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OCE421: Marine Structure Designs, Fall 2006. Prerequisite: OCE307Instructor: Dr. James Hu, Prof. in OEOffice: Sheets Building, Rm. 220Phone: 874-6688Email: hu@oce.uri.eduClass Hours: M,W 2:00 -3:15 pmClass Room: Room 117, Sheets BuildingOffice Hours: By appointment. Teaching Assistant. Mr.
1. OCE421 Marine Structure Designs Lecture 1
Fall, 2006
2. OCE421: Marine Structure Designs, Fall 2006 Prerequisite: OCE307
Instructor: Dr. James Hu, Prof. in OE
Office: Sheets Building, Rm. 220
Phone: 874-6688
Email: hu@oce.uri.edu
Class Hours: M,W 2:00 -3:15 pm
Class Room: Room 117, Sheets Building
Office Hours: By appointment
3. Teaching Assistant Mr. Nate Greene
Office Hours: TBA
Office: 202 Sheets
4. Mailing List
5. Primary Textbook U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (1984) Shore Protection Manual, Vol.1 and 2, Vicksburg, MS: Coastal Engineering Research Center. (it is now out-of-print)
Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM)
6. Grading Policy Homework Assignments: 10%
Mid-term Exam: 30% (10/23/2006)
Quizzes: 30%
Project Report and Presentation : 30%
7. Homework Assignments 5-6 homework assignments
No late homework accepted
Using MATLAB extensively
8. Project guideline, Fall 2006
2-person or 3-person teams allowed
Project proposal: due Nov. 1
Final report: due Dec. 4
Presentation: Dec. 6 and Dec. 11
9. Project proposal
must include:
general statement (statement of problem)
design site description
proposed coastal structure
map and bathymetry plot near the design site
wave data base to be used
10. Final Project Report must include:
general statement (statement of problem)
design site description
proposed coastal structure
planning analysis
map and bathymetry plot near the design site
design wave and design water depth
complete structural design
cost analysis
alternative design and cost analysis
environmental impact analysis (optional)
concluding remarks
11. Effects of Water Waves Waves are the major factor in
determining the geometry and composition of beaches
significantly influence the planning and design of harbors, waterways, shore protection measures, coastal structures, and other coastal works.
12. Physical Description of a water wave its surface form
the fluid motion beneath the wave
13. Progressive/Standing Wave A waveform which moves relative to a fixed point is called a progressive wave; the direction in which it moves is termed the direction of wave propagation.
If a waveform merely move up and down at a fixed position, it is called a standing wave or a clapotis.
14. Oscillatory/Nearly Oscillatory Waves Water waves are considered oscillatory or nearly oscillatory if the water particle motion is described by orbits that are closed or nearly closed for each wave period. The linear theory describes pure oscillatory waves.
Most finite-amplitude wave theories describe nearly oscillatory waves since the fluid is moved a small amount in the direction of wave advance by each successive wave. This motion is termed mass transport of the waves.
15. Wave Classification by Wave Period One way to classify waves is by wave period, or the wave frequency. Of primary concern are gravity waves which have periods from 1 to 30 seconds.
A narrower range of wave periods, from 5 to 15 seconds, is usually more important in coastal engineering problems.
16. Gravity Waves Surface tension forces may be neglected.
Gravity is the dominant restoring force.
Oscillatory water motion is the result of the interaction between gravity and inertia forces.
17. Seas and Swell Gravity waves can be separated into two states:
Seas - when the waves are under the influence of wind in a generating area, and
Swell - when the waves move out of the generating area and are no longer subjected to significant wind action.
18. Wave Parameters and Characteristics A (simple) wave is completely specified by wave height, the water depth, and the wave period (or wave length).
Other characteristics of interest:
Wave surface profile
Forward speed (celerity)
Particle velocities, accelerations, and motion paths
Dynamic pressure field
Kinetic and potential energy
Wave power and momentum flux
19. Monochromatic and Irregular Waves Monochromatic waves – a single (deterministic) wave height and period.
Irregular waves – statistical (probabilistic) distribution of wave heights and periods; and wave spectrum (wave “power” versus wave frequency)
20. Design Wave Conditions (for a specific location) Various design requirements – different types of design wave information are needed
Effective wave measurement, analysis, and prediction techniques are needed.