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RtI Tier II ( PEP)and Tier III Training. Wake County Public School System. Desired Outcomes. Participants will… Increase their understanding of Tier II and Tier III processes within the RtI framework
RtI Tier II (PEP)and Tier III Training Wake County Public School System
Desired Outcomes Participants will… • Increase their understanding of Tier II and Tier III processes within the RtI framework • Understand the changes to the Tier II and Tier III EASi tool and how they relate to the RtI framework • Create effective Tier II and Tier III plans using the EASi tool.
Speed Dating Icebreaker Dating Rules: You have 2 minutes per date Name 1 effective RtI trait at your school Name 1 RtI trait you are looking for. Get digits if needed!
Responsiveness to Instruction RtI is the framework for a system that… Provides high quality academic and behavioral instruction and intervention matched to student need Monitors progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction, learning, or behavior goals Applies student response data for making important educational decisions for students
Tier I: Core Instruction Core instruction delivered with fidelity will have • Clear learning and behavioral outcomes • Alignment of the written, taught, and tested material • Research-based best practices for facilitating instruction • Differentiated approaches to meet the needs of students • Formative assessments to accurately assess student learning and adjust instruction • Reteaching opportunities when students are not meeting academic and behavior learning targets
Tier II Tier II academic and behavior instruction goes beyond the comprehensive core program to provide explicit instruction and/or guided practice in targeted key areas to meet the needs of struggling learners. This level of instruction is done in a small group either within the classroom through the use of additional instructional time or through a specific class or supplemental/extended-day program.
Tier III Tier III is a process of supporting and monitoring students who have not responded to core and strategic academic and behavioral instruction. Through the use of teacher collaboration with Tier III Case Managers and/or other school specialists, school staff implement intensive interventions.
Role of Tier II PEP Contacts Primary point of contact at the school level for disseminating information related to Personal Education Plans (PEP) and supporting the implementation of the EASi RtI Tier II • Attend the centrally offered Tier II (PEP) Training • Regularly share EASi Tier II tool and PEP updates and other information provided by Intervention Services with school staff • Serve as the “first responder” EASi resource for school-based users
RtI and PEP In Wake County Public Schools, a PEP is an intervention plan that addresses the student’s needs in order to prevent failure that leads to not being promoted or graduating. The PEP is now found under the tab RtI Tier II, in EASi. http://www2.wcpss.net/departments/intervention/pep.htm
RtI and PEP What different kinds of intervention plans do you currently develop and implement at your school? Report Card Tier III Tier I Plan Tier II These can all serve as PEPs !
State PEP Requirements • Must include focused intervention and performance benchmarks • Interventions, supports and services, and accelerated activities should include evidence-based practices that meet student needs • LEA shall provide these activities free of charge • LEAs shall give notice of the PEP and a copy of the PEP to parents or guardians • Parents should be included in the implementation and the ongoing review
RtI and PEP • Tier I • For students making sufficient progress: Report card comments that clearly identify strategies that are in place to support the student in areas of concern • Or • A plan created at the school level that: • addresses intervention strategies at the universal level • addresses large groups of students needing standard supports in Core instruction
RtI and PEP • Tier II • Tier II Intervention Plan developed and progress monitored on EASi • or • Report card comments that clearly identify strategies to be put in place to support the student in areas of concern. • If a student is making 1s OR 2s with NO P ROGRESS, a PEP is needed. 2s with Growth– Report Card is Sufficient
RtI and PEP • Tier III • Tier III Intervention Plan developed and progress monitored on EASi
EASi Tier II • Identify Tier II Team responsible for implementing, monitoring, and reviewing interventions • Identify General Area(s) of Need LITERACY BEHAVIOR MATHEMATICS SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES OTHER HS CONTENT AREAS
EASi Tier II SAME NEW Identify Specific Skills Access to below level skills Lists are automatically associated with the related Specific Area of Need Literacy and math lists align with skill lists in Tier III
EASi Tier II SAME NEW Identify Interventions • Lists are automatically “chunked” to associate with Specific Areas of Need • Interventions are labeled ‘Elementary/Middle/High’ • Many have ‘hover over’ comments with additional information
EASi Tier II SAME NEW Add Progress Monitoring Tools Lists of assessments are updated and aligned with Specific Areas of Need and grade levels Progress Monitoring Details Box: Baseline Data, Short Term and Long Term Targets
EASi Tier II SAME NEW Create Plan Document Create a separate plan for each General Area of Need Literacy Math Behavior
EASi Tier II NEW Progress Monitoring NEW Conduct Tier II Plan Review Separate Process Step for each General Area of Need Data is logged and automatically graphed Rule of completion requires at least one progress monitoring data point be entered before a plan can be reviewed Separate Process Step for each General Area of Need Team summarizes progress Decision Points Create Tier II Plan Review document with graph, comments, and team decision
Create Tier II Team: Reflections What is your school’s process for assigning Tier II Case Manager’s? What is your school’s process for determining members on the Tier II Team?
Tier II Planning and Create Tier II Plan: Reflections • What structures and processes are in place to facilitate effective Tier II planning? • Who is responsible for creating the Tier II plans (PEPs) in the EASi tool? • How is your school ensuring that the person responsible for implementing the intervention has the skill set and necessary materials to implement that intervention? • What is your protocol for determining frequency and scheduling Tier II Plan Review meetings? • How are these processes communicated to your staff? • Is it working? If not, what changes need to be made?
Progress Monitoring and Tier II Plan Review: Reflections What is your school’s process for determining who progress monitors the Tier II (PEP) Plan? What is your school’s process for reviewing Tier II (PEP) Plans? Looking Ahead…. What professional learning and structures will your teachers need in order to develop effective PEP plans to meet student needs?
What Happened to SST? • Student Support Team • Student Success Team • Student Study Team • Student Strategy Team • Multi-Disciplinary Team • Problem-Solving Team • RtI Team • Tier III Team: • Language coincides with the Three-Tiered Model
Purpose of Tier III Team Provide the individual student with more intensive and targeted interventions Develop and implement a collaborative plan utilizing evidenced-based interventions Progress monitor to assess student response to the intervention. Make decisions usinga problem-solving model
Extra-Duty Position: Above and Beyond Tier III Facilitator Tier III Case Manager • Leads Tier III Team and delegates tasks • First-Responder for EASi Tier III Tool • Trains necessary staff members • Collaborates with administration • AND all of the expectations of a Case Manager Oversees student caseload Knowledgeable of Core Instruction Specific Skill Set Specialist Expert of EASi Tier III tool Demonstrates knowledge of interventions and screening processes
Reflection: Tier III Request What is your current protocol for submitting Tier III Requests? If a student in Tier II is intervention resistant, the Grade Level Tier II Case Manager will contact the Tier III Case Manager to start a Tier III Request.