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Hello, I am your new teacher, Mr. Lunceford.Please find a seat. Everyday there will be a warm up activity on the board. For today’s warm up, please quietly write the following information on the index card at the desk in front of you. You have 5 minutes. If anything is unclear, please ask. • Your name • What you like to be called • What is your major • Where you are from • What you like about school • What you don’t like about school • Is there anything I should know about you that will help you be awesome in this class? • Is there anything interesting that you want me to know about you? • On the other side, draw a quick picture about yourself.
Social Studies Push the reset button
Expectations -Every day you will have a warm up -Every day we will read and write something write something -Everyday we will have work *Reminder* work can also be fun. -Every day you will be required to participate in class -Every day we will practice what we have learned -Every day we will leave the room clean -Every day I will excuse you from your seat
Expectations -Every week we will have 5-10 vocab words -We will record these words in our Notebook -Every day we will practice these words -You will be responsible for knowing these words -Every unit we will take a test -Tests will be written, oral and multiple choice. -Every week you will have homework -1-2 times per week you will have homework -Often there will be some class time to get work done, if you are focused and efficient
Expectations -You will know what is expected of you . -We will do projects. -You will have choices to make these assignments fit you. -There will be specific requirements for each project. -We will write a paper -This will be an on going research project due near the end of the year. -We will learn. -We have work to do. -We will be productive and efficient. -We will have fun.
Respect: • Treat everyone like you would like to be treated. • Kindness out equals kindness in. • Keep ourselves to ourselves • Name calling, bullying and any other mean behavior will not be tolerated • Don’t speak when others are speaking • Raise you hand to speak in class
Respect • Treat the school, classroom and grounds like your own home. • Write on your paper, not on the desk, walls, yourself. • Throw trash in the trashcan. • Clean up any mess you make.
Respect • Be ready to work (Participation) • Be on time • Bring your materials. • Bring a good attitude. • Bring questions. • No Food and drinks • No technology
Consequences -Name Board -Detention, call home, HOMEWORK -Example of name board behavior -Tardy -Speaking out of turn -Leaving a mess -Disrespect in any form -Kindness out equals kindness in -Immediate call home and referral to the office -Bullying -Any behavior that puts your self and/or classmates in danger
Pick the music (Appropriate) • Call home (the good kind) • High five (Who doesn’t like High Fives) • HW pass • Teacher chair • TBD
GRADING POLICY: • Process- • -Attendance, notebook and participation- 20% • -Homework and Classroom assignments -30% • Products- • -Assessments and Projects- 40% • *I know there are extenuating circumstances that may arise and accommodations are certainly possible.
Grading Policy Semester grades will be determined as the assignments come in on a rolling basis. A final exam will determine 10% of semester grade. Grading Scale 90% – 100% = A 80% – 89% = B 70% – 79% = C 60% – 69% = D < 60% = F
Required Materials • 3 ring binder + 5 dividers • Lined paper • Pens and pencils • Colored pencils • Ruler and compass • Planner
TARDIES: Timeliness is a life skill necessary to succeed in the arts community. Tardiness will be addressed by the administration if it becomes a problem in the classroom. EXTRA HELP: I will be available for tutoring Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45 until 3:20. You need to make an appointment to see me. If you come to tutoring please bring necessary supplies including your book. I want to make sure you are learning and happy in my class. Please talk to me if you need help.
Procedures • SIT (Silent Individual Time) • Quiet work alone • Raise your hand to ask a question • Discussion • I will lead discussions. Raise your hand to comment and respect other’s right to speak. • Group work • We will do plenty of group work. Work at a reasonable volume (no yelling). • Raise you hand. If I don’t immediately acknowledge, politely get my attention. • Bathroom • Sign in • If you are late, please sign in and leave pass to make sure you are counted present.
Come talk to me • Make sure it is a respectful time. • I want to learn more about you. • If any situation emerges, please let me know.