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CCAFS: the partnership

CCAFS: the partnership. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is a strategic collaboration between the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) . .

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CCAFS: the partnership

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  1. CCAFS: the partnership The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is a strategic collaboration between the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) andtheEarth System Science Partnership (ESSP).

  2. Agreed criteria for collaborativeCGIAR-ESSP research(from the Oxford w/s, Feb 2007) • Jointly recognised as a priority research programme by both science communities and relevant to stakeholders (researchers, farmers, resource managers, donors, policy makers, etc…). • Addresses key knowledge gaps related to food security, sustainability and development. • Requires active, large-scale institutional collaboration between the two science communities combining social and natural systems, at multiple scales of time/space. • Maximises the chance for success in delivering solutions to climate change adaptation and mitigation for agriculture and food security that are based on innovative science outputs.

  3. Project outline 1: Stress collab between GEC and devel ag science: Science content integrating (interdisciplinarity): Ag / resource mgmt Climate change / uncertainty Institutions / governance Spatial / temporal scales Gender / social differentiation Science content relating to outcomes for: Food security (availability, access, utilisation, stability) Environment (hydrol, biodiversity, BGC incl. GHGs, …) Livelihoods (socioeconomic capitals)

  4. Project outline 2: Stress collab between GEC and develag science: Selling points: Development value GEC science value (inc interdisciplinarity) * Ag science value How advancing CC agenda * How helps deliver CCAFS agenda Link to stakeholders * * = special interest to GEC donors (Belmont Forum) Funding modes: • 100k modular pilots addressing key activities in CCAFS plan • 1-2 $M / 2-3 yr project

  5. TODAY: Agree main elements of 4 page CN for detailed planning workshop (~$50k) in early 2012 • Feedback after lunch • PP Presentation at 16:00 of main science and selling points • BY MID JULY: Submit CN to CCAFS Copenhagen, suggesting potential donors to discuss with • Ccafs@life.ku.dk • BY END SEP: CCAFS CPH decision and feedback from donors • EARLY 2012: Detailed planning WS to draft proposal for project (2-3 yrs; $1-2M) • MID 2012: Start project/pilots

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