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Learning and Skills Provision 2008 / 09. Welcome. Introduction. 01. Statement of Priorities. 02. Priorities 2008/09. Creating demand for learning and skills Transforming the FE system to meet demand Delivering better skills, better jobs, better lives
Learning and Skills Provision 2008 / 09 Welcome
Introduction 01
Statement of Priorities 02
Priorities 2008/09 • Creating demand for learning and skills • Transforming the FE system to meet demand • Delivering better skills, better jobs, better lives Invest in people: to give them the skills they need for success in work and life
Targets to 2020 Young People • Increase educational achievement with the aim of preparing every child and young person with the knowledge and skills to succeed in education and life Adults • Improve the skills of the population by 2011, consistent with the aim of having a workforce that has a world-class skills base capable of sustaining economic competitiveness by 2020
Key messages Young people • Offer for 100% of young people – increase participation • Deliver the entitlement, September guarantee at 16 AND 17 • Roll out of diplomas • Target efforts to provide Specialist provision to engage Young People who are currently not in employment, education or training (NEET) • Significant growth in Apprenticeships Adult Learning • Develop a core adult offer to help people upskill, reskill and learn in each local area • Within public funding focus on disadvantaged • Progression – to higher levels of learning and employment
Key Messages Employers • Massive ramping up of Train to Gain activity required • New flexibilities to enhance the Train to Gain service • Local Employment Partnerships – skills for jobs and Train to Gain • Integrate Employment and Skills • Local Employment Partnerships must be ready to deliver for employers who sign up • Locally we need to put together packages of support for individuals and employer. • Focus on meeting local needs and tackling disadvantage through priority learning delivery – it isn’t an either/or we need more disadvantaged individuals on priority learning
Key Messages A world class system • Continue to focus on increasing responsiveness • Much greater emphasis on fees and commercial work • LSC to continue with role of market maker – intervening where the market is not responding • Investing in infrastructure – leadership, capacity, capital
Demand Led Funding 03
Mode of Delivery School/college/ provider-based Employer-based 16-18 offer, part of 14-19 entitlement 16 –18 Budget Provision funded through strategic commissioning without in/end-year reconciliation Apprenticeships (funded through employer-responsive model Train to Gain service: TtG funds, NVQs in workplace; Apprenticeships 19+ (funded through employer responsive model) Provision funded through strategic commissioning with in/end-year reconciliation 19+ Budget
Funding Formula • Standard learner number (SLN) • X • National Funding Rate • X • Provider Factor • + • Additional Learning Support (ALS) • = • FUNDING ALLOCATION OR OUTTURN IN £
Provider Factor = Area Cost using current factor x Programme weighting average weighted by SLN x Disadvantage average weighted by SLN using IMD2004 x Success factor balances funding between starts and success
Funding Agreements www.lsc.gov.uk/providers/funding-policy/strategic-overview/ • The type of funding agreement will depend on the type of organisation. • Further Education Corporations who are successful will be funded under the terms of their financial memorandum. • Other public bodies such as local authorities will be funded under conditions of funding. • All other organisations will be expected to agree to the LSC standard contract for education and training. • All organisations responding to these ITT’s will be taken to have accepted the appropriate terms and conditions of funding appropriate to their type of organisation
Funding Requirements • Additional requirements in relation to each programme are set out in the relevant funding guidance which form part of the terms and conditions of funding • Organisations are advised to visit the LSC website www.lsc.gov.uk/providers/provider-procurement to see the appropriate Funding Guidance for the programme for which they are tendering. This will include details of funding rates for qualifications and other programme delivery requirements
Agreeing funding levels • Funding levels of contract to be agreed as part of contract clarification and where appropriate the national funding formula will be applied. • New providers tendering for provision funded using the demand led funding system will soon be able to download a funding calculation programme to support undertake modelling of potential contract award levels. Check on the LSC website for more information www.lsc.gov.uk/providers/provider-procurement/
Procurement Policy We believe that a sensible balance of commissioning and tendering will: • help to secure the provision we need • allow new entrants to the market where they add value and choice; • and, simultaneously, enable good providers to grow • The LSC introduced the e-tendering system in February 2007, because it is quicker, there is a robust audit trail, it is more environmentally friendly, and is more secure.
Procurement Policy • As a public body, the LSC has to follow the public procurement rules and must ensure that the process is open, fair and transparent. • We will issue 3 year contracts (where appropriate) that will be extendable to 5 years subject to performance. Contracts can be varied up and down in value as a result of reconciliation and performance. • Contracts will have start date flexibility to allow provision to start when appropriate (i.e. do not all have to be 1st August).
Schedule Time deadlines will be specified on each ITT We advise providers to submit early
ITTs • Tenders due 6 weeks from ITT • Using fair, transparent and robust scoring framework. • Contract Award panels will agree each contract offer against original tender specification. • Local partnership team may carry out “contract clarification” with relevant providers - this will also be used to agree contract levels. • Contracts awards expected from end of June 2008.
PQQ’s PQQ’s closed on 3 March 2008 • PQQ Evaluation completed. • Fair and equal consideration given to all tenders. • Consistent process across all LSC regions. • 1746 number of providers successful at this PQQ (4). • 998 had already qualified at PQQ in September 07.
Things you will need to do • Read the “ Read me first” document FIRST • Start early • Save regularly • Publish your response well before closing date – we cannot accept any tenders that are received passed the closing date and time. • Only use the message facility on Bravo for queries • Check that the ITT is complete before submitting • Attachments must be attached • All asterisked sections MUST be completed • If you need guidance try the “supplier help guide” on the e-tendering portal or email help@bravosolution.co.uk
You should not • Try to upload documents other than Word or Excel. • Omit Attachments. • if they are missing when we evaluate then you will not be successful. • Leave it until the last minute to submit / publish your tender(s) • Leave your LSC e-tendering session running with no activity - if you do your session will time-out after 15 minutes and you will lose all unsaved work • Complete requested ITTs for any region in which you did not express an interest as they will not be evaluated
Content: Train 2 Gain Structure of theITT(s) • There is 1 National ITT that MUST be completed for each programme • ‘READ ME FIRST’ Attachment – provides instructions and guidance for completion and details of the programme both National & Regional • National Questionnaire Attachment – specific to the programme. 1 NATIONAL ITT To be completed once for each programme • There are 9 Regional ITT’s for each programme (you should only complete those regional ITTs for which you expressed an interest): • ‘READ ME FIRST’ Attachment – provides both national & regional instructions and guidance for completion and details of the regional tender. • Regional Questionnaire Attachment – specific to the regional programme requirements. • Regional Demographic Spreadsheet Attachment – specific to the regional programme requirements. 9 REGIONAL ITT’s 9 Regional ITT’s to be completed for each region for which you wish to provide the programme
Read the READ ME FIRST Thoroughly Refer Back Opening the ITT(s) NATIONAL ITT READ ME FIRST Instruction and Guidance & National & Regional Objectives NATIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE Quality, Equality & Diversity
Attachments Word Excel ONLY! Opening the RegionalITT(s) SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS What’s required and where QUESTIONNAIRE What and How you intend meet the requirements SPREADSHEET Numbers / Outputs / Locations
Read the READ ME FIRST Thoroughly Refer Back Opening the RegionalITT(s) REGIONAL ITT READ ME FIRST Instruction and Guidance (access from National ITT) REGIONAL SPECIFICATION & REQUIREMENTS AND QUESTIONNAIRE
PLEASE NOTE Late Tenders cannot not be considered The time deadline will be specified on each tender document The content from these events is available athttp://www.lsc.gov.uk/providers/provider-procurement/
Regional Requirements 05
Regional Requirements - ESF • ESF ITT’s to be launched at the end of next week • ESF ITT’s builds on the LSC London regional C-financing plan & London ESF Framework • ESF ITT’s split into three areas: • Youth • Adult • Employer responsiveness
Regional Requirements - ESF Youth Activity funded under ESF Priority 1.2 • Eligibility for Activity restricted to 14-19 year old participants' who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). • ITT’s build on previously tendered activity and address geography or specific participant groups
Regional Requirements - ESF Adult Activity funded under ESF Priority 1.1 • Eligibility for Activity restricted to unemployed or economically inactive participants' of working age • ITT’s build on previously tendered activity and address geography or specific participant groups • Specific groups will include: Offenders/ex-offenders People with disabilities
Regional Requirements - ESF Employer responsiveness Activity funded under ESF Priority 2 • To be eligible participants' must be in employment • ITT’s build on previously tendered activity and address geography or specific participant groups
Regional Requirements Questions
Regional Requirements Skills for Jobs
Regional Requirements – Skills for Jobs Skills for jobs is the umbrella term used by the LSC to cover a range of pre-employment training and skills interventions. It includes: • Short, job specific and more responsive to employer needs and flexible in duration • Delivered broadly under the skills for jobs umbrella • Closer working with Jobcentre Plus (JCP) locally • Progression opportunities into Train to Gain and sustainable employment
The London context… The London Skills & Employment Board (LSEB) chaired by the Mayor, set out 4 key challenges in its consultation document: Challenge 1: A fundamental change to the employment and skills support available for Londoners Challenge 2: An ambitious new Employer Programme for London employers
The London context… Challenge 3: A new level of responsiveness from London’s learning and skills providers to ensure that skills provision is focused on meeting genuine needs Challenge 4: An integrated skills and integrated employment infrastructure.
London LSC key priorities… Priority 1: Improving the educational opportunities for all Londoners Key challenges for London There is a mismatch between the jobs available in the labour market and the skills levels of residents, with 40 per cent not having a level 2 and 14 per cent having no qualifications; Approximately 900,000 residents (19 per cent) have literacy levels below level 1; 2.3m (48 per cent) have numeracy levels below level 1; and 600,000 have ESOL needs.
London LSC key priorities… Priority 3: Integrate skills within economic development and employment Key challenges for London More than half London’s boroughs (18 of 33) feature in the top 30 per cent most deprived in the 2004 Indices of Multiple Deprivation;
London skills for jobs priorities Under the Comprehensive Spending Review, London Region LSC secured some additional flexibilities around adult provision to fund skills for jobs type provision over the next three years. In 08/09 we will, through negotiated commissioning fund £9.3m worth of ESP provision and approx £20m under open tender under the skills for jobs banner, which falls into 6 categories.
Our skills for jobs commissioning requirements In 08/09 we are looking for skills for jobs bids under the following 6 categories: • Local Employment Partnerships; • Skills for jobs for homelessness adults; • Skills for jobs for ex-offenders/offenders in the community; • Skills for jobs for learners with learning difficulties and or disabilities; • ESOL for professional migrants; and • Skills for jobs for higher level skills (part L2/3)
Skills for jobs funding… • Local Employment Partnerships – up to £10,050,000; • Skills for jobs homeless adults – up to £2,200,000; • Skills for jobs OLASS – up to £2,200,000; • Skills for jobs – LLDD up to £1,940,000; • Skills for jobs – ESOL for professional migrants up to £1,700,000; and • Skills for jobs – higher level skills (L2/3) £3,750,000
Key features of skills for jobs provision • Under LEPs the LSC is the JCP preferred supplier of pre-employment training; • In London we are looking to award contracts across 6 JCP districts (not coterminous to LSCs); • Provision needs to be flexible and responsive to meet employer needs, bespoke or SSC endorsed sector employability toolkits; • Opportunities to develop links with TtG and sustainable job outcomes
Key funding features… There is a total unit cost of £1500 per participant based on the following funding methodology: • 50% of funding on the completion of at least one substantial engagement activity(ies) as set out in the Individual Learning Plan/Job/Skills Plan; 25% of funding on entry into a job within 6 weeks; and • 25% of funding on remaining in sustainable job (13 weeks or more)
Local EmploymentPartnerships What are local employment partnerships (LEPs)? LEPs are a new ground breaking initiative of giving 250,000 Jobcentre Plus (JCP) overlooked and priority customers the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to get into work and to develop those skills to stay and progress in work. It is a partnership approach between JCP and employers, supported by DWP, DIUS and the LSC.
Integrated Employment andSkills (IES) Trials London is expected to host at least IES Trials from autumn 2008 commissioned by DWP and DIUS. In addition some trialling of screening and diagnostics for the Adult Advancement and Careers Service are likely to be layered over the IES Trial areas. Successful bidders under skills for jobs ITTs in London will be expected to actively participate in IES Trials as and when they are rolled out
Regional Requirements Questions