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WordSkills : Lesson One. Word parts: Prefixes Students need to write down the prefix, its definition, and at least two examples to help you to remember the meaning. There are 3 major parts to a word. Prefixes- comes at the beginning of a word Roots- the middle “root” word
WordSkills:Lesson One Word parts: Prefixes Students need to write down the prefix, its definition, and at least two examples to help you to remember the meaning.
There are 3 major parts to a word • Prefixes- comes at the beginning of a word • Roots- the middle “root” word • Suffixes- comes at the end of a word • Predetermined-Pre (prefix meaning before) deter and min (root) ed (suffix determining time frame)
a (an): no, not, without, lacking • amnesia a (without) mne (memory) ia (condition, state of) • anarchy an (without) arch (rule, government) y (result of) • atheist a (lacking, without) theo (god) ist (one who)
ambi: both • ambiguous ambi (both) ag (do, drive) ous (full of) • ambidextrous ambi (both) dextro (right-handed) ous (full of) • ambivalent ambi (both) val (strong) ent (full of)
anti: against • antidote anti (against) dot (give) • antibiotic anti (against) bio (life) ic (having characteristics of) • antisocial anti (against) soc (society) al(having characteristics of)
circum: around • circumference circum (around) fer (carry) ence(state or condition) • circumscribe circum (around) scribe (write) • circumnavigate circum (around) nav (sail) ate (make, cause)s
de: down, from • demote de (down) mot (move) • descend de (down) scend (climb) • decline de (down) clin (bend)
dis (di, dif): apart, away, not • divert di (away) vert (turn) • differ dif (away) fer (carry) • disrupt dis (apart) rupt (break)
endo: inside, within • endoderm endo (within) derm (skin) • endocardium endo (inside) cardi (heart) ium (condition, place) • endocrine endo (inside) krin (separate)
exo: outside • exocrine exo (outside) krin (separate) • exotic exo (outside) ic (having characteristics of) • exosphere exo (outside) sphere (sphere)
extra (extro): beyond • extraordinary extra (beyond) ordin (order) ary (place where) • extrasensory extra (beyond) sens(feel) ory (having characteristics of) • extraterrestrial extra (beyond) terrestri (earth) al (related to)
hetero: different • heterogeneous hetero (different) gen (kind) ous (full of) • heteromorphic hetero(different) morph(shape) ic(having characteristics of) • heterosexual hetero (different) sex (sex) al (related to)
homo: same • homonym homo (same) onym (name) • homogeneous homo (same) gen (kind) ous (full of) • homophone homo (same) phon (sound)
in (il, im, ir): in, into • inject in (in, into) ject (throw) • illuminate il (in) lumin (light) ate (make, cause) • import im (in) port (carry) • irrigate ir (in) rigar (water) ate (make, cause)
in (ig, il, im, ir) Inactive in (not) act (act, do) ive (having power) Ignobleig (not) nobilis (noble) Illegal il (not) leg (law) al (related to) Imperfect im (not) per (thoroughly) fect (make) Irrationalir (not) ration (reason) al (related to)
inter: between, among • interact inter (between) act (act, do) • interrupt inter (between) rupt (break) • intervene inter (between) vene (come)
intra (intro): inside, within • intravenous intra (inside) ven (vein) ous (full of) • introduce intro (inside) duc (lead) • introspect intro (inside) spect (look)
iso: same • isometric iso (same) metr (measure) ic (related to) • isosceles iso (same) skelos (leg) • isothermal iso (same) therm (heat) al (related to)
macro: large, great • macroscopic macro (large) scop (look, see) ic (having characteristics of) • macrocosm macro (large) cosm (world, universe) • macrocyte macro (large) cyte (cell)
micro: small • microscopic Micro (small) scop (look, see) ic (having characteristics of) • microcosm micro (small) cosm (world) • microcyte Micro (small) cyte (cell)
medi: middle • median medi (middle) an (related to) • medieval medi (middle) ev (time, age) al (related to) • medium medi (middle) ium (state, condition of
per: through, thoroughly • perspire per (through) spir (breath) • permit per (through) mit (send) • perennial per (through) enn (year) al (related to)
pre: before • prefix pre (before) fix (place, put) • precede pre (before) ced (go) • prevent pre (before) ven (come)
post: after • postpone post (after) pon (place, put) • postscript post (after) script (write) • postmeridian post (after) meridian (midday)
se: apart, away • secede se (apart) ced (go) • seclude se (away) clud (close, shut) • seduce se (away) duc (lead)
syn (syl, sym, sys): same, together with • synonym syn (same) onym (name) • symphony sym (together) phon (sound) y (result of) • syllable syl (together) lambanein (take)
ultra: beyond • ultraliberal ultra (beyond) liber (free) al (related to) • ultramodern ultra (beyond) mod (now) ern (related to) • ultrasound ultra (beyond) son (sound)