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Shi ʿ i & Sunni

Shi ʿ i & Sunni. Succession to Muhammad Fatimah & Ali Hussein & Hasan Shi ʿ a / “Party” of Ali Imam. Shi ʿ i & Sunni. Early Shi ʿ i Groups. Kaysaniyah al-Mukhtar (622-87): leads revolt Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah (d. 700) Imam not descended from Fatima Imam goes into “hiding”

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Shi ʿ i & Sunni

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  1. Shiʿi & Sunni • Succession to Muhammad • Fatimah & Ali • Hussein & Hasan • Shiʿa / “Party” of Ali • Imam

  2. Shiʿi & Sunni

  3. Early Shiʿi Groups • Kaysaniyah • al-Mukhtar (622-87): leads revolt • Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah (d. 700) • Imam not descended from Fatima • Imam goes into “hiding” • Zaydis (740) • Zayd = Hussein’s grandson • Yemen

  4. 1. Sevener or Ismaʿili Shiʿism • Jaʿfar al-Sadiq (d. 765): 6th Imam • Ismaʿil ibn Jaʿfar (721-55) • Musa al-Kazim (746-799) • Agha Khan

  5. The Druze • Offshoot from Seveners / Isma’ilis • 16th Imam: al-Hakim (996-1021) • Ruler of Fatimid Empire (Egypt) • About 1 Million • Israel, Syria, Lebanon

  6. 2. Twelver or Imami Shiʿism • 12 Imams through Musa al-Kazim (as 7th) • 874: 12th Imam disappears • “Occultation” or Hiding • 941: Greater Occultation

  7. Offshoots from 12er Shiʿism • Groups identifying Ali, Fatima, Hasan, & Husein as divine or semi-divine • Nusayris / Alawis • Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, C. Asia • Ali = incarnation of God • Many restrictions not observed

  8. Islamic Law • Faqih • Shari’ah • Fiqh • Ijtihad • 5 schools – 1 Shiʿi, 4 Sunni

  9. Legal “Categories” • Things that must be done: prayer, ramadan, etc. • Things that must not be done: drinking alcohol; murder • Things that should be done: showing hospitality to strangers • Things that should not be done: being cruel to animals

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