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INTRODUCTION • Counter terrorism policies are the methods and rules adopted by various security agencies to tackle the terrorism problem. • Counter terrorism policies and regulations are developed jointly by authorities like department of home land security in USA. • In Saudi Arabia they are developed ministry of internal affairs and government of Saudi Arabia.
INTRODUCTION • Basic motive and goal of terrorism is to create fear in the mind of citizens of a society by using various form of violent activities. • Anti terrorism and counter terrorism both are working against any form of terrorism. • Most of the terrorist groups are based on religious fanatics, cross border conflicts, conflicts and animosity based on differences in religion, race and color.
AIM AND OBJECTIVES • This research is aiming to analyse various aspects of counter terrorism policies and do a comparative analysis. • Objective of this research is to identify key points of both country's counter terrorism policies and then conduct a critical comparative analysis which will provide new insights in subject matter.
JUSTIFICATION AND REASON • This topic is very interesting as a title for dissertation because lately terrorism has been a very important issue for various governments of world. • Saudi Arabia as a country is very uniquely positioned in countering terrorism. • There are certain local condition involved with Saudi Arabia which makes their counter terrorism policy superior and more effective. • This title is very contemporary in nature and provides a complete overview of the counter terrorism policy of both countries.
RESEARCH QUESTIONS • what are the salient features of counter terrorism policies of country of Saudi Arabia and USA? • How are both policies different? • How can we explain both policies and compare them analytically.
LITERATURE OVERVIEW • Terrorism can be more appropriately defined as means and mechanism to create an environment of fear and paranoia. • a terrorist group remains dominant and formidable in nature by installing fear in mind of people. • It uses violent explosions, threatening’ covert attacks on innocent people and aggressive agitation against governments and establishments.
LITERATURE OVERVIEW (CONTD.) • counter terrorism is not a new phenomenon but after world trade center attack in New York a whole new meaning of counter terrorism has evolved. • A counter terrorism policy is developed after a long analysis and understanding of the current and future requirements of the security • Counter terrorism does not confines itself to the military and weapon related tactics.
LITERATURE OVERVIEW (CONTD.) • measures like political pressure’ economic tactics to control and curb the budding terrorist activities are also used in a holistic counter terrorism policy. • International organizations like United Nations, NATO, WTO creates a collective pressure on countries to curb terrorism. • Intelligence services and spy agencies also play a very deterministic role in counter terrorism activities.
LITERATURE OVERVIEW (CONTD.) • Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country which follows the law of Islamic religion and constitution to the letter. • Saudi Arabia as a country is one of the most powerful and respected country in Middle East. • They are ideally suited to became a long term strategic partner of USA for countering terrorism
LITERATURE OVERVIEW (CONTD.) • Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism policy is developed in a very meticulous way where minor details are considered. • USA has made one policy of counter terrorism which is being applied in all situations with minor changes. • Saudi Arabia’s policy is drafted keeping what is the current and future requirements of the country in considerations.
CHALLENGES AND PRELIMINARY ARGUEMENTS • Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism policy is considered as a slow impacting policy which will be argued by some academicians who will challenge its effectiveness. • One of the biggest challenges in choosing a topic like counter terrorism is restriction in accessing data and refusal of concerned persons in answering the questions. • This topic is of international importance and very sensitive in nature making it a very interesting as well as challenging topic.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN USA AND SAUDIARABIA’S THREAT • There is a very contrasting difference between threat types and its level in USA and Saudi Arabia. • USA’S threat is basically from outside the border of country while in Saudi Arabia there is a very real possibility of threat originating from inside the borders. • Terrorist groups will rarely found a sympathizing organization in USA but in Saudi Arabia there might be certain group of people who sympathizes with the terrorist’s cause thus creating an internal threat.
SOVEREIGNTY OF COUNTRIES • USA and Saudi Arabia are both sovereign countries but they have different forms of authority over their geographical countries. • USA has a more democratic establishment and their final authority is president of the country but congress of parliament governs president and his decisions as well • In Saudi Arabia King of the country is the highest authority to take decision in such matter. • Both the countries have different form of governments and different perception of sovereignty but on counter terrorism they have common goals in their mind. • Sovereignty exclusion includes territorial integrity and a sovereign technically means the supreme decision making and in both countries structure of this authority is different which makes slight issues with compatibility.
CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN BOTH COUNTRIES • USA and Saudi Arabia as a nation and community are very different from each other culturally. • USA’S culture and society is considered to be slightly open and liberal. • Saudi’s culture and community is more conservative. • This cultural difference occasionally creates obstacles in proper communication and cooperation between both countries.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • This section will include the aims and objective of research’ research design’ limitations’ scope of research etc. • research will be secondary in nature and will be done as a qualitative research. • Data collected from literature review will be sorted and analyzed on the basis of research questions. • Analysis will provide insightful recommendations and solutions.
RESEARCH DESIGN • The research is designed as a secondary research. • reason for choosing such an approach for study is the research aims and objectives which requires comparative analysis. • It would be very difficult to gain sufficient amount of primary data for such a research. • In secondary research researcher will conduct an in depth literature review of the subject matter.
DATA ANALYSIS • Data will be collected from various reliable sources. • Resources like databases’ university library resources’ previous researches’ articles’ books’ journals and government publications will be used. • on the basis of this data analysis recommendation and solution will be provided. • Conclusion and recommendations will justify the research questions and research aim in a satisfactory manner.
LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH • This research is an academic exercise which is done by students at university level. • there are many limitations like time constraints’ resource constraints’ denied access to various data. • Subjectivity and biases in the research is a phenomenon which generally incorporates • Researcher will use all methods to keep the subjectivity incorporation to a non significant level.
RELIABILITY AND CREDIBILITY • All precautions will be taken to ensure that data collected is objective’ reliable’ valid and credible in nature. • Data will be collected from only authentic and reliable resources • Before analysis data will be sorted and any data which is redundant or invalidated will be removed.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION • This section will fulfill the aim and objective of the research by answering the research question. • Recommendations are made on the basis of a in depth literature review and data analysis. • It will provide salient features of comparative analysis in a logical manner • Recommendations for future will be made
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