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Companies are like eager lions, they will do almost anything for attention because they want your money. Corporations have different marketing strategists, some of them better than others. Creative publicity works for them, stunts to reach the audience and promote their brand. . Brand Me!.
Companies are like eager lions, they will do almost anything for attention because they want your money. Corporations have different marketing strategists, some of them better than others. Creative publicity works for them, stunts to reach the audience and promote their brand. Brand Me!
Lesson: BRAND ME Grades/Level: High School (9–12) Subjects: Visual Arts Time Required: 5-6 Weeks Lesson Overview Students will: Look closely and analyze aspects of visual arts Examine the relationship between people and products Use the methods of description, reflection, and formal analysis to create a commercial poster Students will learn about creating logos Prepare statement based on their photographs. Learning Objectives Students will: Interpret the meaning of symbols in a work of art. examine the relationship between photography, graphics and the brand statement. look closely at visual culture works of art. Use the methods of description, reflection, and formal analysis to create a commercial poster Identify and discuss symbolic concepts or ideals represented in works of art. Critique their works of art and those of their peers. Neslihan C-GeorgeContemporary issues in art Education
Overview: In this lesson students will identify how we associate social status with designer and brand name products, and how we believe others perceive us by what brands we use and why? Learning Outcomes: Students demonstrate: an understanding of the links between status, consumption and advertising an awareness of our own feelings and perceptions regarding what advertisers tell us we ‘need to have' Using the opportunity of media advertising for chancing the future? Activity The video “The Merchants of Cool (TV episode 2001)” will be shown to the students. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzSsjm8uHew Brain Storm Questions: What did you think about the video? What’s cool for you? Which brands do you like and want to have or fallow? Why I want to have this brand’s product? What is attractive about that brand and products? How these brands advertise their products? What are the similarities and differences of other companies advertising strategies? Lesson 1
Essential Questions What are they selling is a lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product? How can advertise some product that can chance the future? What they want to "advertise" and why? How do styles, weasel words and names designed? Activity Students will be divided in four people groups Teacher will give text paper have four section to fill it up for each group In the first section, they will focus on chancing to future idea In the second section, they will write down or sketch their products they want to work with. In the third section, they will describe some positive and negative things about the product In the fourth section they will write find weasel words or slogan for their product Discussion Questions : What was similarities about them each groups project? How can we use positive ways of online media? How can we promote healthy lifestyle choices and social projects? Other than buying and wearing products, what can we do to improve people's perceptions of us? Lesson2
Learning Objectives Students will: design commercial posters, focusing on a current research project. Identify purpose of the poster. Focus on Challenge The Future! Topic. WEBSITES 60-Second Poster Evaluation Poster Sessions Images of Physical Posters NCSU Example Posters Definition of a Poster Session Activity Students first analyze a variety of advertising poster examples and analyze them. They will list their interest, ideas and style choice. Students then plan their poster design while using sketch, collage or photography techniques. When they are completed, students share their presentations with the class for additional feedback, and then students present their posters at a school-wide research fair. Lesson 3
Check ideas, participation, out comes, and originality during to first and second lesson. Assess for any feedback and responds during to brain storm. Assess students’ final projects and the criteria for effective posters that students created during the the last lesson. Check for drawings, outlines and designs . Assess completed work for ideas, effort and originality. NCTE/IRA NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. 7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience. 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities. 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information). STUDENT ASSESSMENT/REFLECTIONS
http://www.getty.edu/education/ http://www.mediaawareness.ca/english/resources/educational/lessons/secondary/advertising_marketing/mtt gotta_have_it.cfm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzSsjm8uHew http://www.businessinsurance.org/10-marketing-gimmicks-gone-wrong/ http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/designing-effective-poster-presentations 1076.html?tab=4#tabs Traci Gardner Blacksburg, Virginia SOURCES: