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Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits”. Workshop conducted by prof. Mihaela Codrea. Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan. DOMANTAS. DOMINYKAS. Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art”
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Turkey Moschee – Loc pentrurugaciuni Durum Costum Traditional Baklava
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Christmas customs and traditions are still alive in Maramures Christmas continues to be a celebration Maramures where traditions and customs are kept religiously, it can best be seen in the villages. And in big cities but on Christmas Eve but you can see groups of singers, young and old, going to proclaim to friends Nativity. People spend with family and friends three days in one. Christmas does not mean only three days, called "the Christmas village." Celebration has three stages: preparation period, fasting and all other actions in entering the house cleaning, the yard, graves, then there is the period between December 23 (Eve Eve) and January 31 and the last is the period of the New Year ( The little old named Christmas) and Epiphany. Maramures is still a place where you can hear the voices of children and young people and the elderly who proclaim the birth of Jesus, but first of all ask: “Leave them to wander?". Delia Suiogan PhD lecturer at the University of Baia Mare believes that as long as carols and carols will never perish, Christmas celebrations will not lose its charm in Maramures. "Carols in common is an ancient ritual magic symbols with very complex functionality. Ceremony includes elements of sun worship, worship of the dead elements, and elements of worship agriculture, "said anthropologist specialist. "Star" and "The Goat" fun cocoons Christmas Eve in Maramures villages are the first to go trick or treating children. With traditional purses, they go on to houses to announce the grand event will occur, and in return their carol use to provide coins, nuts, apples. The walk to the "Star" or the "Goat", whose game (killing, bocirea, burial, resurrection) originally was a serious ceremony. Delia Suiogan showed that goat parade of characters Dionysian procession reminiscent of half man, half animal
encountered in Thracians, the Greeks and the Romans. Children are objects made of time necessary, improvising with what they find in the drawers mothers, especially the "star" that go trick or treating should be really bright and "goat", as luscious and loud. In some areas outside these traditions are preserved and "Viflaimul", a popular theater that arise that relate biblical Nativity time. There are few villages in Maramures who presented the show, and the large number of characters, over 20, and the careful preparation to be made well in advance. In Ieud, but also in other places of the Iza Valley tradition was preserved, even if "Viflaimul" is presented just before Christmas. "The game estates," the art of disguise Delia Suiogan showed that "the holiday season, a role it has played and still plays disguise and travestirea May practiced at playing with masks. Those who mask, individually or in groups, watching that besides frames of the project to obtain real or magical, using masks and spiritual connection with alleged superhuman strength. " It showed that "mask wearer is mindful of its power is removed from profane time and space" and "Joker mask retains function with intent to secure the passage she wears easier than" thresholds "that to be overcome, because the mask implies a series of prohibitions, but it will also give the right to a behavior that comes from daily patterns, real soon. " She added that in Maramures, a particularly important place in our game Mosilor years, the origin of which seems ceremonies with masks stood vigil nights - ancestral ritual of honoring the dead. "The actual mask made of fur mosMaramures cattle, although reminiscent of animal origin similar mask differs from the rest of the country through ethnographic areas that do not have horns," said Delia Suiogan. According to the game Mosi is a special moment and is distinguished by the ingenuity of those who knock on doors and hosts disguise to scare them and wish them happiness and health. Colacutul gave singers, a symbol of the sun.
Ethnologist said that they have an important place and wandered about objects, reminiscent of beat, which is seen as a "tree of life". Reaching goals, and the women, and repeated beating both floors of the house and in the yard with bat ground fertilizer acts according beliefs of Maramures. Also, another ritual object that is missing from Maramures Christmas households is hoop, which is a symbol of the sun, proofing dough which is signifying fertility. There are but apple - sacred food "fruit of knowledge", and walnut, which is assimilated and "cosmic egg". All these can be found on Christmas tables all households in Maramures, even if modernism has made its way even in rural areas. "All symbols used by actantial rituals or gestural nature, object, or animal or vegetable etc. are designed to recreate the myth (at the originating or the Christian Creation). Nothing is accidental, everything is subject to the order established by mythical memory. Celebration of Christmas or the New Year and beyond, are a form of direct participation in the cosmic order, "said Delia Suiogan. She admitted that habits were "reworked" regular community members. Christmas superstitions have their place on holidays. Are therefore extremely rare situations where floors are covered with fresh hay house, and under the tablecloth is made straw for acquiring wealth. Also chains no longer bind with table legs, custom is practiced to stop wild animals attacking cattle in yards and to remove evil from the house. But superstitions persist, so do not give the mature Christmas, no laundry and not give anything lender. Also, give saturated animal food in the household, including a piece of yeast dough, which is believed to protect them from diseases. In some areas, it is said that if Christmas Eve, the animals rest on the left, is a sign that winter will be long and very cold. There is also the belief that those who complain will complain Eve all coming year and Christmas morning you should wash your face with spring water that put a silver penny.
Christmas preparations are required in Maramures and the peasant take this opportunity to reveal to her their heritage or married girls. Sterguri beautifully woven, embroidered pillows painstakingly dressed in girls, colorful rugs are removed from the cabinet and placed in rooms, especially the carol singers are received. Houses not miss any tree, now decorated with lights and ornaments Chinese and sometimes with nuts, apples or rows of white beans instead of tinsel. Christmas dinner, magical moment of celebration. The most important is that the Christmas house is clean and decorated holiday and table is full, that family gathering around the table and the tree is the most well preserved. Delia Suiogan showed that "habit is a form of reconstruction of the house gathering all around logs illuminates the sacred hearth Eve house and has a sense of power load with the participants". In fact, even many believe that Christmas Eve is not allowed to put out the fire in the stove, so that the man of the house used to put the fire a large stump. Delia said Suiogan gathering around the table for Christmas recipes "return to the circle, which could be interpreted as a form of initiation or restarted. Starting from the center "cool" enable reconstruction own "center", so that every home is a repeat of "Center of the World", participants with the opportunity to charge with power. " As for the feast, it is to provide welfare, but is also a form of sacrifice: the pig for cooking sausages and caltaboslului, and the grain of wheat to make bread. Rituals for health and family welfare Delia Suiogan also said that "many rituals were preserved. Some felt that habits are not being treated as ordinary shares, but part of that long series of symbolic gestures that allow the individual to periodically have the chance for a new beginning. " She gave the example of Costa Brava, which is felt today as a very important ritual gesture of recalling the sacrifices to gods who were born and dying regularly in renewal periods of calendar time. His sacrifice was made before a certain day, the
Ignat and dawn. Even if time is no longer observed, it still retains a series of rituals that are meant to provide health and family welfare in the New Year. Thus, the pig should not whine and all activities during his cutting must be accompanied by good vibes and wishes. "In Maramures crossed the blood is on top of cocoons (No - children) that they are healthy and strong. Contact with animal flesh, its blood implicitly means the transfer of power, the life of those who consume this food. At the same time, the animal becomes mediator between worlds, between man and god / deity, between man and his ancestors, "said university lecturer. Carol, a possible "key" to the gates of knowledge Christmas in Maramures identify the carol, which, despite pressures on folklore, not "manelizat“ but was preserved as sung by the ancestors. Ethnologist believes that "as long as it will not resort to miming and free Christmas will remain the same, a time of joy and rebirth", adding that he would like that to be celebrating five years as beautiful now, although fears that "could result in loss of identity within globalization the phenomenon of disintegration". "Rediscovering the true meanings of gestures or objects may contribute to maintaining tradition. Thus, caroling ceremony related to joint appeal to a range of objects loaded with meaning and value, just because of their function as a mediator between man and nature, between man and cosmos. They are not mere objects become forms of communication between worlds. Carol can receive and purpose of indicating direction, becoming a possible "key" that opens her gates to being some knowledge "concluded ethnologist. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Comenius Multilateral Project “The language of art” Romanian workshop and final product – “Winter habits” Workshop conducted by prof. MihaelaCodrea Coordinator of the project: prof. Gabriela Ivan
Craciunul continua sa fie in Maramures o sarbatoare la care traditiilesiobiceiurile se pastreaza cu sfintenie, celmai bine acestaputand fi vazute la sate. Si in marileorase insa, in AjunulCraciunului se pot vedeainsagrupuri de colindatori, tinerisibatrani, care mergsavesteascape la prieteniNastereaDomnului. Lumeapetreceimpreuna cu familiasiprieteniitreizileintr-una. Craciunul nu inseamnainsadoarceletreizile, numite «ale Craciunuluisatul». Sarbatoarea are treietape: perioada de pregatire, postulsitoatecelelalteactiuni in care intra curatireacasei, a curtii, a mormintelor; apoimaie perioadacuprinsaintre 23 decembrie (AjunulAjunului) si 31 ianuarie, iarultimaesteperiodadintreAnulNou (numit in vechimeCraciunulcelmic) siBoboteaza. Maramuresulesteinca un loc in care se pot auziglasurilecopiilorsitinerilor, darsi ale celorbatranicare vestescNastereaDomnuluiIisus, darintai de toateintreaba: “Slobodu-ia colinda?”. Lectoruluniversitar doctor Delia Suiogan de la Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare estede parerecaatattimp cat colindasicolindatul nu vorpieri, sarbatoareaCraciunului nu isivapierdefarmecul in Maramures. ”Colindatul in comuneste un ritual stravechi cu functionalitatemagico-simbolicafoartecomplexa. Ceremonialulcontineelemente de cult al soarelui, elemente de cult al mortilor, darsielemente de cult agrar”, a precizatspecialistuletnolog. ”Steaua” si ”Capra”, distractiacoconilor In AjunulCraciunului, in satele din Maramuresprimii care pleaca la colindatsuntcopiii. Cu traistuteleprinse de gat, acestia mergpe la case casaanuntemareleevenimentcare se va produce, iar in schimbulcolindeilor
se obisnuistesa se oferecolacuti, nuci, mere, iaracum, din ce in cemai des, se daubani. Se umbla cu ”Steaua” sau cu ”Capra”, al careijoc (omorarea, bocirea, inmormantarea, invierea), la origine, a fost un ceremonial grav. Delia Suiogana aratatcaalaiulcapreiaminteste de alaiuldionisiacal personajelorjumatateom, jumatateanimaleintalnite la traci, la greciianticisi la romani. Copiiiisiconfectioneazadin timpobiectelenecesare, improvizandcu cegasescprinsertarelemamelor, mai ales ca ”steaua” cu care se merge la colindattrebuiesafie neaparatstralucitoare, iar ”capra”, cat maiinzorzonatasigalagioasa. In unele zone, in afaraacestorobiceiuri se maipastreazasi ”Viflaimul”, un teatru popular in care aparpersonajelebiblice care au legaturacu momentulNasteriiDomnului. SuntputinelocalitatileMaramuresului in care maiesteprezentatspectacolul, sidatoritanumarului mare de personaje, peste 20, darsi a pregatirilor minutioase care trebuiefacute cu multtimpinainte. In Ieud, darsi in altelocalitati de peValeaIzeitraditia s-a maipastrat, chiardaca ”Viflaimul” nu esteprezentatchiar in Ajunulde Craciun. ”Joculmosilor”, o arta a deghizarii Delia Suiogan a aratatca ”in cadrulsarbatorilor de iarna, un rol important l-a jucatsiilmaijoacaincadeghizareasitravestirea, practicate in jocul cu masti. Ceice se mascau, individual sauin grup, urmareauca, pelangaproectiarealasaumagicasaobtina, cu ajutorulmastilorsilegaturaspirituala cu presupusele forte supraomenesti”. Ea a aratatca ”purtatorulmastiiestepatrunsde
fortaei, estescos din timpulsispatiulprofan”, iar ”mascaisipastreazafunctiade pacalire, cu intentia de a asiguracelui care o poarta o treceremaiusoarapeste «pragurile» pe care le are de depasit, pentrucamascapresupunesi o serieintreagade interdictii, dar ii si da dreptul la un comportamentceiese din tiparelecotidianului, realuluiimediat”. Ea a maiadaugatca, in Maramures, un loc important ilocupamai ales in aniinostrijoculmosilor, la origineacaruia se pare ca au stat ceremoniile cu masti din noptile de priveghi- ritual stramosesc de cinstireamortilor. ”Mascapropriu-zisa de mosmaramuresanexecutata din blana de cornute, desiaminteste de animaluloriginar se deosebeste de mascasimilara din restulzoneloretnografice ale tariiprinfaptulca nu au coarne”, a spus Delia Suiogan. Potrivitacesteia, joculmosiloreste un moment apartesi se remarcapriningeniozitateacelor care se deghizeazasi bat la usilegazdelorsa le speriesisa le urezefericiresisanatate. Colacutuldatcolindatorilor, un simbol al soarelui. Etnologula maispusca un loc important il au siobiectelelegate de colindat, amintind de bata, care estevazutaca un ”arbore al vietii”. Atingereaportilorsi a femeilor, darsibataiarepetataatat in podeauacasei, cat si in pamantul din curte cu bata are rolfertilizator, potrivitcredintelordin Maramures. De asemenea, un alt obiectritualic, care nu lipseste din gospodariilemaramuresenilor
de Craciun, estecolacul, care este un simbol al soarelui, dospireaaluatului din care se face semnificandfertilitatea. Mai suntinsamarul - aliment sacrusi “fruct al cunoasterii”, sinuca, care esteasimilatasi “oului cosmic”. Toateaceste se regasescpemesele de Craciun in toategospodariiledin Maramures, chiardacamodernismulsi-a facutlocchiarsi in zonelerurale. ”Toatesimbolurilefolosite de catreactantiiritualurilor, fie de naturagestuala, obiectuala, fie de naturaanimalasauvegetala etc. au rolul de a reconstituimitul (cel al CreatieioriginaresaucelCrestin). Nimic nu este accidental, totulse supuneordiniiinstituite de memoriamitica. SarbatoareaCraciunuluisaucea a AnuluiNou, si nu numai, devin o forma de participaredirecta la aceaordinecosmica”, a spusDelia Suiogan. Ea a recunoscutcaobiceiurile au fostremodelate” periodic de membriicomunitatii. Superstitiilede Craciun au locullor in zilele de sarbatoarePrinurmare, suntextrem de rare situatiile in care podelelecaseisuntacoperite cu fan proaspat, iar sub fata de masasuntpusepaiepentrudobandireabunastarii. De asemenea nu se maileaga cu lanturipicioarelemesei, obicei care se practicapentrua oprianimalelesalbaticesaatacevitele din curtisisaindepartezeraul din casa. Superstitiilepersistainsa, astfelincat nu se da cu matura de Craciun, nu se spalarufesi nu se da nimic cu imprumut. De asemenea, se da de mancarepe saturate animalelor din gospodarie, inclusivcate o bucatica de aluatdospit, despre care se credeca le vaferi de boli. In unele zone, se spunecadaca in seara de Ajun, animalele se culcape
parteastanga, e semncaiarnava fi lungasigeroasa. Mai existasicredintacaacei care plang in Ajunvorplange tot anul care vine, iar in dimineata de Craciuneste bine satespelipe fata cu apa de izvor in care se pune un banut de argint. Pregatirile de Craciunsuntobligatorii in Maramures, iartarancilefolosescacestprilejcasaisiscoata la ivealazestrealorsau ale fetelor de maritat. Stergurifrumostesute, perneimbracate in fete brodate cu migala, pleduricoloratesuntscoase din dulapurisiasezate in incaperi, mai ales in cea in care suntprimiticolindatorii. Din case nu lipsestenicibradul, impodobitacum cu beculetesigloburichinezesti, iaraltadata cu nuci, mere orisiraguri de boabe de fasole alba in loc de beteala. Masa de Craciun, momentul magic al sarbatorii Celmai important esteca de Craciun casa sa fie curatasiimpodobita de sarbatoare, iarmasasa fie plina, pentrucaadunareamembrilorfamiliei in jurulmeseisi al braduluiesteelementulcelmai bine conservat. Delia Suiogan a aratatca ”obiceiulapareca o forma de reconstituire a strangeriituturoraicasei in jurulbuturugiisacrece se aprindea in vatracasei in Ajunsi care are rostul de a-iincarca cu puterepeparticipanti”. De altfel, chiarexistacredintaca in noaptea de Craciun nu e voiesa se stingafocul in soba, astfelincatbarbatulcasei obisnuiasapunapefoc o buturuga mare. Delia Suiogan a spuscareunirea in jurulmesei de Craciunete ”revenirea in cerc, cearputea fi interpretataca o forma de initiereorireinitiere.
Pornirea din acestcentru «tare» da posibilitateareconstituiriipropriului «centru», astfelincatfiecare casa devine o repetare a «CentruluiLumii», participantiiavandprilejulsa se incarce cu putere”. Cat privesteospatul, acesta se face pentruasigurareabunastarii, darestesi o forma de sacrificiu: al porculuipentrupreparareacarnatilorsicaltaboslului, precumsi al bobuluide graupentru a face painea. Ritualuripentrusanatateasiprosperitateafamilei Delia Suiogan a maiaratatca ”foartemulteritualuri au fostpastrate. Unele nu maisuntsimtitecaobiceiuri, fiindprivitecaactiuniobisnuite, darfac parte din aceaserielunga de gesturisimbolicecare ii permit individuluica, periodic, saaibasansaunuinouinceput.” Ea a datcaexemplutaiatulporcului, care estesimtitsiastazica un ritual deosebitde important, gestulamintind de jertfeleadusezeitatilor care se nasteausimureau periodic, in perioadelede innoire a timpuluicalendaristic. Sacrificareaacestuia se faceainainteintr-o anumitazi, cea de Ignatsi in zoriizilei. Chiardaca data nu se mairespecta, se pastreazainca o serieintreaga de ritualuri, care au menireasaasiguresanatateasiprosperitatea in familiein NoulAn. Astfel, porcul nu trebuievaitatsitoateactivitatile din timpultaieriiluitrebuiesafie insotitede voiebunasi de urari. ”In Maramures, se face semnulcrucii cu sangepefrunteacoconilor (n.r. – copiilor) ca
acestia sa fie sanatosisiputernici. Contactul cu carneaanimalului, implicit cu sangeleacestuia, inseamnatransferul de putere, de viataasupracelui care consumaacest aliment. In acelasitimp, animaluldevine mediator intrelumi, intreomsizeu/divinitate, intreomsistramosiisai”, a precizatlectoruluniversitar. Colinda, o posibila ”cheie” spreportilecunoasteriiCraciunulse identifica in Maramuresprincolinda, care, in ciudapresiunilorasuprafolclorului, nu s-a ”manelizat”, ci s-a pastratasa cum era cantata de strabuni. Etnologulestede parereca ”atatavreme cat nu se vaapela la mimaresigratuit, Craciunulvaramaneacelasi, un timp al bucurieisial renasterii”, precizandcai-arplaceacasipestecincianisarbatoreasa fie la fel de frumoasacaacum, desi se temeca ”pierdereaidentitatiiarputea conduce in interiorulprocesuluide globalizare la fenomenul de dezagregare”. ”Redescoperireaadevaratelorsensuri ale unorgesturisauobiectepoatesacontribuie la pastrareatraditiei. Astfel, ceremonialullegat de colindatul in comunapeleaza la o serieintreagade obiecteincarcate de senssivaloare, tocmaidatoritafunctieilor de mediereintreomsinatura, intreomsi Cosmos. Ele nu maisunt simple obiecte, devenindformede comunicareintrelumi. Colindamaipoateprimisisensul de indicare a directiei, devenindo posibila«cheie» care sa-ideschidaFiinteiuneleportisprecunoastere”, a concluzionatetnologul. CRACIUN FERICIT!