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The Methodist Church Plymouth & Exeter District

The Methodist Church Plymouth & Exeter District. Stationing Preparation for September 2014. Download all documents relating to Stationing from: http://www.pemd.org.uk/index.php/manses-and-ministers/stationing. Timetable [p.6]. C. The Invitation Committee

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The Methodist Church Plymouth & Exeter District

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  1. The Methodist ChurchPlymouth & Exeter District Stationing Preparation for September 2014

  2. Download all documents relating to Stationing from: http://www.pemd.org.uk/index.php/manses-and-ministers/stationing

  3. Timetable [p.6] C. The Invitation Committee Appointed at spring Circuit Meeting every year Principles Deacons J-M D. Preparation & TrainingEarly May F.Where a new appointment is required D.6 ff Time for reflection F.2-6, G Preparing Profiles Not before E.9 / June to August E. Consultation [E.18-24] May/ June → August 3 weeks max. F. 7-14, 18, 19, H The Matching process November-January (then to June) E.8 Feedback E.9final point for minister to decide E.9, Apx 3, 4 Reasoned Statement mid August, min. 3 weeks before Circuit Meeting F.14-18, I The Visit November-January (then to June) E.9–16 The Circuit Meeting On or before Sept 20th E.17 F.19 Letter of Understanding Appendix 1 & 2

  4. Principles The Code of Practice is not advice – it outlines how the process MUST take place We are involved in a stationing Matching process. Both circuits and ministers should be examining what God wants for their future. • It is late, but not too late, to look at your Circuit mission policy. [D.6] • The Chair is open to conversations on vocational discernment. [D.6] If you do not know what God wants of you.... ….how can you know what sort of a minister you want to invite or, ministers, what gifts you are offering?

  5. Principles the Invitation process is managed by Circuit Stewards on behalf of the Invitation Committee NOT by ministers [E.5] Circuit Super Chairs Invitation Cttee. • there is more dissatisfaction among ministers about the reinvitation process than on any other matter. Do keep the minister informed and talk to them – be open. Please follow the Code and do not vary the process The Lay Stationing Rep and Chair are always ready to advise you

  6. The Invitation Committee Spring 2013 Circuit Meeting appoints Invitation Committee [C.1] If you have not done so – you will need to call a Circuit Meeting to appoint one NOW! - 2 weeks written notice • Many problems in reinvitation processes start with a poorly set up Invitation Committee. • Talk to the minister(s) in process about who is to be on the committee and how it will operate, they can comment but the Circuit Meeting appoints.

  7. The Invitation CommitteePreparing for the task • carefully considered - with representative balance of the whole circuit, not just of churches from a section [C.3] • Can be drawn from outside the circuit [C4] • In theory all ministers are ex officio ….. but …. • Ministers under process should not be part of the Invitation Committee [C.5] • needs to have the confidence of the Circuit Meeting and the Circuit as a whole – and, for reinvitations, of the minister concerned [C.3] • Take a set of nominations by name or office to the Circuit Meeting – do not ask for volunteers at the meeting! Be prepared. • Circuit Stewards are its agents and will be involved in contact with local churches and with the District • Circuit Meeting must decide whether to give delegated powers to agree a match [C.6]

  8. Ministers & Invitation CommitteesDiscernment • Take time for reflection[D.3, D.4, D.6] • Ministers indicate their wishes [D.5] • This need not be a final decision [c.f. E.11] • Discernment Conversations begin after a time for reflection following today's meeting • care should be taken to avoid consultation during a Sabbatical or taking a sabbatical when a consultation is expected.[E.4]

  9. The Invitation Committee Preliminary work • Ministers and Circuits reviewing appointments find help in Good Practice Guide [D.6 b) ] INVITATION COMMITTEE • Initially and informally should meet with each of the following (separately) • Superintendent, • the minister involved in the review [E.3] • other ministers • and members of the Circuit Leadership Team • Discusses the appointment under review (not the minister!) in the light of agreed Circuit Policy[D.6a) i) ]

  10. The Invitation Committee Preliminary work • The Invitation Committee should consider: [E.4-7,18-24] • who will be consulted? • Churches for which a minister has pastoral charge must be consulted – other churches can be consulted • ALL churches are consulted when the Superintendency is under review [E.6] • what will be asked? [E.20] • NO VOTES!! - consultation not ballot • Time limit for consultation should be agreed [E.4] • Circuit Stewards to ensure pastoral support during process

  11. The Consultation Process • Circuit Stewards are responsible for seeking information, receiving feedback and reporting their findings to the Invitation Committee [E.5] • Consultation is delegated to the Church Stewards in each local church. They need to be carefully briefed as per the Good Practice Guide • This is conversation NOT ballots or written questions • All conversations are in confidence

  12. The Consultation Process • In an LEP, partners must be fully informed and involved in the process alongside the County Ecumenical Officer • Where a minister is involved in ministry beyond the local church (eg school, prison, hospital chaplaincy, local community agency) appropriate consultation should take place [E.7] • Church Stewards must keep a note of those who have been consulted and the offices (if any) they hold [E.23] • If Circuit Stewards consider the consultation to have been insufficiently representative they can pursue further consultation

  13. The Consultation Process • Circuit Stewards formulate a written report of the consultations for the Invitation Committee -this is the basis of a conversation with the minister concerned before the Invitation Cttee.[E.8] • This is NOT the proposal to be taken to Circuit Meeting, nor is it an appraisal. At this stage it is confidential to the Circuit Stewards and minister concerned. Please let the Chair/Lay Stationing Rep. have a copy before seeing the minister. • The Minister reflects on the feedback and then makes or confirms their decision. [E.8,9]

  14. The Proposal and Reasoned Statement • The Invitation Committee considers the Circuit Stewards' report and formulates a proposal to take to the Circuit Meeting with a ‘reasoned statement’ • copy to be sent at least 3 weeks in advance of the Circuit Meeting – i.e. by August 28th at the latest - to Chair and Lay Stationing Rep (plus Warden of Diaconal Order) for comment [E.9 Format of statement – Appendix 3,4] • The need for adequate information must be balanced by confidentiality • When the reasoned statement proposes a reinvitation: • It must state whether it is a final reinvitation • It must state for how long • When approved the ‘reasoned statement’ shall be discussed with the minister concerned well in advance of the circuit meeting [E.9]

  15. The Circuit Meeting • The Proposal and Reasoned Statement must be distributed with Calling Papers at least 14 days before the Circuit Meeting [Appendix 3 & 4] • with a reminder about confidentiality • With notification that every member has the right to notify the chair (name and address) of the meeting of their intention to oppose the recommendation and their grounds for doing so and that … • Should no such notice is given before the beginning of the meeting, or at a request to do so given by the Chair at the beginning of the meeting, no vote shall be taken and the extension shall be taken as agreed

  16. The Circuit Meeting • Where an extension is not recommended the Minister “may also prepare a reasoned statement” on their own behalf inviting Circuit Meeting to support a reinvitation [E.10] • this must be sent to meeting members “no later than a week before the meeting” • and to the Chair and Lay Stationing Rep. (+ Warden of the Diaconal Order) • the circuit meeting shall consider both statements as well as any response to the Presbyter's statement from the Invitation Committee.

  17. The Circuit Meeting • Where the appointment is for a Superintendent the Chair of District or their representative shall be invited to take the chair. [E.2] • Members of the minister's family who are members of the meeting MUST declare an interest • The Circuit Stewards present to the Circuit Meeting: • clarification of current Circuit policy • the aspirations of the minister • a summary of the information gathered • the proposal of the Invitation Committee • Where there is no opposition to the recommendation of the Invitation Committee no vote is taken and the extension is taken as agreed.

  18. At the Circuit Meeting Where the Invitation Committee proposal is opposed: • Those opposing must propose an amendment to the proposal brought by the Invitation Committee and give reasons • The minister shall have right of reply to any points made and shall then leave the meeting. No further fresh points may then be raised. (Relatives of the minister may also be invited to offer to withdraw) [E.13,14] • The meeting discusses the proposed amendment • A ballot vote is taken on the amendment • If approved the amended proposal becomes the 'substantive motion' and shall then be voted on by ballot • If not approved the original proposal shall be voted on by ballot • 60% (or 75% for over 11 years) majority of those present and voting is required for the vote for a minister's time to be extended. [E.17] • Count those present at the meeting and entitled to vote so that you know how many people can vote.

  19. The Circuit Meeting • If a requested extension is not agreed, then procedures for seeking a new minister have to begin with speed and discretion • Without prejudice to the decision of the Circuit Meeting a (reserve) profile can be prepared in advance. • Preparation of (outline) profiles in the Reflection stage D gives both circuit and minister something to work on in this process • The Chair of District and, if appropriate, the Warden of the Diaconal Order must be informed as soon as possible after the meeting.

  20. Part Two – When Ministers are on the move

  21. Before it all begins …- Edwin • Ministers wishing to explore opportunities outside the Circuit system must meet with the Stationing Advisory Committee via the Chair

  22. Before it all begins … • no process can guarantee a minister to every available appointment • Spring 2010 Circuit Meeting should have appointed an Invitation Committee and is advised to delegate to it authority to issue invitations – or you will need a Circuit Meeting!

  23. Before it all begins … • Decide how the vacancy is to be filled • Ordained Presbyter • Deacon [F2, K] • Probationer (presbyter or deacon) [F.2] • Lay Worker • Minister coming new to British Methodism (these would be treated as Probationers • in each case is it a full time appointment? • For Diaconal appointments early consultation with the Warden is essential [K] • Circuits are encouraged to consider not filling a vacancy immediately – no profile submitted on this occasion

  24. Preparing Profiles • Thinking about Probationer appointments? • 80% Circuit and 20% study until ordination • 120% enthusiasm! • Supervisor needs to have done Supervision training • Separate and fuller profile form on http://www.pemd.org.uk/index.php/manses-and-ministers/stationing • Prepare a normal profile as well in case a probationer is not allocated • What have you to offer to set a probationer off well for the rest of their ministry? • see the Chair today or as soon as you consider this • Also on offer..... • Ministers transferring from other churches – either in the UK or abroad

  25. Preparing Profiles • Warden issues Profiles to Deacons and Circuits • September 2013 Circuit Stewards and presbyters prepare profiles in consultation with Chair and Lay Stationing Rep. • Make a booking tonight • 20th September - Probationer applications to Chair • 20th September - completed Profiles for Deacons and Circuits requesting a Deaconal appointment to the Warden [F.3] • 30th September- All other profiles to the Chair & Lay Rep • October 22nd – 28th Deaconal stationing sub committee considers appointments, makes recommendations to 1st Matching Group • Chair and Lay Stationing Rep available for consultation throughout

  26. Preparing Profiles • Warden issues Profiles to Deacons and Circuits • September 2013 Circuit Stewards and presbyters prepare profiles in consultation with Chair and Lay Stationing Rep. • Make a booking tonight • 20th September - Probationer applications to Chair • 20th September - completed Profiles for Deacons and Circuits requesting a Deaconal appointment to the Warden [F.3] • 30th September- All other profiles to the Chair & Lay Rep • October 22nd – 28th Deaconal stationing sub committee considers appointments, makes recommendations to 1st Matching Group • Chair and Lay Stationing Rep available for consultation throughout

  27. Preparing the Profile • Provide a vision of the appointment or of what you offer as a minister - but also be realistic and honest • Consult • there are no formal guidelines, but the process for reviewing extension requests, as in the Good Practice Guide, is a helpful model • In LEPs involve partners throughout • Profiles to be completed electronically (leave your email address tonight) • Put references to your circuit/personal website in the profile • Update your website and put appropriate information on it!

  28. Profile Publication • Diaconal – 10th October • Presbyteral – 23rd October • Order Forms will be supplied by email for either disc or printed format • If you order printed District can supply an electronic file to you • No contact to be made between ministers and receiving circuits, or advocacy on behalf of either party at this stage

  29. The Timetable– matching meetings- Pete When profiles are published: • Circuits and ministers nominate 5 matches each + 5 reserve matches – notify Chair & Lay Stationing Rep. • These nominations are taken very seriously but can only be an indication of the type of minister being sought. [F.11] • Chair and Lay Stationing Rep available to meet those involved to discuss the kind of Minister/appointment being sought

  30. The Timetable– matching meetings • Diaconal Stationing Sub Committee – 22-28 October • Round 1 :4th -7thNovember matches all presbyteral appointments & notes diaconal matches • 7th November Ministers & Circuits informed • VISITS • Round 2:2nd & 3rd December • VISITS • Round 3:14thJanuary 2010 • VISITS • Post Round 3 and through to end of May the Stationing Action Group takes responsibility

  31. The Matching process At each phase names are matched to appointments • Where ministers are married to ministers: • Deacon & Presbyter are married to one another the Diaconal Station will normally be considered first. • Presbyter and a Probationer are married the Probationer appointment will take precedence • Ministers and Circuit stewards are advised of matches • A mutually agreed date for the visit is confirmed • Ministers and circuits should be available for visits as soon as possible after each stationing round

  32. The Matching Process – The visit Edwin • Clarify the timetable for the visit • In LEPs ensure ecumenical partners (including the County Ecumenical Officer) are involved • Avoid formal interview • May be helpful for the minister to have opportunity to make an opening statement to the Invitation Committee to start the conversation • Circuit receiving visit pays travel expenses

  33. The Matching Process – after the visit • Ensure early response from both parties - within 2 days • Ministers and Circuits inform Chair of outcome • Successful matches followed up by a ‘letter of understanding’ [Appendix 1 & 2] • Notes reasons why match is accepted – referring to the two profiles • Note agreements made verbally during visit i.e. alterations to Manse for special needs etc. • Copy to Chair and Lay Stationing Rep.

  34. Download all documents relating to Stationing from: http://www.pemd.org.uk/index.php/manses-and-ministers/stationing

  35. We trust in God …..

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