface Technology)

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Proposal to Cooperate to Submit 5G Standards

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  1. Proposal to Cooperate to Submit 5G Standards Authors: • Date: 2019-04-08 Jun Lei, Nufront

  2. Abstract • It is proposed that IEEE and Nufront work together to directly submit IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT to ITU for IMT-2020 Jun Lei, Nufront

  3. Abbreviation • RIT ( Radio Interface Technology) • URLLC(Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications) • eMBB(enhanced Mobile Broadband) • mMTC (massive Machine Type Communication) • 3GPP R15(3GPP Release 15) • 3GPP R16(3GPP Release 16) • NSA(Non-Standalone ) • EUHT(Enhanced Ultra High Throughput) Jun Lei, Nufront

  4. Outline • The problems of 3GPP 5G • 5G must solve the problem of URLLC • 3GPP 5G Proposal Can’t Support URLLC • URLLC in 2035? • Proposal • Actions • Conclusion • 802.11ax and EUHT[1] Can Support both eMBB and URLLC with Low Cost Jun Lei, Nufront

  5. 5G must solve the problem of URLLC • In the future, eMBB services will only account for 20% of the entire 5G market, and another 80% will be URLLC services. • Currently, the demand for URLLC is Increasingly urgent, especially in the fields of industrial internet, intelligent transportation system, robotics, etc. • In addition, the business of high-speed mobile scenarios will also grow rapidly, such as high-speed rail, subway, low-altitude air traffic control, etc. Jun Lei, Nufront

  6. 3GPP 5G Proposal Can’t Support URLLC • 3GPP 5G proposal is based on R15. URLLC is postponed to R16, which is expected to finish at the end of 2019 according to the 3GPP Plenary meeting just concluded in March. • From the study report of URLLC , 3GPP R16 still adheres to mini-slot, grant free and HARQ mechanisms, and relies on extremely low spectral efficiency (0.0586 bit/s/Hz) to implement URLLC, which has little commercial value. Jun Lei, Nufront

  7. URLLC in 2035? • Due to the high cost and high complexity of installment and maintenance of 3GPP 5G, Chinese operators have lost confidence in 3GPP 5G and can only start with the NSA; operators in other countries are more cautious. It seems that “Super Wi-Fi” would be better than R15. • Due to the lack support of URLLC, top experts around the world start to worry that real URLLC will not be realized until 2035. Jun Lei, Nufront

  8. Proposal • From the history of 3G and 4G, there are two or more ITU 5G standards. It will have negative influence on the future if IEEE does not submit 5G proposal to ITU. • IEEE and Nufront together can provide a 5G standard with better performance and lower cost, especially for the vertical market, which will be the 80% of total 5G market. • In the future, even URLLC is no longer the most important technology to Nufront and IEEE. Nufront has accomplished significant progress in the R&D of the next generation wireless communication system, and is willing to cooperate with IEEE on the next generation. Jun Lei, Nufront

  9. Actions • Nufront Cooperates with IEEE to submit 5G standards directly to ITU • Option #1: IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT are converged and submitted as single RIT • Meets all the test environments and use cases of IMT-2020 • Option #2: IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT are remain separate technologies and submitted together as set of RIT (SRIT) • 802.11ax: Indoor Hotspots / Dense Urban eMBB • EUHT: Rural eMBB / Urban Macro URLLC/ Urban Macro mMTC • Nufront is responsible for preparing all the documents (including the self-evaluation report) of EUHT before May. • IEEE is responsible for preparing all the documents of 802.11ax and Nufront is willing to undertake part of evaluation work of 802.11ax. Jun Lei, Nufront

  10. Conclusion • IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT can complement each other very well: IEEE has good performance in large-capacity hotspot coverage scenarios; EUHT has absolute advantages in URLLC and high-speed mobile scenarios. • 802.11ax and EUHT are consistent in key parameters of the system, so IEEE has a good foundation for generating eMBB based on URLLC. By integrating with EUHT, a new 5G standard supporting both eMBB and URLLC will serve the world with high performance, low cost and mature products. Jun Lei, Nufront

  11. References • [1]. Jun Lei, Nufront

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