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WordSkills. Lesson 8. analgesic neuralgia nostalgia. an (lacking) alg (pain) ic (characteristic of) neuro ( ) alg (pain) ia (state, condition) nostos (home) alg (pain) ia (state). 1. Alg -- pain. animated inanimate magnanimous. anim (spirit) ate (make, do) in (no)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WordSkills Lesson 8

  2. analgesic neuralgia nostalgia an (lacking) alg (pain) ic (characteristic of) neuro ( ) alg (pain) ia (state, condition) nostos (home) alg (pain) ia (state) 1. Alg -- pain

  3. animated inanimate magnanimous anim (spirit) ate (make, do) in (no) anim (soul, spirit) ate ( ) magna (large) anim (spirit) ous ( full of) 2. Anim –mind, soul, spirit

  4. asteroid astrology disaster astr (star) oid (resembling) astr (star) ology (study of) dis (apart, away) astr (star/ill fate) 3. Astr -- star

  5. cardiologist pericardium myocardial cardi (heart) log (study of) ist (one who) peri (around) cardi (heart) ium (related to) myo (muscle) cardi (heart) al (related to) 4. Cardi -- heart

  6. recognize incognito metacognition re ( ) cogn (know) ize (make, do) in (not) cogn (know) meta (change) cogn (know) tion (act of) 5. Cogn -- know

  7. dentist indent periodontics dent (tooth) ist (one who) in (in, into) dent (tooth) peri (around) dont ( ) ics (science of) 6. Dent (dont) -- tooth

  8. energy synergize metallurgist en (inside) erg (power) y ( ) syn (together) erg (work) ize (make, do) metal (mine) urg (work) ist (one who) 7. Erg (urg) – work, power

  9. gravity minority sincerity grav (weight/heavy) ity (state of) minor (small) ity (state) sincerus (pure) ity (quality of) 8. ity – state, quality, act

  10. lectern legible select lect (read) a place for reading leg (read) ible (able) se (away, from) lect (choose) 9. Lect (leg) – read, choose

  11. manicure manual manifest man (hand) cur (care) manu ( ) al (related to) man ( ) fest (made) 10. man (manu) -- hand

  12. ecology mythology physiology eco (house/environment) logy (study) myth (story) logy (study) physi (nature) logy (study) 11. Logy -- study

  13. mobile motivate commotion mob (move) ile (capable of) mot (move) ate (make, cause) com (together) mot (move) tion (act of) 12. mob (mot) --move

  14. nocturnal equinox noctambulate nocturnes (night) al (related to) equi (equal, same) nox (night) noc (night) ambl (walk) ate (make do) 13. noc (nox) -- night

  15. novel novice renovate nov (new) el (little) nov(new) ice ( act, practice of) re (back, again) nov (new) ate (make do) 14. nov -- new

  16. orthodox orthodontist orthography ortho (straight) dox (belief) ortho (straight) dont (tooth) ist (one who) ortho (straight) graph (write) y (study of) 15. ortho – straight, standard

  17. philosopher philanthropist philodendron phil (love of ) soph (wisdom) er (one who) phil (love of ) anthrop (mankind) ist (one who) phil (love of) dendron (tree) 16. phil – love of, fondness for

  18. photography photosensitive photogram photo (light) graph (write, record) y (result of) photo (light) sens (feeling) ive (that which) photo (light) gram (image) 17. photo – light

  19. rectify rectangular rectitude rect (right) fy (make) rect (right) angle rect (right) tude (state of) 18. rect -- right

  20. sediment preside session sed (sit) ment (result of) pre (before) sid (sit) sess (sit) ion (act of) 19. sed (sid, sess) -- sit

  21. analysis psychosis diagnosis ana (apart) lys (loosen) sis (process) psych (mind) sis (condition) dia (across, through) gno (know) sis (process) 20. sis – process, condition

  22. spectator respect conspicuous spec or (one who) re ( ) spect (look) con ( ) spic (look) ous (full of) 21. Spec (spic, spect) – look, watch

  23. structure construct obstruction struct (build) ure (state, act of) con (together) struct (build) ob (against) struct (build) tion (act of) 22. struct -- build

  24. tractor distract intractable tract (pull) or (that which) dis (apart, away) tract (pull) in (not) tract (pull) able (capable) 23. tract -- pull

  25. via trivia viaduct via (way) by way of tri (three) via (road)* via (way) duct (lead) 24. via – road, way

  26. xenophobia xenogenesis xenolith xeno (foreign) phobia (fear of) xeno (foreign) gen (start) sis (process xeno (foreign) lith (rock) 25. xeno -- foreign

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