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Perkins IV State Plan Working Group. Hosted by the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education and the State Board for Community & Junior Colleges. Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9AM-Noon. Background.
Perkins IV State Plan Working Group Hosted by the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education and the State Board for Community & Junior Colleges Tuesday, November 27, 20079AM-Noon
Background • On August 14, 2006, the President of the United States signed the The Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) into law following passage in the Senate by unanimous consent and passage in the House on a vote of 399 to 1. • This re-authorization was critical to Career & Technical Education in Mississippi.
Perkins provides ~$14 million to Mississippi to support Vocational, Career & Technical Education.
Uses Mandated by the Law • 5% for state admin or $250,000 (whichever is greater) • 10% for state leadership • Not more than 1% on Corrections • Between $60,000 and $150,000 on non-trad • 85% (~$11.9 million) goes to the colleges and schools for CTE program improvement. • 53% to secondary • 47% to postsecondary
Spirit of the New Law Leading Career and Technical Education into the 21st century • Preparing for Global Competition • Ensuring modern, durable and rigorous CTE programs
Purposes • To develop challenging academic and technical standards and related challenging, integrated instruction
To increase opportunities for individuals to keep America competitive. • To focus on high skill, high wage, high demand occupations.
To promote partnerships (education, workforce boards, business, industry, etc.). • To provide technical assistance and professional development targeted to program improvement.
What’s Different? • Change in definition to eliminate the focus on sub-baccalaureate careers (shift to K-16 paradigm). • Emphasis on dual preparation for postsecondary education and employment in high skill, high wage, high demand occupations. • Focus not just on ‘job’ preparation but on ‘academic and technical’ preparation. • Increased emphasis on attainment of a technical skill proficiency, degree, certificate or credential.
Why the changing emphasis? To Satisfy Federal Legislation Requirements To Develop a Competitive Workforce To Increase Educational Attainment
The Changing U.S. Workforce Skilled 20% Unskilled 15% Unskilled 60% Skilled 65% Professional 20% Professional 20% 2000 1950 From Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ projections, eight out of the top ten occupations with the largest job growth through 2014 will require an associate’s degree or vocational training. • CTE programs help prepare students for all 20 of the fastest growing occupations identified in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook (2006-2007 edition), and in all 14 job sectors identified by the Department of Labor’s High Growth Job Training Initiative. • According to the National Association of Manufacturers in its 2005 Skills Gap report, over 80 percent of respondents are experiencing serious shortages of skilled workers. CTE provides students with the skills necessary to meet employer needs and increase competitiveness.
In order to respond to changing workforce needs, career & technical education must also change.
We Have A History of Providing Effective Transition Opportunities • Baseline occupational competencies in secondary statewide curriculum frameworks directly relate to postsecondary occupational program areas, allowing for smooth transition from one level to another without delays, duplication of coursework, or loss of credit; • Committees of secondary and postsecondary educators have already developed statewide articulation agreements from 33 secondary vocational programs to 50 postsecondary CTE programs • State-wide career clusters and pathways have been developed, with plans of study linking grades 9-16.
We Have a History of Strong Professional Development • The Vocational and Technical Administrators’ Leadership Academy • CONNECT - professional development opportunities for all Mississippi career and technical educators • The Exemplary Teaching Program • Online Professional Development aligned with National Staff Development Council (NSDC) and Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) e-learning standards. • The Vocational Instructor Preparation (VIP) Program for new career and technical teachers/instructors.
Use of third-party assessments (such as licensure, CPAS, etc.) now mandated. We Have a History of Valid and Reliable Accountability
Accountability (Section 113) • Perkins IV Secondary Indicators: • Academic achievement – aligned to NCLB academic content & achievement standards • Graduation rates as determined in NCLB • Technical skill attainment, aligned to industry-recognized standards if available and appropriate. • Student rates of attainment of • Secondary school diploma • GED • Proficiency credential, etc. • Placement in postsecondary education, military or employment • Participation in and completion of non-trads
Perkins IV Postsecondary Performance Indicators: • Technical skill attainment, aligned to industry-recognized standards if available and appropriate • Attainment of industry-recognized credential, certificate or degree • Retention in postsecondary education or transfer to baccalaureate program • Placement in military, apprenticeship OR placement or retention in employment including placement in high skill, high wage or high demand occupations or professions • Participation in and completion of non-trads
New Tech Prep Performance Indicators • The number of secondary education tech prep students and postsecondary education tech prep students served. • The number and percent of secondary education tech prep students enrolled in the tech prep program who: • enroll in postsecondary education; • enroll in postsecondary education in the same field or major as the secondary education tech prep students were enrolled at the secondary level; • complete a State or industry-recognized certification or licensure; • successfully complete, as a secondary school student, courses that award postsecondary credit at the secondary level; and • enroll in remedial mathematics, writing, or reading courses upon entering postsecondary education.
The number and percent of postsecondary education tech prep students who: • are placed in a related field of employment not later than 12 months after graduation from the tech prep program; • complete a State or industry-recognized certification or licensure; • complete a 2-year degree or certificate program within the normal time for completion of such program; and • complete a baccalaureate degree program within the normal time for completion of such program.
More Standardized Federal Accountability Requirements in Perkins IV are a reminder that: • Funds are not an entitlement; congress wants to see results. • Use of funds must be flexible and responsive to the accountability data that is collected.
Performance Level Negotiations: Fed to State • Feds continue to negotiate with states • Will look at state to state comparisons • States must show continuous improvement • Negotiations every 2 years
Performance Level Negotiations: State to Local • States required to ‘negotiate’ performance levels with all local recipients • Negotiations every 2 years • Starting point – state levels of performance. • Process if local does not want to accept state level. • Must show continuous improvement
Data reported must be disaggregated by special population categories and NCLB categories. • Achievement gaps must be identified and quantified.
Sanctions possible if states: • Fail to implement improvement plan OR • Fail to show performance improvements once an improvement plan is in place OR • Fail to meet 90% of the same measure’s performance target 3 years in a row.
Sanctions • State: • Secretary can withhold some or all of state admin/leadership pot of funds • Local • Sanction language mirrors that of the state • Eligible agency can withhold some or all of entire local grant
Key Players in Fulfilling the Requirements of Perkins IV: • Special Populations Personnel • Tech Prep Coordinators • Counseling Staff
Special Populations Include: • Individuals with disabilities • Economically disadvantaged individuals • Single parents, including single pregnant women • Displaced homemakers • Individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP)
Equity: Non-Trad Definition The term ‘non-traditional fields’ means occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology, and other current and emerging high skill occupations, for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work.
Special Pops/Equity(Throughout the Act) • $60,000 - $150,000 of state leadership must be devoted to non-trad • Focus also on serving special pops with attention to high skill, high wage, high demand occupations, and attainment of self-sufficiency • Must be included in state and local plan • In both required and permissible uses of state and local funds • 4 performance indicators tied to non-trad • Desegregation of data and reporting requirements based on non-trad and special pops
Tech PrepSection 201 • Congress has an expectation that we will do a better job of communicating and working together w/in the CTE family. • Must have a single state plan for basic state grant (Perkins) and Tech Prep to ensure coordination of funding streams. • States had the option, but Mississippi chose NOT to merge its basic state grant (Title I) and Tech Prep (Title II) monies.
Tech Prep Program of Study • Combines a minimum of 2 years of secondary education with a minimum of 2 years of postsecondary education in a non-duplicative, sequential course of study; • Integrates academic and career and technical education instruction; • Provides technical preparation in a career field, including high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations; • Leads to technical skill proficiency, an industry recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree, in a specific career field.
Two Types of Tech Prep Students • Secondary Education Tech Prep Student Refers to a Secondary Education Student Who: • has enrolled in 2 courses in the secondary education component of a tech prep program. • Postsecondary Education Tech Prep Student Refers to a Student Who: • has completed the secondary education component of a tech prep program; and • has enrolled in the postsecondary education component of a tech prep program at an institution of higher education
CounselingOccupational and Employment InformationSection 118 • Plays a far more visible role in Perkins IV • Link to high skill, high wage, high demand • Determining what is ‘self-sufficiency’ • Role of counseling in removing barriers to transition
Ensure compliance with the law; • Work with feds to set state performance targets; • Work with locals to set local performance targets which ensure program improvement and lead to meeting state targets; • Ensure valid and reliable data; • Use data to drive program decisions; • Provide technical assistance for program improvement. The Role of the State
State Plans • Must ensure that CTE and CTE programs of study are: • Aligned with rigorous and challenging academic content standards and student achievement standards (NCLB) • Relevant and challenging at the postsecondary level • Lead to employment in high skill, high wage or high demand occupations • Must provide avenues to increase transition from 2 to 4-year post-secondary;
Must focus on articulation; • Statewide preferred, because closest college is not always the choice students make • Should incorporate best practices of Tech Prep (Title II) and Perkins (Title I); • Should include efforts to recruit and retain administration, faculty, and teachers for under-represented groups; • Should include efforts to improve the transition from business & industry to teaching.
Nine Required Uses of State Leadership Funds(Section 122) • Assessment of CTE programs with regards to how they are meeting needs of special pops • Developing, expanding, improving the use of technology • Strengthening integration of academic and Career-Tech • Providing preparation for non-traditional fields
Supporting partnerships b/w education, employers, labor organizations, etc. • Serving students in state institutions (correctional, disability) • Supporting programs for special pops that lead to high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations. • Technical Assistance • Professional Development
Changes to Professional Development • More prescriptive in the ‘what and how’ of professional development. • Focus on integration; academic and technical rigor (curriculum development) • Coordinated with teacher certification, licensing and professional development activities of Title II of ESEA and Title II of HEA • Aimed at keeping teachers current with needs, expectations, and methods of industry • Linked to meeting performance targets • Cannot be ‘1-day or short-term’ workshops or conferences
Local Plans (Section 134) • In addition to (1) describing how the CTE programs will be carried out and (2) how the performance measures will be met, Local Plans must describe how the eligible recipient will: • Provide at least one CTE program of study; • Strengthen the academic and career & technical education components and align them with challenging and rigorous academic and technical standards; • Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry;
Provide assurances that the eligible recipient will provide a CTE program of sufficient size, scope, and quality • Incorporate comprehensive professional development • Involve students, faculty, administrators, career guidance and academic counselors, tech prep reps, business and industry reps, reps from special pops, etc. in the development, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs • Incorporate teacher recruitment strategies • Evaluate programs and ensure continuous improvement, with emphasis on special populations
Nine Required Uses of Local Funds(Section 135) • Strengthening integration of academic and Career-Tech; • Strengthening linkage b/w secondary and postsecondary by offering at least one program of study; • Providing students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry, which may include WBL; • Developing, expanding, improving the use of technology;
Professional development (in-service and pre-service); • Developing and implementing evaluations of CTE programs, including assessment of how needs of special pops are being met; • Initiating, improving, expanding, and modernizing CTE programs; • Providing services of sufficient size and scope to be effective; • Providing activities to prepare special pops, including single parents and displaced homemakers for high skill, high wage, high demand occupations that will lead to self sufficiency.
Various Permissible Uses of Funds (Both State and Local). However, the question becomes: What do we spend our money on in order to drive program improvement and also allow us to capture our successes?
Adjourn to Individual Work Strands • Secondary • Postsecondary • Tech Prep • Counselors, Special Pops, Parents, and Students • Industry, Employment Security, and Governor’s Office Representatives