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The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas. Celebrating 250 Years of Mission and Witness In the Caribbean and the Americas. MISSION 250. It is a milestone the Church cannot afford to ignore.
The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas Celebrating 250 Years of Mission and Witness In the Caribbean and the Americas
MISSION 250 • It is a milestone the Church cannot afford to ignore. • The present global economic recession and chronic economic plight of the MCCA will affect the extent of plan. • How do we make enough significance of the anniversary without “breaking the bank” in the process?
Theme MISSION 250 : A People Faithful, Thankful, Purposeful,
FAITHFUL To continue proclaiming Scriptural Holiness through out the islands and mainland territories and beyond
THANKFUL For the history, heritage and past mercies of God
PURPOSEFUL To continue the evangelical witness
Main Celebration Project The Refurbishment of the Gilbert Centre in Antigua
Gilbert Centre • The place where Methodist witness began. It is our birthright. • Develop the Centre to become • Place for the training of Local Presbyters • Place for the continuing education/retooling of ministers • A retreat centre for all persons • The possible home of the MCCA Publishing House
Gilbert Centre • Place for the archives of the MCCA • Museum of Methodism in the Caribbean and the Americas • Connexional Love Gift for 2010 be used for the refurbishment of the Gilbert Centre.
Activities • All Congregations, Circuits and Districts should seek to plan events to celebrate and commemorate the significance of the event. • Connexional coordinated events to be focused around three months – January, May and November.
Connexional Coordinated Projects • Connexional Calendars to cover 14 month period from December 2009 – January 2011. • Connexional Literary Competition – entries to be received in December 2009. • Encourage and equip each Confirmed member of the MCCA to evangelise at least one person during the year.
January 2010 • Begin the year with prayer • Connexional “Prayer Relay” to commence on the Connexional Day of Prayer - Saturday, January 2, 2010. • Covenant Lord’s Day 2010 – a time to recommit to be “on fire for Jesus”. • District Conferences to be urged to include intentionally times for prayer and reflection on the Mission and work of the Church.
May 2010 • Special meeting of the Connexional Conference • During Council – launch the Hymnbook and Curriculum materials, winners of Literary Competition to be announced. • Connexional Love Gift • Nathaniel Gilbert Lecture. • Special Church School materials (for children, and youth) and Bible Study materials to be produced which will focus on Methodist heritage and teachings.
November 2010 A special gathering of Methodists for workshops which will focus on evangelism and will seek to re-equip persons with the tools to enable mission and evangelism in the congregations.
Special Connexional Conference 2010 • PROPOSED that it be held in Antigua • Nathaniel Gilbert lecture be held during the meeting of the Council • Open Air Evangelical Service be included in the time table.