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CCAFS and Gender Outcomes

CCAFS and Gender Outcomes. Patti Kristjanson Linking Knowledge with Action Research Theme Leader CCAFS Gender Training and Strategizing Workshop October, 2013. Working with partners to collect the evidence and c hange opinions and worldviews. Evidence of what works in CSA.

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CCAFS and Gender Outcomes

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  1. CCAFS and Gender Outcomes Patti Kristjanson Linking Knowledge with Action Research Theme Leader CCAFS Gender Training and Strategizing Workshop October, 2013

  2. Working with partners to collect the evidence and change opinions and worldviews Evidence of whatworks in CSA New ways of getting climate information to farmers Enhancedlocal adaptation planning processes Feasibility of reducing emissions Improved management of extreme events in national agencies • Flagship4: Policies and institutions for climate resilientfood systems Flagship 1: Climate –smart agriculturalpractices • Flagship2: Climate –information services and climate-informedsaftey nets • Flagship3: Low emissions development Policy analysis; prioritisationtools • Engagement • Science – Policy Mechanisms and incentivesestablished for low emissions development • Strategies Improved policy framework for managingfoodsecurity; prioritisationtoolsused Research Evidence Policy & Institutional Change Working with partners to make it happen Learning • Investment Partners Partners Working with partners to understand what works Partners 1&3: CSA Alliance, World Bank, IFAD, Green Climate Fund, Prolinnova, climatefinanceorgs, agriculture, envir, otherministries 2: World Vision, National MeteorologicalAgencies, DisasterRiskAgencies, Insurance Agencies • & Action CSAAlliance, World Bank, IFAD, Climate Finance Orgs, Ministries World Vision, National MeteorologicalAgencies, DisasterRiskAgencies, Insurance Agencies IIASA, FAO, Global Research Alliance for Agricultural GHGs Food security and climate adaptation agencies, GFAR, CFS Multiple local partners (e.g. NARES, CARE, Vi, Mediae, PROLINNOVA, National Insurance Company of India) • Research CSA Roll Out Climate smart villages & broadscale adoption Climate info to farmers; advancedfoodsecuritywarning systems National mitigation plans rolled out Key

  3. Partnerships and strategies to achieve outcomes (TheHow & With Whom?) Gender Outcome (IDO) CCAFS Flagships(The What) Outcome Pathway Gender dissag. data & analyses, gender-cc tools & local partner capacity strengthening, innovative approaches -participatory video, TV, Radio Mobiles, integr. tools, open access K sharing, Foresight/scenarios analyses co-devel. with PPP’s Inclusive local forward planning (e.g. using climate analogues) (Overarching) Climate-smart practices Increased access to and control over productive assets, inputs, information, food and markets; strengthened participation in decision-making processes Action research with NGO’s taking gender transformative actions (e.g. CARE, PROLINNOVA) Empowerment of women and marginalised groups Climate info services & Climate-informed safety nets Equitable partic. research with met services and NARES Co-strategy development with food aid community (e.g. WFP) Learning re: inst’s with local partners (PES and LED strategies) Low Emissions Agricultural Development Strategic partnerships (e.g. FAO) & comms efforts re: LED/mitigation by & for women Policies and Institutions for resilient food systems Inclusive Learning Alliances/Platforms Gender-sensitive agbusiness ‘hubs’ Policy champions & inclusive capacity in foresight analyses Strengthening women’s & reg/nat’l farmers orgs voices in CCAFS policies

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