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Progress Files and Personal Development Planning

Progress Files and Personal Development Planning. Department of Politics and International Studies . What is a Progress File?. There are 3 elements to the Progress File: Transcript University record of learning and achievement, details of modules taken

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Progress Files and Personal Development Planning

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  1. Progress Files and Personal Development Planning Department of Politics and International Studies

  2. What is a Progress File? There are 3 elements to the Progress File: • Transcript University record of learning and achievement, details of modules taken • Personal Development Planning (PDP) a structured and supported process to help your progress in your studies and beyond • Personal Development Records (PDR) personal records of the learning process and achievements, including skills acquired

  3. Why bother?

  4. Personal Development Planning • PDP will mean you are more effective at: • presenting your accomplishments to employers and others • monitoring your own progress and achievements • recognizing strengths and areas for development • continually improving skills • balancing your studies and other commitments

  5. PDR organize and present outcomes record evidence take opportunities reflect & evaluate action plan The PDP Cycle

  6. How will this work in the Department of Politics? (1) • PDP Template(http://www.hull.ac.uk/pas/PDP%20Introduction.doc). Core competencies • Academic • Intellectual • Transferable • Personal

  7. How will this work in the Department of Politics? (2) Week 1-2. You will be sent an e-mail containing further instructions and a link to the PDP Template Student to execute agreed PDP and to seek further meetings with Personal Supervisor are required Week 2-4. Complete PDP template and e-mail it to your personal supervisor. Arrange meeting with Supervisor to discuss PDP. Week 5-6. Meet with your Personal Supervisor to discuss PDP document.

  8. Your responsibilities • You are in control • Not formally assessed • Regular review of your progress with Personal Supervisor • Produce and prepare an action plan • Keep evidence • Complying with Departmental regulations

  9. Other sources of help • Careers Service • University Services • Students’ Union • Outside the University

  10. If you still have questions - don’t be afraid to ask!Contact Richard Woodward (r.woodward@hull.ac.uk) for more information.

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