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Perkins IV . Changes and Additions to Perkins Data, Tables and Reports. Michele Dorschner , System Developer, Office of the Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. August, 2009. Perkins IV . NOTE – Hyperion/Brio is being converted from version 8.3 to version 9.3.
Perkins IV • Changes and Additions to Perkins Data, Tables and Reports Michele Dorschner, System Developer, Office of the Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities August, 2009
Perkins IV • NOTE – Hyperion/Brio is being converted from version 8.3 to version 9.3. • -- You must have a new Account and Password. • -- Saved queries will not work. • -- Requires installation of a new plug-in. 1.) There has been a change to Hyperion/Brio. (The software package that allows you to read the Oracle database.)
Perkins IV • Change in the timeframe of the data • Change in who is included • Added New Fields • Added New Tables • Added New Reports 2.) There have been major changes to the data structure.
Perkins IV • What is the timeframe? • 3 year cohort (differs from the 1 year “snapshot”) • Who is included? • The data collected will now be based on a cohort of students who first enter school in a given year and who are tracked for three years.
Who is a first-time student? This is the timeframe of the fiscal year Enter 2nd and 3rd years Leave THIS IS THE OLD-WAY-ANYONE WHO ATTENDED DURING THE FY NO NO YES YES This is the old “snapshot” line – anyone in here would be counted. YES YES
Who is a first-time student? This is the timeframe of the fiscal year Enter 2nd and 3rd years Leave NO NO NO NO YES THIS IS THE NEW WAY—FIRST ENROLLED DURING THE YEAR YES
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year Enter 2nd and 3rd years Enter Leave Enter Leave Leave Consider these 3 cases: None of them began during the fiscal year.
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) Student began and ended PSEO before start of FY Student began and ended PSEO after end of FY This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years NO NO NO Student began as PSEO in a prior year and ended PSEO after the FY None of these students will be included.
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years Consider these 3 cases: 2 began during the fiscal year, 1 began earlier.
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) Student began PSEO before start of FY and ended within the FY This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years NO for the PSEO record
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) If former PSEO student enrolls during the FY, a record will be created (adm stat = 11) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years NO for the PSEO record One record for this student
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years Student began PSEO during the FY and ended after the FY YES
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years We don’t care if he begins as a regular student later (he then may be in a later cohort). Student began PSEO during the FY and ended after the FY YES One record for this student
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) Student began PSEO during the FY and ended within the FY This is the timeframe of the fiscal year 2nd and 3rd years YES
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) If PSEO student enrolls during the FY, a record will be created (adm stat = 21) This is the timeframe of the fiscal year If former PSEO student enrolls during the FY, a record will be created (adm stat = 11) 2nd and 3rd years YES YES THERE WILL BE 2 RECORDS FOR THIS STUDENT
Perkins IV • What is the timeframe? • Who is included? (excluded)
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) We do not want to include duplicate records. MSG: 1 1 of 2; Begins this yr as PSEO 2 2 of 2; Began this yr as PSEO now is not P was PSEO in a previous year (the “P” may also appear after other messages.) <12deg<m Student earned a Degree that was less then 12 credits and the major id was not equal to the Award id. (Rpt Stat = Completer) C/p/C Student was a Concentrator, then changed majors and was a participant, and now is a Concentrator. (Rpt Stat = Conc) CONC/not Student was a Concentrator, now is Not Perkins. (Rpt Stat = Not Perk) CONC/par Student was a Concentrator, then changed majors and was a participant. (Reporting Status = Participant) nvl
Who is a first-time student?(PSEO) We do not want to include duplicate records. We use an additional field “WANT THIS RECORD?” to not select the #2 record + added coding to not select some other records (usually caused by errors in st_term_data). MSG: 1 1 of 2; Begins this yr as PSEO 2 2 of 2; Began this yr as PSEO now is not P was PSEO in a previous year (the “P” may also appear after other messages.) <12deg<m Student earned a Degree that was less then 12 credits and the major id was not equal to the Award id. (Rpt Stat = Completer) C/p/C Student was a Concentrator, then changed majors and was a participant, and now is a Concentrator. (Rpt Stat = Conc) CONC/not Student was a Concentrator, now is Not Perkins. (Rpt Stat = Not Perk) CONC/par Student was a Concentrator, then changed majors and was a participant. (Reporting Status = Participant) nvl
Perkins IV • Change in the timeframe of the data • Change in who is included • Added New Fields • Added New Tables • Added New Reports
“Reporting” fields Because the status of a student can vary over the 3 year period, we needed REPORTING STATUS. (It is not necessarily the HIGHEST status achieved.) • Reporting Status • Rpt Cluster Number • Rpt Cluster Description • Rpt Gender Equity • Rpt CIP Code • Rpt CIP Code Description • Rpt Perkins Eligible Student • Rpt Economic Disadvantaged • Rpt Academic Disadvantaged • Rpt Limited English • Rpt Single Parent • Rpt Displaced Homemaker If a student received a Perkins Eligible award in any term, he is a Completer. However, a Concentrator, who later becomes a Participant (changed majors), has a Reporting Status of Participant.
For students other than Completers: If we used the HIGHEST status during the 3 years, the Denominator will be bigger than if we used the last status. Student , who was a Concentrator, may have changed majors during that timeframe and is not now a Concentrator – (he would have no chance to be a completer in that first major) NO 11223 / 24324 * 100 = 46.14
YES Use Reporting Status (Completer or highest status or highest status after change from Concentrator) (In 2P1 we use Concentrators and Completers for the Denominator.) 11223 / 23382 * 100 = 48.00
“Reporting” fields • Reporting Status • Rpt Cluster Number • Rpt Cluster Description • Rpt Gender Equity • Rpt CIP Code • Rpt CIP Code Description • Rpt Perkins Eligible Student • Rpt Economic Disadvantaged • Rpt Academic Disadvantaged • Rpt Limited English • Rpt Single Parent • Rpt Displaced Homemaker Because pivot tables and reports refer to one entity, either the Major or Award entity, these report fields were created. It will use the Award information when there has been an award.
“Reporting” fields • Reporting Status • Rpt Cluster Number • Rpt Cluster Description • Rpt Gender Equity • Rpt CIP Code • Rpt CIP Code Description • Rpt Perkins Eligible Student • Rpt Economic Disadvantaged • Rpt Academic Disadvantaged (5001) • Rpt Limited English (5000) • Rpt Single Parent (5002) • Rpt Displaced Homemaker (5003) Because these fields can come from either the Cohort Codes entered into ISRS or from Accuplacer questions, we need one field for them.
Special Populations – now from Accuplacer questions and Cohort Codes The new Perkins extract program counts nbr of Developmental courses taken. (Also counts nbr of CTE courses. Cohort code from ISRS cohort screen. 1 = Yes. From Accuplacer.
Special Populations – now from Accuplacer questions and Cohort Codes NOTE: must be BOTH Limited English and Academic Disadv. Cohort code from ISRS cohort screen. 1 = Yes. New field: Accuplacer answer. Academic Disadvantaged
Special Populations – now from Accuplacer questions and Cohort Codes New field: ‘rpt’ field – the reporting category. Cohort code from ISRS cohort screen. 1 = Yes. New field: Where the ‘rpt’ field comes from (cohort code or Accuplacer) New field: Accuplacer answer.
Special Populations – now from Accuplacer questions and Cohort Codes Cohort code from ISRS cohort screen. 1 = Yes. New field: Accuplacer answer.
New field: NON-TRAD STUDENT (to identify them easier)
New field: Rpt Perkins Eligible Student (has a Perkins Eligible major and/or Award)
New fields for Transfer 1=yes, transferred New field: Transfer Good. Transfer (tracking yrtr)must be greater than the last term attended.
Non-traditional Students Definition: if the student is a Perkins Eligible Student (has a Perkins Major or Award) and the rpt_Gender_Equity = the student’s gender, then the student is NON-TRAD. (Example, the rpt_Gender_Equity of “F” means that major/award is non-traditionally Female (i.e., traditionally male.) These fields have been set up for use in Pivot tables for counting non-traditional students.
Perkins IV • Change in the timeframe of the data • Change in who is included • Added New Fields • Added New Tables • Added New Reports
Transfer info Accuplacer results 3 New tables Negotiated Levels Consortia info
Negotiated levels approval status. Consortia info
Perkins IV • Tables • New Reports • CAR Report • 1P1 (n/a data not available; Technical Skill Assessment) • 2P1 Credential, Certificate, or Degree • 3P1 Student Retention or Transfer • 4P1 (n/a data not available; Student Placement • 5p1 Nontraditional Participation • 5p2 Nontraditional Completion • Success
Cohort Entry Terms Date data was last updated Statuses included should be Completers, Concentrators and Participants (in Results Section) Colleges included in Report Numerator and Denominator Definitions
For those with System-wide access, or access to multiple colleges, the Overall Total appears here, followed further down the page by individual college totals.