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Task-based Approach

Task-based Approach. Presenter: Manal bait Gharim Course: EDUC507. What is a task-based approach?. ?. Goals?. A natural context for language use. The Principles. Above-level task Seek ways to know the students’ involvement in learning . ( O pen-ended phase?)

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Task-based Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Task-based Approach Presenter: Manal bait Gharim Course: EDUC507

  2. What is a task-based approach? ?

  3. Goals? A natural context for language use.

  4. The Principles • Above-level task • Seek ways to know the students’ involvement in learning. (Open-ended phase?) • Not consciously simplifying the language. • Supplying the target form by formulating or recasting the students’ say.

  5. The Principles • Jigsaw provides opportunities to engage in listening, speaking, and comprehension. • Giving feedback. • Designing surveys give opportunities for authentic and meaningful interaction.

  6. What is a participatory approach? ?

  7. Goals? Help students to understand the social, historical, or cultural forces that affects their lives Empower students to take actions and take decisions to gain control over their lives.

  8. The difference Between content-based and participatory-based? Both have meaningful content Difference? P approach content is based on students’ issues of concern.

  9. The Principles • Tasks related to students’ lives. • Ongoing context-specific problem-posing process. • Education is effective when it is experience-centered. • Students become social and political beings.

  10. The Principles • Focus on linguistic form occurs within a focus on content. • Creating their materials become texts for other students. • Evaluating their own learning and directing themselves.

  11. Thank you a lot

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