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A Proposed Timeline for Status Epilepticus Patient Treatment

A Proposed Timeline for Status Epilepticus Patient Treatment. Edward P. Sloan, MD, MPH Associate Professor Department of Emergency Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago, IL.

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A Proposed Timeline for Status Epilepticus Patient Treatment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Proposed Timeline forStatus Epilepticus Patient Treatment

  2. Edward P. Sloan, MD, MPHAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Emergency MedicineUniversity of Illinois College of MedicineChicago, IL

  3. Attending PhysicianEmergency MedicineUniversity of Illinois HospitalOur Lady of the Resurrection HospitalChicago, IL

  4. Clinical Questions • How rapidly can the initiation of AEDs be provided in the Emergency Department? • How rapidly can the actively seizing patient be controlled in order to reduce morbidity and mortality? • What is a reasonable standard of care for SE treatment in the ED?

  5. SE Protocol Timeline • 0 - 20 min: Initial Rx Benzodiazepines • 20 - 40 min: Phenytoins • 40 - 65 min: IV bolus medications • 65 - 90 min: IV infusions

  6. SE Protocol Timeline • 0 - 20 min: Benzodiazepines • 20 - 40 min: Phenytoins • 40 - 65 min: Phenobarbital Valproate • 65 - 90 min: Propofol Midazolam

  7. SE Recommendations • Develop a SE protocol • Make all therapies available in ED • Dose in a full mg/kg basis • Anticipate the use of the next Rx • Watch the clock continually • Document the timing of the Rx

  8. Questions?? Edward P. Sloan, MD, MPHedsloan@uic.edu312 413 7490

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