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WORDSKILLS:. Lesson 7. WORDSKILLS: LESSON ONE. PART ONE. act (ag): drive (force), do. Ag it ate Ag (force) ate (make,do) Ag ent Ag (do) ent (one who) re act Re (back, again) act (do). * andr: male. Andr oid Andr (male) oid (resembling, having characteristics) * Phil ander er
act (ag): drive (force), do • Agitate Ag (force) ate (make,do) • Agent Ag (do) ent (one who) • react Re (back, again) act (do)
* andr: male • Android Andr (male) oid (resembling, having characteristics) * Philanderer Phil (love) andr (male) er (one who) * Androgenous Andr (male) gen (origin) ous (full of) –producing male offspring. NOTE: Androgynous Andro (man) gyn (women) ous (full of), means having both male and female characteristics.
arthr: joint * Arthropod Arthr (joint) pod (foot) * arthritis Arthr (joint) itis (inflamation) * Arthropathy Arthr (joint) path (disease) y (result of)
biblio: book • Bible Biblio (book) • Bibliography Biblio (book) graph (write, record) y (result of) • Bibliophile Biblio (book) phil (love)
Calli (kali): beautiful • Calligraphy calli (beautiful) graph (write) y (result of) • Calisthenics Calli (beautiful) sthenos (strength) ics (science of) • Kaleidoscope Kali (beautiful) eidos (form) scop (look)
Capit: head • Capital Capit (head) al (related to) • Decapitate De (down, from) capit (head) ate (make, do) • Capitulum Capit (head) – dense, headlike cluster of stalkless flowers: Small knob or head-shaped part as on end of a bone
* Chron: time • Chronic Chron (time) ic (having characteristic of) • Chronological Chron (time) log (study) al (related to) • Synchronize Syn (together) chron (time) ize (make, do)
* emia: blood condition • Anemia An (lacking, without) emia (blood) – a pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying materials in the blood • Toxemia Tox (poison) emia (blood) • Leukemia Leuk (white) emia (blood) NOTE: HEM and HEMO mean “blood” also, but emia means more specifically “a condition of the blood.”
* Flu: flow • Fluent Flu (flow) ent (full of) • Confluence Con (together) flu (flow) ence (state, condition) • Superfluous Super (over, above) flu (flow) ous (full of)
fus: pour • Confuse Con (together) fus (pour) • Effusive Ef (out) fus (pour) ive (that which) • Profusion Pro (forth) fus (pour) ion (state)
gno: know • Agnostic A (not, without) gno (know) ic (related to) • Ignorance I (not) gno (know) ance (state, condition) • Prognosis pro (forward) gno (know) sis (process)
* greg: flock, gather • Segregate Se (apart, away) greg (gather) ate (make, do) • Congregation Con (together) greg (gather) tion (act of) • Gregarious Greg (flock) ious (full of)
Hem (hemo): blood • Hemorrhage Hemo (blood) rrhage (flow) • Hemophilia Hemo (blood) phil (love, fondness) ia (condition) • Hematology Hemat (blood) logy (study of)
ism: belief, doctrine • Communism Communis (common) ism (doctrine) • Chauvinism Chauvin (a legendary French soldier who fanatically supported Napoleon) ism (belief) • Egoism Ego (self) ism (belief)
jur: swear • Juror jur (swear) or (one who) • Perjury Per (thoroughly) jur (swear) y (result of) • Abjure Ab (away) jur (swear) – to recant or repudiate
lat: side • Lateral Later (side) al (related to) • Unilateral Uni (one) later (side) al (related to) • Quadrilateral Quadr (four) later (side) al (related to)
mania: craze, obsession • Maniac Mania (obsession) • Kleptomania Klept (steal) mania (obsession) • Pyromania Pyro (fire) mania (obsession)
neuro: nerve, brain • Neurology Neuro (nerve, brain) logy (study of) • Neuralgia Neuro (nerve, brain) alg (pain) ia (condition) • Neurectomy Neuro (nerve) ec (out) tom (cut) y (result of)
Ped (pod): foot • Pedal Ped (foot) al (related to) • Pedestrian Ped (foot) ian (one who) • Podiatrist Pod (foot) iatr (cure, heal) ist (one who)
rupt: break, burst • Rupture Rupt (burst) ure (state of) • Erupt E (out) rupt (burst) • Interrupt Inter (between, among) rupt (break)
Scrib (script): write • Scribble Scrib (write) • Circumscribe Circum (around) scrib (write) – to encircle or to limit • Post script Post (after) script (write)
terr: land, earth • Terrain Terr (land) ain (related to) • Inter In (in, into) ter (earth) – bury • Terricolous Terr (earth) colere (dwell) ous (full of) – dwelling in or on the earth
Tors (tort): twist • Torso Tors (twist) • Distort Dis (apart, away) tort (twist) • Tortuous Tort (twist) ous (full of)
Vers (vert): turn • Reverse Re (back) vers (turn) • Convert Con (together) vert (turn) • Versatile Vers (turn)
Vor: eat • Devour De (down) vor (eat) • Carnivorous Carn (flesh, meat) vor (eat) ous (full of) • Voracious Vor (eat) cious (having qualities of)