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Youth and media. Teachers and media/ict. ”I would rather be dead than on Facebook !” ”I prefer chalk and blackboard – smartboards and pc`s only distract my pupils .” ” Books are more valuable than movies .” ”I don`t think ict skills are fundamental skills .”
Teachers and media/ict • ”I wouldrather be deadthanonFacebook!” • ”I preferchalk and blackboard – smartboards and pc`sonlydistract my pupils.” • ”Books are more valuablethanmovies.” • ”I don`tthinkictskills are fundamental skills.” • ”I will never buy a smart-phone and certainly no iPad!” • ”I wish I could turn theclock back!”
To discoverone-self Digital body (Boyd) MUD – multiuserdomain (Turkle) – simulatedpuberty/adolesence
Identitetsutvikling Identity and understanding roles (Ziehe) Commercializedyouth Lifestyle-industry Consumer – Producer – Prosumer (Drotner)
Ritual media use (Subject) specific media use What is thedifference?
Major Findings: YOUTH USE ONLINE MEDIA TO EXTEND FRIENDSHIPS AND INTERESTS……. …. youthengage in peer-based, self-directedlearningonline…... ….in interest-drivenparticipation, adults have an importantrole to play. Youthusingnew media oftenlearn from their peers, not teachers or adults. ……… the21st century, educationinstitutionsneed to keep pace withthe rapid changesintroduced by digital media.
Herethey hang around… and learn Interest driven ----- friendshipdriven …..By itsimmediacy and breadthofinformation,the digital world lowersbarriers to self-directedlearning…. They ”geekout” … receive feedback from ”expert peers”…..
New media allow for a degreeoffreedom and autonomyfor youththat is less apparent in a classroom setting. Youthrespectoneanother’sauthority online, and theyareoften more motivated to learn from peers than from adults. Theireffortsarealsolargelyselfdirected, and theoutcomeemergesthroughexploration, in contrast to classroomlearningthat is oriented by set, predefined goals. Altså: Nye medier gir de unge merfrihet og autonomi enn skolen. De unge respekterer hverandres autoritet og de er ofte mer motiverte til å lære fra venner/kontakter enn fravoksne. Virksomheten er ofte mer eksperimenterende enn det de opplever i klasserommet.