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WRITING II. Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Compound Complex Sentence. Simple Sentence. A simple sentence consists of one main clause. Sentences can be divided into four types: 1. Statement E.g I like ice-cream. Michael doesn’t like candy 2. Question
WRITING II Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Compound Complex Sentence
Simple Sentence • A simple sentence consists of one main clause. • Sentences can be divided into four types: 1. Statement E.gI like ice-cream. Michael doesn’t like candy 2. Question E.gDo you like candy? Who likes candy? You like ice cream? 3. Imperative E.gCome here. Don’t sit there, please. 4. Exclamation E.gHow wonderful day it is! How wonderful A simple sentence generally has a subject and verb. We usually omit the subject in imperative and exclamation.
Simple Sentence • Simple sentence(kalimatsederhana), jugadisebutindependentclause, adalahkalimat yang memilikisatu subject dansatuverb (predicate), dansudahdapatmengekspresikansuatukejadian/aktivitassecarautuh. Kalimat yang menggunakan subject majemuk (sepertipadacontoh 2) atau verb majemuk (sepertipadacontoh 3) jugadikatagorikansebagaikalimatsederhana. Contoh: • I am going to study Japanese next year. • Jenny and Joni went to the shopping mall last night. • Ronny goes to the library and reads everyday. • Note: Contoh 2 memiliki subject majemukyaitu Jenny dan Joni, sedangkanContoh 3 memiliki verb majemukyaitugoesdanreads.
Compound sentences • Compound sentence (kalimatmajemuk) adalahkalimat yang mengandungsekurang-kurangnyadua independent clause yang dihubungkanolehcoordinating conjunctions,correlative conjunctions, atau semicolon (i.e. ; ). Contoh: • Some of the campers went into the woods to find dry tree branches for cooking, andthe others built the tents. • Rini and Rere are chitchatting by the door, John is reading his book, Dodo is flattering Angelina on the class corner, butDidit is sleeping on his desk. (chitchat = ngobrol, flatter = merayu). • I had nothing to do last night, so I went out to see a movie by myself. (by myself = alone = sendirian, tanpateman). • Neither my parents nor I heard of my cousin’s accident. (Baikorangtuasayamaupunsayatidakmendengartentangkecelakaan (yang dialami) sepupusaya). • My parents went to Puncak for their vacation; my brother and I went to Bali for ours. Note: Kalimatinimengandungdua independent clause yang dihubungkanolehsemicolon. Penggunaansemicolonmerupakanalternatifuntukmenggabungkanindependent clause tanpamenggunakanconjunction. Kalimatinijugadapatditulismenjadi: My parents went to Puncak for their vacation, but my brother and I went to Bali for ours. (i.e. semicolon digantidengantandakomadan coordinating conjunction but).
Complex sentences • Complex sentence (kalimatkompleks) adalahkalimat yang memilikisatumain clause/independent clausedansekurang-kurangnyasatuanakkalimat/dependentclause (subordinating clause). Anakkalimatbiasanyaberupaadverbial clause (i.e. clause yang diawaliolehsubordinating conjunction (i.e. although,because, ect.) atauberupaadjective clause (i.e. clause yang diawaliolehrelative pronoun (i.e. who, that,which, ect.). Padakalimatkompleks, jikakalimatpokoknya (main clause) dihilangkan, anakkalimatakanmemilikimakna yang belumlengkap. Contoh: • Because I didn’t go to school last week, I didn’t know (that) there would be an exam today. • I was studying English when my friend came. • Besides we have to study grammar, we also must know how to speak fluently. • I have received the letter that you sent me last week. • My dad bought this book, which is a hundred pages long, in Jakarta. • The person whom you met yesterday is my sister. ( • Because she is a nice person, she has many friends who are willing to help her.
Compound-complex sentences • Jikasebuahkalimatmengandungsekurang-kurangnyaduaindependent clausedansekurang-kurangnyasatudependent clause, kalimattersebutdisebut compound-complex sentence. Please try to make at least 3 compound-complex sentences! • Contoh: Those are my principles, and if you don't like them I have the others.
Conjunctions • Ada 7 coordinating conjunctions yaitu: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (FANBOYS). • Paired conjunctions/Correlative conjunctions yaitu: both…and,either…ornot only…but alsoneither…nor. • Subordinating conjuctions • Waktu: after (setelah)till (hingga/sampai)the first time (pertama kali)before (sebelum)as soon as (segerasetelah)the second time (kedua kali)when (ketika)once (segerasetelah)the last time (terakhir kali)while (sementara)as long as (sepanjang)the next time (kali berikut)as (sementara)so long as (sepanjang)by the timesince (sejak)whenever (setiap kali)until (hingga/sampai)every time (setiap kali) • Sebab-akibat: because (karena)inasmuch as (karena)so…that (sehingga)since (karena)now that (karenasekarang)such …that (sehingga)as (karena) • makna yang berlawanan: although (walaupun)even though (walaupun)while (sedangkan)though (walaupun)whereas (sedangkan)no matter (tidakmemandang) • Tujuan: in order to (agar)in order (that) (agar)so that (agar) (Note: a) in order todiikutioleh verbs, sedangkanin order (that)danso thatdiikutioleh clause (i.e. S +V). b). Artiso thatdisiniberbedadenganso thatuntukmenyatakansebabakibat. Perhatikanjugaperbedaanpolanya. • Pengandaian : if (jika)whether or notin case (that) (jika)unless (jikatidak)even if (walaupunjika)providing (that) = if or only ifonly if (hanyajika)in the event (that)provided (that) = if or only if Jikaonly ifdiletakkandiawalkalimat, makadilakukaninversi auxiliary/be/do,does,did) kedepan subject main clause. Kalimatinidapatditulismenjadi: Only if no candidate gets 50% + 1 votes will the general election go to the second round.
More Explanation • Gunakankomasebelum conjunction jika conjunction tersebutmenggabungkanduakalimat. Komajugadigunakanjika conjunctions menggabungkanlebihdari 2 kataatau phrase. Contoh: We studied math, physics, and chemistry last semester. • Forjugaberfungsisebagai preposition. Sebagaipreposisiton, fordiikutioleh noun. Contoh: I am waiting for a cab. (i.e. cab = taxi) • Yet jugaberfungsisebagai adverb. Contoh: I haven’t finished reading this article yet. Lihatpenggunaan adverb yetpadapembahasantentangpresent perfect tense. • So = asjikadiikutioleh adjective/adverb. Lihatpenggunaannyapadapembahasantentangcomparisons.
HOWEVER = NO MATTER HOW. • He will never love me however hard I try = He will never love me no matter how hard I try. (Diatidakakanpernahmencintaikuwalausekerasapapunakuberusaha). • Penggunaan “HOWEVER” sebagai conjunction tidakbegituseringdigunakan. Bulelebihseringmenggunakan No matter how. Dan, mungkinkarenaalasaninisayakelupaanmenjelaskanpenggunaan HOWEVER di posting ini. Sorry. • Yang seringdigunakanadalah HOWEVER sebagai adverb. Di sini, HOWEVER = namundemikian; walaupundemikian; biarpunbegitu; akantetapi. • My name’s SwaraBhaskara; However, you can call me by whatever you feel comfortable.The exam was very difficult. I, however, managed to get an A on that test.
PENGGUNAAN WHETHER • Whether = if = apakah. Whether biasanyadipasangankandenganOR NOT. Namundemikian, OR NOT-nyajugadapatdihilangkandanmaknanyatetapsama. Polapenggunaanwhether adalah: • A. WHETHER OR NOT + S2 + VERB +… , S1 + VERB + …NOTE:1. Whether dapatditempatkandiawalkalimat.2. OR NOT dapatlangsungmengikutiwhether, dapatdiletakkandiakhir clause, dansepertidibilangtadi, dapatdihilangkan.Contoh: • 1. Whether or not Adi has done his homework, I don’t know.2. Whether Adi has done his homework or not, I don’t know.3. Whether Adi has done his homework, I don’t know.4. I don’t know whether or not Adi has done his homework.5. I don’t know whether Adi has done his homework or not.6. I don’t know whether Adi has done his homework. • Ke-6 kalimatdiatasbermaknasama, yaitu: “ApakahAditelahmengerjakan PR-nyaataubelum, akutidaktahu“. • B. Adakahbentuknegatif-nya? • WHETHER clause inisudahmengandungbentukpositif (ke-6 contohdiatas) danbentuknegatif (karenaadanya phrase OR NOT). Kalaudituliskandalambentuknegatif, whether clause iniakanmemilikidua NOT. IniharusdihindarikarenabahasaInggristidaksukadengandouble negatives. • Whether or not Adi has NOT done his homework, I don’t know. INCORRECT. • C. Bolehkahdigunakandalam embedded question? • Yaboleh. BUT REMEMBER: janganmenginversi auxiliary kedepan subject. • 1. Do you know whether or notAdi has done his homework?2. Do you know whether Adi has done his homework or not ?3. Do you know whether Adi has done his homework?
Source • Bhaskara, Swara. 2009. “Compound-Complex Sentences”. http://swarabhaskara.com/sentence-components/simple-compound-complex-sentences/. (Diaksestanggal 5 Maret 2012) • Nordquist, Richard. “Simple Sentence”. http://grammar.about.com/od/rs/g/simpsenterm.htm. (Diaksestanggal 5 maret 2012)