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How to Use Charly 4U Milling Machine. Using the Gcode FOR ISO File. I - O verview of the ISO code.
How to Use Charly 4U Milling Machine Using the GcodeFOR ISO File
I - Overview of the ISO code • G-code is the name of one of the program me Angagaation to drive machine tools with numerical control. It was developed by the EIA in the early 60s, and finally standardized by ISO in February 1980 under reference RS274D / (ISO 6893). • Given the absence of further developments, the wide variety of machine tool configurations, and little demand for true interoperability, few CNC controllers meet this standard. Extensions and variants have been added independently by different manufacturers, so that operators must know the different dialects and peculiarities of the machines they use, and CAM systems should be limited to the lowest common denominator of the machines they command. • Many manufacturers have tried to circumvent this difficulty to remain compatible by following the path marked out by Fanuc. Unfortunately, Fanuc does not comply with the standard RS-274 or to its previous standards, and has been slow to add new features and use the growing power of computers. For example, they have changed the order in g20/21 G70/G71, they used parentheses for comments which caused problems when introducing mathematical calculations.
G-code files produced by programs such as CAM Mayka, Artcam, Alphacam, etc.. These applications typically use converters called post-processors to optimize the code for use on a particular machine. Post-processors are generally modified by the user to optimize their use. Such programs must be tailored for each type of machine tool. • G-code is also the name of a command in a CNC program that begins with the letter G, and generally it is a code that describes the type of action to take, for example: • fast moving • moving at a controlled speed in a straight line or an arc • range of motion at a controlled rate to achieve a hole, cut a piece to a given size, or added a decorative profile on the edge of a piece. • The positioning codes: • X position • Y position • Z position • A position • B position • C position • I X-axis data of an arc • J Y-axis data of an arc • Radius R
The command codes: • M code, sometimes referred to as function 'diverse' ("Miscellaneous" in English) • F speed • S speed • N line number • T Selection Tool • Different machines can use the same code to perform different functions, even the machines that use the same CNC controller.
II - Overview of milling and milling machines • Origins: Original program (OP) is the origin point of the program from which the movements of the machine is programmed. Original machine (OM) is the origin point in space from which to measure the machine movements. It is defined by the manufacturer and it is fixed. Work piece (Opp) is used to place the coin in the machine. It is defined by the operator. • Corrections • The markers used to account for different tool lengths and diameters. • Spell length strawberry: Activated automatically when changing tool M6. • Cutter radius correction:G41 and G42, G40 cancellation. • G41 positions the tool to the left of the programmed path of a value equal to the radius. • G42 positions the tool to the right of the programmed path of a value equal to the radius.
Axes • The Z axis of a CNC machine is always the axis of the rotating pin. • The X and Y axes are arranged in a direct orthogonal with respect to Z. • The X axis is the one that allows the greatest distance of travel. The last axis being the axis Y. • On some machines, there are additional axes Axe called A, B, C. • Axes A, B, C rotary axes are: • A rotating around X, • B about Y, • C around Z.
IV - Instructions analyzed by the ISO code for GpiloteCharlyrobot • . • PREAMBLE: • The motion commands are processed centrally tool for XY and Z to the end of tool (not management tool offset). • G0 and G1 commands are modal. • Orders G2 and G3 are not modal. In the latest versions of the control module, a command G2 or G3 is accepted as implicitly recognized by the presence of the parameters I, J. or R. • The first shift at the beginning or after a machining tool change must specify the XY Z. • Commands executed: • XYZ coordinates of points in mm. • A Coordinate degree of the rotation axis horizontal and parallel to the X axis (4th axis) A is used when the origin of Y, Z must correspond to the coordinates Y, Z of the 4th axis. limited to ± 650 laps • G0 Rapid movement (not subject)
F Feed rate in mm / min. • G1 Linear Interpolation using the speed of the last command F. • G2, G3 Circular interpolation using the speed of the last command F. • Only in the XY plane. G2: clockwise arc. G3: arc counterclockwise. • If R is specified, the smaller the arc is applied. If not specify I, J corresponding to X, Y coordinates of the center of the arc. • G4 F ... Timing of the program in seconds. • G14 Beginning of the sliding mode (optional) • G15 End of the sliding mode (optional) • G16 cancels the automatic mode cast • G14 and G15 commands are used only after command G16 to be placed at the beginning of the file. • G28 Return to high speed behind - move sequence: ZXYA • Homing G52 machine (optional) • G90 Absolute mode (default, recommended) • G91 Relative Mode • N Line number (optional) • M2 End of program (optional) • M3 Power pin clockwise • On M4 pin counterclockwise (will eventually be assimilated to M3) • Spindle stop M5 (optional with the automatic stop at end of file) • M6 New Tool • S Spindle speed r / min (optional if the pin is not driven by AD) • T Tool number
Analyzed but ignored commands: • Angle D or 3 additional forward speed • E Angle or 2 additional feed rate • G83 Drilling cycle G80 ... (ignore the whole block) • Any other command Gxx G • H (available for special use) • L (available for special use, eg subroutines) • Any other command Mxx M • P 3 ° movement parallel to the axis X • Q 3 motion parallel to the axis Y • R 3 ° movement parallel to the axis Z
V - Syntax a program • Example 1: Making simple 3 axes. • N10 G71 • N20 G90 • N30 T1 • N40 S8000 • N50 G0 X10 Y10 Z10 • N60 G1 Z-1 F1200 • N70 X20 • N80 Y20 • N90 X10 • Y10 N100 • N110 Z10 • N120 T2 • N130 G0 X10 Y20 Z10 • N140 G1 Z-1 F800 • N150 G2 X20 Y20 R10 F1200 • F800 N160 G1 Z10
Description of how the program works: • N10 indicates a line number, it is optional. G71 sets the unit metric unit G70 in inches. • N20 G90 sets the absolute mode (G91 mode relative). It defaults to G90 if not specified. • N30 application tool 1. • Gpilote will automatically position the pin in the tool change position. • With a tool changer, will take the tool placed in a position in the rack. It will introduce the tool automatically pin, if there is one. • N40 sets the speed to 8000 rev / min. • the M3 is not required, the pin starts automatically the first move, and stops automatically after the last move. • N50 G0 runs out on a trip at high speed (the maximum speed set in the machine Charlyrobot). • X, Y and Z are required on the first line G0 or after a tool change. The following values define the start position of the machine compared to the original program and the room. • N60 G1 defines a linear displacement speed programmed by the control F, by 1200 mm / min. Z-1 indicates that the machine returns to 1 mm in the matter (if we consider that the origin is located on the top of the block). • N70 to N110 control G1 is modal, ie it remains active until another command cancels, as another command G, M and T.
N120 T2 command requests a new tool number 2, the program is interrupted, the pin will be positioned at the position change tool in manual mode a message, you must then put the tool required, or if is a tool changer, spindle will ask the tool T1 and take the new tool. • N130 new set of axes for the G0 X, Y and Z. • N140 defines a linear movement, cf.N60 • N150 G2 expresses a circular motion in the direction of clockwise (reverse clockwise). • It starts at the point earlier and moves back to the point indicated by X and Y. • There are two ways to define the circularity: • or by defining the radius R, • or by defining the center of the circle I and J (respectively expressing x and y coordinates of the center of the circle). • ATTENTION!Gpilote does not define an arc greater than or equal to 180 °, otherwise it will take the smaller of the two arcs possible.To define a circle or arc greater than 180 ° must break the circle or arc as long arcs as necessary, always strictly less than 180 °. • N160 back the tool out of the material in G1 (G0 better than an order to set a speed). • N170 At the end of the program, the pin back in Z then moves diagonally to the OM.Control M2 and M5 are not necessary.
Example 2: Making a circle • N10 G90 • F3000.000 N20N30 G01 X101.500 Y0.000 Z0.000 • N40 G04 F10 • N50 G01 X100.000 Y0.000 • N60 G03 X-100000 Y0.000 I0.000 J0.000 • N70 G03 Y0 X100.000 I0.000 J0.000 • N75 G03 X0.000 Y100.000 I0.000 J0.000 • N80 G01 X0.000 Y101.500 • N85 G00 Z0.1 • N90 G04 F3 • N95 G00 Z0 • N100 G01 X0.000 Y100.000 • N110 G02 X0.000 Y-100 000 I0.000 J0.000 • N115 G02 X0.000 Y100.000 I0.000 J0.000 • N120 G02 X100.000 Y0.000 I0.000 J0.000 • N130 G01 X101.500 Y0.000 • N135 G00 Z0.1 • N140 G04 F10 • N150 G00 Z0
N10, G90 sets the absolute mode (G91 mode relative). It defaults to G90 if not specified. • N20, F sets the speed to 3000 mm / min, 50 mm / s. • N30, on this program, there is no G0, G1 is immediate, which sets the first move. It is therefore defined on three axes X, Y and Z. • N40, G04 procrastinate the program, according to time specified by the F10, 10 seconds. • N50 G01 marks a programmed movement indicated by the ordinates X, Y or Z. • N60 to N75, the three G03 is a full circle to that 360 degree is divided into two part always strictly less than 180 degrees. The value of I and J mark the center of the circle. As the origin of the program is at the center of the circle, these values are 0.There is a 3 rd circle arc made. • N80 moves the pin on a linear plot. • N85, a small wound of 0.1 mm. • N90 delay of 3 sec. • N95, the pin back down to the altitude 0. • N100 to 135, achieving the same route as N50 to N85 but in the other direction. G02 instead of G03. • N140, timer 10 sec. • N150, G00 which puts the pin in position Z 0. end of the program.
Example 3: Realization of a circle in a square, using the relative mode.The origin of the program is located in the X and Y in the center of the plate.
PROGRAM • N5 / completion of a circle in a square • N10 G71 • N20 G90 • N30 T1 • N40 S8000 • N50 G0 X0 Y0 Z10 • N60 G1 X50 Z1 F1200 • N70 G3 X-50 Y0 I0 J0 • N80 G3 X50 Y0 I0 J0 • N90 G1 Z10 • N100 G91 • N110 G1 Y50 • N120 Z-9 • N130 X-100 • N140 Y-100 • N150 X100 • N160 Y100 • N170 Z9 • N180 G90 • N190 G0 X0 Y0
Description of how the program works: • N5, the sign / mark a comment, like the parentheses. • N10, the G71 sets the metric. • N20, G90 switches absolute. • N30, Application tool T1 • N40, set the speed to 8000 rev / min • N50, the first movement sets the G0 • N60, the pin down to 1 mm, and at the same time moves to the start of the next item on the speed F 1200 mm / min. • N70, G3 makes a first semi-circle defined by its center at I and J in the center. • N80, the 2nd G3 makes the second half of the circle. • N90, the pin goes back to the height 10 mm. • N100, the G91 will switch on. • N110, put the pin in the original position of the square in the upper right is 50 mm above the circle Y. • N120, G1 pin down the 9 mm, to take the pin elevation 1 mm (10-1 = 9). • N130 to N160, carries a 100 mm square, each movement is made in relation to the arrival of the previous point. • N170, up the pin 9 mm, to return to the elevation of Z = 10 mm. • N180, G90 delivers the absolute mode in place. • N190, the pin positions at the origin of the program in X and Y. end of the program.